Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 248 Southern Cross (First update!)

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"My lord." After bowing his head in salute, Casilios hurriedly raised his head, looking at the supreme mage sitting behind the low table. He was very anxious, and this emotion was squeezed out from the gap between his brows, overflowing from the corners of his eyes and fluttering nose, anyone could easily feel his anxiety. He couldn't help being anxious, because he had already received many text messages from Salomon Damonet, and the Eye of Agamotto and the planetary defense system had also detected magic power fluctuations belonging to black magic from the etheric plane, but His Holiness was not in a hurry at all, and seemed to be allowing his favorite disciple to come into direct contact with the forces of the devil.

Modu always said "the venerable has his own mind", and Casilios didn't like this statement, it sounded like he had lost his mind. He knew that His Holiness had complicated reasons for every decision, but he had to ask about it—he had watched Salomon grow up, and since he lost his family and devoted himself to Karma Taj, Salomon Lomon, a newborn baby, became his transference object. Salomon is too good, he treats this child as his own child that never existed, and he has always been proud of him-this emotion even relieved his wife's cry from the abyss a lot, infinite The endless nightmare is also far away from his dreams.

He had to ask this matter clearly, he couldn't let this child get hurt.

"Mephisto signed a contract with me." The only answer from the venerable was this, and Casilios felt that this answer could not extinguish the flame in his heart. "Why." Casilios raised his head disrespectfully, and asked the venerable, "We should have attacked to destroy Mephisto's forces, and Salomon is already asking for help."

The venerable didn't care about Casilios' offense, she glanced at the disciple who was about to be ignited by anxiety.

"Mephisto will not do business at a loss." The venerable shrugged, but no one saw it, "Since Mephisto dared to sign such a contract, it means that he has other plans, the so-called taking back the incarnation It is very likely that it is only one of the purposes. Before we can really find out Mephisto's thoughts, every step of ours is likely to fall into his calculations. The Eye of Agamotto cannot completely count Salomon's Destiny, the silver key on his chest, also makes it harder to predict him. But don't worry, Casilios, he can handle it, and I have prepared for him-he is a child in your opinion , but in Mephisto’s view, his identity is not that simple, and Salomon’s presence there is also a deterrent to Mephisto.”

Casilios pursed his thin lips and turned his head to look aside. He doesn't doubt the Venerable's methods, and he also knows that the Venerable's prepared measures to deal with Mephisto will definitely work, but this does not mean that he can let go of his worries and leave the thinking to the Supreme Mage just like Modu .

As for what the method was, Casilios couldn't guess it. He only knew that His Holiness had summoned three magicians from the Merlin School to enter the headquarters of Karma Taj—he glanced at Balthazar who was sitting silently by the side, This guy who looks a bit like Johnny Blazer. Still wearing his tattered leather trench coat that looked like it hadn't been washed in months, the magician sat behind a low table with his eyes closed, seemingly dozing off, while his disciples and his wife visited Kamatei There are many facilities in Ji headquarters.

The Venerable noticed Casilios' absent-mindedness and his scrutinizing gaze.

"There is a relationship between the Merlin School and Kama Taj. What they bring is the means I prepared for Salomon. If you have studied the plane, you can guess what I mean. What is it? Unfortunately, I haven’t taught you this part of the course—it’s about the relationship between the main material plane and the Dirac Sea. This is an advanced content of plane studies. Students must have certain The basics of mathematics and physics." The Supreme Master said happily, "You still have time to make up your lessons, Casilios, Salomon's learning progress is much faster than yours. As for other problems, you don't need to worry, Salomon Meng is stronger than you imagined, and he gained more there than you imagined—remember to reply to the two witches in the same way, now is not the time for them to appear."

Salomon's harvest was indeed a bit big. When he attracted the attention of the necromancer, the man-made man not only brought him the head of the necromancer, but also brought him a man in a black dress, Tall woman with bright lipstick. It's just that when the artificial man pulled the woman's long black curly hair, the charm she was supposed to show had long since disappeared. The tight long skirt was covered with dust and dilapidated, and her makeup was blurred by tears. She screamed. She begged and patted the man-made man's arm constantly, trying to stand up again, but the man-made man just brought her in front of the mystic so ruthlessly.

