Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 251 Machine Battle (Second Update!)

From time to time, Father Molu walked past Salomon with a smug expression. Even though they were in the crowded cargo hold of the transport plane, Father Molu would rather not wear a seat belt to show off his achievements in front of the mystic. His result was sitting next to Salomon——Johnny Blaze's expression became much calmer after being purified by Father Molu, but the worries in his heart did not decrease in the slightest.

The words Salomon said still haunted Johnny Blazer even after the Vengeful Spirit subsided, and the speech about fate made him realize that the Vengeful Spirit was his only support. Fortunately, the Vengeful Spirit doesn't disappear, it's just suppressed. Johnny Blazer enjoyed a moment of tranquility, even if it was only for a short while, he hadn't had a good rest for a long time, and he didn't care what Salomon was going to do!

The cargo bay of the Airbus has been converted into a makeshift ward for the wounded. Father Molu walked around among the wounded, until he came to a stretcher and appeared to be about to do the last sacrament, and then he was chased out by the medical staff (the same extremely violent doctor)—— The light above the head is not the holy light from heaven, and please don't take the ravings of the heavily sedated and unconscious wounded seriously. They don't need the last sacrament, and their lives are not in danger.

"Ha!" Salomon sneered at Father Molu in time, and all he got was a blank stare. The mystic was not angry either. He unfastened his seat belt and went to the upper cabin through the spiral staircase in the cargo compartment. Due to Father Molu's consumption of alcohol, Nick Fury has put away all the alcoholic beverages in the bar. Salomon went there just to find something to eat. He has missed two meals and now urgently needs to replenish his calories.

The evacuation operation went smoothly. Under the cover of Captain Rogers and the arriving F-22 escort fighters, SHIELD did not have any more wounded. Now, the Airbus is heading to a secret base with agents, monks, and two other important targets. Agent Melinda May has told Nick Fury the truth about the purification ceremony, and other agents also know about it. (This is not a secret), Nick Fury gave up the purification ceremony under the pressure of Captain Rogers. He was going to lock the boy Danny in the underground fortification of the military base to ensure that the devil would show up under such pressure.

It's just that the reason why those mercenaries suddenly appeared near the monastery has not yet been ascertained, and it is not absolutely safe to place them in the underground fortifications. Therefore, the boy also needs to be protected by Salomon from the surprise attack of supernatural forces.

There were far fewer people in the cabin on the upper floor than in the cargo cabin. After receiving his dinner, Salomon found a seat by the window and watched the scene of the Airbus chasing the sun westward above the clouds. . He saw that the sunlight in front of him dyed the thick clouds in orange-red and gray-purple colors, and some clouds that were too thick even burst out a little lightning when the airbus passed by, and a low roar of thunder broke out. The footsteps of the dawn and dusk line seem to be faster than the plane. Salomon watched the night curtain slowly crawl over the wing, swallowing the transport plane flying in the air little by little. When the airbus was fully wrapped, the mystic finished eating, because Agent Romanov was already sitting next to him, looking like he wanted to disturb him.

"Don't you need to fly the plane?"

"Agent May is enough."

"Then why did you come to me?"

"About that boy," she said, "what are you going to do with that boy?"

"Tsk." The mystic shook his head, "I don't know either, just let it be. If His Holiness speaks, then follow His Holiness' instructions."

"What about your own thoughts?" Natasha asked, "Your teacher is not here, and neither is your senior brother. You have the right to deal with it on the spot."

"Why do you care so much about this boy?" Salomon glanced at the female agent, but found no expression on her face. "What do you want, Natasha?" the mystic asked. "Do you need this boy to live to fill the void in your heart? The best outcome for this boy is to live under the watchful eyes of Kama Taj, There is no way he could join Kama Taj, he would be tortured to death by alien magic. And because of the hidden power in his blood... we can only hope that power will never be tapped."

"I need to give that mother an explanation, Salomon, don't be so heartless." Agent Romanov felt helpless, "I can understand her feelings, she is now running around with a group of people she doesn't know and trust, looking for The way to rescue her child, I can imagine her powerlessness and fear. Be considerate of her feelings, what she needs is peace of mind."

