Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 250 You Can't Get Rid of Your Fate (First Update!)

Up to now, Salomon can't directly open the portal to take away Danny and the Ghost Rider. He has drawn the secular forces into the battle of dimensions. If he leaves directly, these agents will face There is no doubt that there will be no defense against the attack of black magic. So he can't leave S.H.I.E.L.D. - this has nothing to do with his personal preferences, whether he likes Hydra or not, it's purely rational thinking.

As long as ordinary human beings face magic attacks, Kama Taj’s mystics are responsible for helping them. No matter who these people are, what race they are, what power they are, or what ideology they are, Kama Taj always treats them equally, let alone He was the one who brought in the secular forces. It is not acceptable to run away. This is the responsibility of his supreme mage's favorite disciple, and it is the responsibility he will bear after accepting the magic power of Emperor Weishan.

Even maintaining the stability of the main material plane is also within his responsibility. Who told him to take the holy sword?

It's not that he didn't want to bring Ghost Rider and Danny the Devil back to Karma Taj, but it won't work. Because if these two people are placed in the headquarters of Kama Taj or the three holy temples, it means that these two people are placed under the protection of the supreme mage, which is inconsistent with the contract. If the supreme mage leaves the earth for the time being, these two people can hide in Karma Taj, but this also means that both the headquarters and the temple have lost their top-level combat power to directly confront the combined forces of the lower planes—so Salomon They can only be transferred with SHIELD, which is also an extremely helpless move.

After Nick Fury left, the mystic sat next to Johnny Blazer frowning, playing with an unopened syringe for a while, and poking Johnny Blazer twice from time to time, wanting to see See if he's awake. After a while, seeing that this guy didn't intend to wake up at all, he stood up and slapped Johnny Blazer who was lying on the bed twice.

"Master, is this useful?" the artificial man asked. Salomon shook his head, "I don't know, it's like this in movies anyway. Look, isn't this waking up?"

"I... Where am I? You are... You are that wizard!" Johnny Blazer sat up from the bed in horror, as if waking up from a nightmare. Fortunately, he did not experience symptoms of delirium after injecting a large amount of narcotics, which allowed Salomon to communicate with him smoothly. "You've been asleep for almost a day." The mystic said, and he roughly told Johnny Blaze everything after the Ghost Rider's failure to snatch the boy, and then he saw the guy fall back on the hospital bed, using his arms Covering your eyes, looking tired——"Your leather jacket has been washed." Salomon said, "This may be the best way to prevent your sudden transformation. You only have this sick body all over your body now." Clothes, I don’t think clothes that can show your butt are not in line with the aesthetics of the Vengeful Spirit, even if you want to transform now, you may be rejected by the Vengeful Spirit.”

The mystic spoke to himself. He told Johnny Blazer what he was going to do next and why he did it. He didn't know if the world's most powerful stunt biker would listen. "How can I get rid of this mad soul?" he asked. "Father Mauru promised me that he will help me get rid of it."

"He can't do it, Johnny." The mystic told him the truth without hesitation after achieving his goal (using the ghost knight to find the demon descendant). Deceiving and concealing, just to achieve his own goals, Johnny Blazer immediately understood Salomon's thoughts. "You know!" He gritted his teeth, recalling the constant clamoring hunger of that crazy soul, the scorching heat and weakness that permeated his body, as well as the increasingly rapid heartbeat and the blood that could not be supplied in time. What flows is no longer blood but flame.

"You knew it from the beginning, but you just didn't say it because you needed me, right?"

"Yes." Salomon admitted very happily, "It is useless to blindly seek help before you understand the state (what version) of the vengeful spirit in your body. This monastery is indeed You can temporarily suppress the spirit of revenge in your body, but it is useless, because the spirit of revenge that cannot vent its anger will break through the seal sooner or later, and you will be completely unable to stop it at that time. The reason why Molu said he can help you , that’s because he doesn’t know enough.”

The mystic paused for a moment, observing Johnny Blazer's expression. When he said those words, Johnny Blazer's forehead was already covered with cold sweat. This was caused by the hunger of the Vengeful Spirit, which could not be suppressed by any means. It's just that Salomon's "leather tactic" seems to have played a role. The Vengeful Spirit really doesn't want to expose his pelvis casually. No matter how hard Johnny Blazer tries, the Vengeful Spirit is not willing to appear for the time being. The body tortured him repeatedly until Johnny gave up struggling.

"Do you still think your soul belongs to you?" Salomon leaned towards Johnny, and he said softly, "The day you lose the Spirit of Vengeance is the day when Mephisto takes back your soul. The devil's interest is notoriously high, and you can do anything outside the contract. You didn't bargain well when you signed the contract. I can guarantee that you will lose not only your soul, but everything you care about will suffer. Stop dreaming, Johnny, it is your destiny to become a Ghost Rider. No matter what kind of torture this fate brings you, you can only endure it, because the current situation is the best result for your future. A hundred years from now, your situation will be worse than it is now... Uh huh, don't talk back, don't use the liberal spirit of Americans, I tell an American that shit can't be eaten, he will go and taste it, and then come back and blame me Don't stop him. I know what you're thinking: 'What the fuck is this brat talking about?' 'I'm just going to try!'. You can do it, no problem, but before that, I want you to be you All you want to do is fight the devil with me."

The mystic whispered devilishly, "You cannot resist fate, Johnny."

"What's going on?" Nick Fury asked the mystic. But Salomon didn't have time to answer his questions. He was busy with the scrolls collected in the sacristy and put them in his waist pocket. These documents can greatly enrich the books of Kama Taj When he did this, he deliberately avoided those ascetic monks-not long ago, Captain Rogers returned to the monastery with the action team and the ascetic monks who met halfway with long knives, bibles and incense burners. The monks of the Xiu sect did not notice at all that their sacristy collections were dumped.

"How's it going?" Nick Fury asked again. Salomon then replied, "What happened?"

"Ghost Rider!"

"Very frustrated, very angry, and very unconvinced." The mystic shook his head. Johnny Blazer really played the spirit of basic human rights of liberalism. After he stumbled out of the medical tent, he went to find Father Molu in disbelief. Father Molu also took Johnny to a certain basement of the monastery. They promised to come back before S.H.I.E.L.D. left, so Salomon let them play.

"Damn." Nick Fury sighed, "Then what happened to you and Captain Rogers?"

"He thinks that I am cruel to the highest priest of the Devil Worship Order. As the incarnation of justice, he doesn't want to talk to me." Salomon said with some teasing in his tone, "If I am cruel, then you should go pick Cotton, Nick Fury."

Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. glanced at the trickster mystic, but didn't answer his words.

"Without Agent Romanov, any of you could have quarreled."

"Be careful, I haven't participated in your boy party from the beginning to the end, I'm still a minor." The mystic narrowed his eyes, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"


Jia Geng put it on the weekend, and fell asleep after a while after work, too tired.

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