The mystic gave the artificial man a look (actually a telepathic call), and the artificial man pushed the woman to the ground and stepped on her chest. With a scream and scolding at a very fast speed, the woman's long black dress was torn apart by the artificial man. On the white and plump chest that jumped out, a black tattoo of an inverted cross and a six-pointed star was very conspicuous. ——This is a symbol of belonging to the Southern Cross cult group in Russia. This cult group is an out-and-out devil worship group, and it is also one of the targets of Kama Taj's perennial strangulation. It's just that because these sects are hidden among ordinary people, even the mystics of Kama Taj can hardly distinguish their identities, so it is normal for some fish to slip through the net. Salomon just didn't expect that he would Meet a devil worship order from Moscow in Romania.

"Is it alright?" The woman spoke English with a strong tongue, she no longer tried to cover up her proud figure, but let go of her hands and showed it openly. The torn clothes were curled up at the base of her thighs, and her legs rubbed against each other, slowly taking off the only clothes on her body, and finally hanging on her raised toes.

"I am willing to serve..." The woman's tone was extremely gentle, but the voice rang in everyone's ears, stirring the heartstrings. Captain Rogers immediately turned his head away, while the members of the action team stared straight at it, only Salomon and the artificial man remained unmoved. One was not interested in this, and the other was completely immune to it. Salomon kicked the woman to make her calm down.

The creed of the Southern Cross is that "people should not limit their carnal desires, but should use all means to satisfy them." The ability of this devil-worshiping church is to achieve its goals by seducing the opposite sex or the same sex. It belongs to the kind of positive An organization with weak combat capability but extremely harmful. The emergence of this organization reminded Salomon that the order under Mephisto does not include the Southern Cross. Cults of Cult—Is there any cooperation between the lords of hell? Does the Supreme Sorcerer know about this?

The mystic asked the man-made man to step on the woman's hands, and he squatted down by himself, taking out a knife for interrogation. Although Captain Rogers wanted to stop it, Salomon struck quickly, and the giant sword of the man-made man was also very deterrent. These cultists who usually use addictive drugs for rituals are not so strong in willpower. No sooner had the blade opened the first wound than she confessed everything she knew.

She was just a pawn used to pass the message, used to supervise the attacks of dark wizards and supernatural creatures, and it was she who forced the necromancer to cast spells again, because she represented the devil behind her. Although she doesn't know much magic, but because of the glamorous appearance and means bestowed by the devil, she has a certain influence in the devil worship sects such as the Southern Cross and the Black Angel. In the blood sacrifice ceremony, she can even Share the offerings of Lilith to preserve your looks. And the last news this woman said made Salomon squint his eyes—"She wants King Solomon!"——this woman was telling the truth, she said it after the skin on her chest was peeled off by the mystic He said this, and this sentence has been repeatedly verified by the double torture of magic and physics. Soon, she was begging for death.

Captain Rogers was very dissatisfied with Salomon's cruel interrogation methods. In his opinion, the barbaric act of peeling off the skin for interrogation should not appear in a civilized society. In this regard, the mystic was a little disapproving and even wanted to laugh, because the Anglo-Saxons always had a dark sense of humor when they said these words. He patted the dust on the shrine cloth and stood up. When he turned his head to look at the members of the action team, no one was willing to look at him. He also shook his head and prepared to return to the monastery. "What are you going to do?" Captain Rogers asked.

"To prepare for a great battle," said the mystic. "We have more than one enemy."

Thanks to Hellscream 2015 for the 100 point reward!

Thanks to Brother Jianqi Ji for the 100-point reward of No. 1 trumpet!

Thank you for the 100-point reward that flowers bloom and fall!

Thanks to Qingping Sword Spirit for the 100-point reward!

Thanks to Lao Zhu for being a skinny guy for his 100 point reward!

Thank you Qitai for your 100 point reward!

Thanks for the 100-point reward from the mango-loving wolf!

Thanks to the High Priest of the Faceless for the reward of 500 points!

Thanks for the 100-point reward of Fengzhiyunxiao!

Thanks for the 100 point reward of nuclear fission!

Thank you God Dream for your 100-point reward!

Thanks for the 100-point reward from Jushi Zuiyue!

Thank you Murong Jinchen for your 100 point reward!

Thanks to JOKERRISING for the 100 point reward!

Thanks for the 100-point reward from Wuguzi!

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