The mystic nodded and agreed with Natasha's statement. He really didn't mind giving the person more humanitarian care on the basis of being able to resolve the incident. As long as Nadya could accept her and her child under lifelong surveillance, Salomon didn't mind doing his best to save the child's life. But when he was about to speak, two loud explosions interrupted what he was going to say next, and then the airbus jolted violently, and he saw a few small black people in the darkening night The dots hovered near the wing, and one of them even grabbed the wing, while the two escorting F-22 fighter jets had long since disappeared.

That is definitely not a bird that interferes with flight!

Agent Romanov also discovered this problem. Aircraft radar can detect birds, but under normal circumstances, birds will only appear in front of the aircraft instead of the rear, so most of the time, no one will care about those too small reflection signals from the rear (Drones are bigger than birds), and sometimes those signals are even actively filtered out.

So these Mach 0.9 birds catch up to the plane from behind.

"What's that?" Agent Romanov asked.

"Some kind of flying monster." Due to the light, Salomon did not see the shape of those creatures clearly, but he already had a certain understanding of the combat capabilities of these monsters, because they were already peeling off the wings of the plane. He even saw a black figure being carelessly burned to ashes by the exhaust flames of the jet engine. The alarm sounded, and Nick Fury also hurried out of the office. Under the command of Agent Romanov and the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., all agents stayed at their posts. The Airbus had activated its defense system, and two cannons rose from near the wings, firing continuously.

It didn't help much, though, and the monsters stopped flying higher than the planes after they found out. S.H.I.E.L.D. still needed to make an emergency landing, because those monsters kept pouring out of the clouds. With an accidental thunder, the mystic saw that the dense black dots behind the plane were rushing towards here.

The plane accelerated again, but couldn't shake off the monsters. Salomon walked towards the connection between the Airbus and the Quinjet fighter jet, and Agent Romanov opened the hatch after receiving the signal, allowing the mystic to go out. The roaring wind blowing from the rear lifted his holy skeleton cloth robe, and the bitter cold wind continuously stripped the mystic's body temperature, but the mystic was not unprepared - the spider walk technique allowed Salomon and the artificial man to Walking on the surface of the plane without being blown down by the strong wind, the strong respiratory system helps him absorb the oxygen in the air as much as possible in the thin air environment, and the steady and strong heart provides oxygen for Salomon in extreme environments, enduring the environment The spell allows him to withstand the low temperature, so that the blood circulation will not affect the battle.

After Salomon and the artificial man walked out of the hatch, they immediately encountered a monster lying on the fuselage and grabbing a metal plate. This monster has wrinkled skin and fangs protruding from its face. The sharp and long claws on the palms of its hands are even more eye-catching, especially the pair of huge bat wings proves the identity of this monster.

When Salomon met it, the monster immediately let out a sharp howl, and after the howl ended, it rushed towards Salomon without hesitation. The man-made strode forward and stood in front of the mystic. She swung her weapon and cut the monster in two. The giant sword left a long scratch on the metal plate. "Master, what kind of monster is this?" the artificial man asked, "The illustrated book you gave did not indicate the type of this monster."

"I don't know, but it looks like a vampire." Salomon frowned and shouted. He felt that things were getting more and more serious. He had never encountered these vampire monsters. In fact, this is also quite normal. Although most of the vampires in this world are of the Dracula bloodline, the source of power to become a vampire is not Dracula, but Lilith (emphasis added), so other derived vampire monsters are still There are many, but most of them are hidden very deep.

After the monster howled, more monsters surged out from the clouds and under the fuselage, accompanied by bursts of chaotic screams, like a huge group of noisy bats. The cannons of the Airbus roared loudly, but they still couldn't completely eliminate the monsters.

Salomon and the artificial man immediately fell into a bitter battle. There were too many of these monsters, and they rushed towards the mystic master together. At the very beginning, Salomon could still use the magic flame to shape and use the magic power of Visandi to cause great damage to these monsters. For a while, orange-red sparks flickered everywhere, but soon he had no time to chant spells He had no choice but to draw out the fallen leaf long knife at his waist to fight.

The hatch opened again, and Captain Rogers, with a cable tied around his waist, stepped out against the strong wind, holding his shield and pistol. The mystic swung a long knife, and a huge blood-colored giant blade appeared out of thin air, chopping off the legs of a vampire monster that was rushing towards Captain Rogers. After Captain Rogers reacted, he pressed his shield against its chest, stuffed the pistol into its mouth and fired a few shots.

"I thought you wouldn't come." Salomon said to Captain Rogers who ran over.

"Of course I'll come. Besides, I've met this monster once, in Germany."

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