Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 253 Lilith Mystery (Second Update!)

According to legend, Lilith and the Queen of Sheba, Lilith and Solomon have extremely complicated relationships. Regarding the origin of this demon, there are different opinions even in different classics collected by Karma Taj.

Some books claim that Lilith was originally Lilitu, the incarnation of the storm in Mesopotamian mythology, or Bharat of Canaan; some books believe that Lilith lost her body before she became a Mesopotamian god. She has been separated and abandoned by the three angels in different locations on the earth (or imprisoned in the body of Tiamat in the original ocean of life), but her soul is wandering on the earth. Incarnate as the Atlantean gods, she created the first vampire, and after the Atlantean gods were forgotten, she became the Mesopotamian gods; in some legends, Lilith She is the daughter of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, but she is pregnant with King Solomon's child (Salomon is not sure whether this statement is correct).

The "Bible Isaiah" claims that Lilith is Lamia, the prototype creature of vampires; also in the "Bible", Lilith became Adam's first wife, and then left Adam and fell into the lower ranks The plane combined with Samael and gave birth to many children, but was driven away in the end; even in some people's mouths, Lilith is the succubus of the lower plane, a nightmare banshee representing lust, and her lovers are all over the world. Various gods.

But no matter which of these contradictory statements are correct, which are wrong, or are all lies, there is one fact that is indisputable, that is, Lilith is very interested in King Solomon. Salomon didn't know whether it was the avatar or the body of Mephisto who joined her, but when the cunning Mephisto used Salomon as bait, Lilith was hooked immediately.

Salomon let out a long sigh of relief. He ignored Captain Rogers who was suspended in the air by a cable, but raised his head to look at the sky. After Beunita stopped, the dense thunderclouds in the sky dispersed, and two huge female demon busts emerged from the clouds. They were Madame Butterfly who had contracted with Beunita and Joan of Arc. The contracted Mrs. Styx and the two witches stood in front of the two demons, looking down at the mystic.

Lilith, who stretched out one arm from the portal, stretched out the other hand after being stopped, and both hands pushed the door of the portal wide until half of her body was stretched out. Leaving aside the thoughts of ordinary people in the airbus after seeing this scene, as far as Salomon himself sees it, he never imagined that such a sophisticated technique as a portal could be expanded by brute force. Beunita and Joan of Arc jumped down from the magic circle in the air and landed on the deck of the aircraft. Mrs. Styx and Mrs. Butterfly disappeared instantly, and the Airbus with one wing still burning fell down rapidly again, whirr The sound of the wind filled the mystic's ears again.

Captain Rogers had climbed back to the cabin along the cable, otherwise he would have to experience another bad turbulence.

"Boya, did you miss me?" Bayonetta was still in the mood to say hello, and she even kissed the mystic's face, which seemed to be a certain attitude on the surface. Joan's expression was much more serious, because the demon with a huge half body was waving at the Airbus again. Although Salomon also wanted to ask why they appeared at this time, but now is not the time to ask such questions .

"Ceresa!" Jeanne reminded Beunita of the urgency of her situation.

"Okay, okay." Bayonetta blinked at the mystic, and then summoned Madame Butterfly again. This time, Madame Butterfly's aura was more fierce than last time. Beunita also summoned the complete body of Madame Butterfly. The toothless Lilith rushed over. The two huge female demons fought into a ball in the air. Every time Madame Butterfly threw her fist, it would be accompanied by a sharp roar breaking through the speed of sound, and every time Lilith's counterattack would overflow with dazzling magical brilliance. Salomon continued to apply the feather fall technique to the falling Airbus, trying to slow down the falling momentum of the transport plane, and Joan of Arc was not idle. When Salomon cast the spell, she and the artificial man slaughtered the chasing vampires.

Just where Salomon didn't see it, Joan jumped out of the plane deck, stepped on the vampire creature with high heels and climbed all the way up, and then fell freely. Only blood-sucking species can get a fatal bullet. Behind the slowly falling Airbus, a huge blood-colored rose is slowly blooming from top to bottom, like crimson silk fluttering on the tail of the plane. But this spectacular scene was blown away by a gust of wind before anyone could appreciate it - Lilith and Madame Butterfly "accidentally" passed by the Airbus during the battle, and the gust of wind caused by the battle was no less than In the face of a hurricane, Airbus was like a fallen leaf in the face of the storm, and was overturned several times in the air.

Salomon didn't know what happened to the people in the plane, but from his own point of view, it was not a good feeling. Spider Walking is not a fictional gravity spell. He has been under the influence of gravity. The airbus that flips rapidly is equivalent to the drum of a washing machine, and the mystic is a cat that accidentally fell into the drum. When the airbus finally stopped slowly After that, he was already dizzy. Fortunately, the Feather Fall technique does not require him to maintain it, and the airbus is still slowly falling, which is barely good news.

When the airbus floated down into a dense dark forest, the two huge female demons were still fighting in the sky invisible to ordinary people. The light that brightens the night sky judges the situation of the battle. Through the flickering light, he saw the figures of Bayonetta and Jeanne shuttle through the aftermath of the battle, cleaning up those vampire monsters.

After a long while, the cargo compartment door of the Airbus opened stumblingly, and the facilities inside the scarred transport plane were barely able to operate. Nick Fury came out from inside with a gloomy face. When he saw Salomon standing on the plane deck looking up at the sky, he suddenly felt angry. But he can't lose his temper, because the two women fighting in the sky are the cohabitation objects of Salomon.

When he began to investigate Salomon, he found that the people around the mystic were full of doubts, whether it was the two charming women who lived with him or his beautiful adoptive mother, their identities were extremely suspicious Characters, early experiences are all blank. Nick Fury has been adopting methods of spying and investigation, trying to find out Salomon's weakness through these people, and when necessary, he intends to use these people as bargaining chips to blackmail Salomon.

But now it seems that the two cohabiting partners are the same human-shaped nuclear bombs as Thor, and they are still uncontrolled human-shaped nuclear bombs. S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't understand them at all, let alone threaten them. If they are willing, it will be a breeze to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury is now starting to regret having a hand in the magic side. When Salomon made the proposal, he was quite tempted, thinking that he could have a glimpse of the real magic world, not through Salomon. mouth to understand. Now it seems that the wizarding world is far more dangerous than he imagined, and a boy (Danny) can be involved in such a terrible battle.

But before he could figure out how to speak, a bullet hit the burning Airbus behind him. Although such a sound was drowned in the bursts of thunder, for a long-term agent, such a sound was enough to make him raise his vigilance to the highest level. Nick Fury immediately got down on the ground, turned over a few times on the ground and hid behind a tree. He took out the pistol and looked into the dark forest with one eye - he roughly deduced the position of the shooter from the position where the plane was hit. Now he only hopes that he can spot the enemy, because the attack from behind is the most difficult He defended, he didn't want to get shot in the back.

He glanced at Salomon who continued to stand on the plane. The mystic seemed not to have heard the gunfire, nor the sound of bullets colliding with the plane. He was still looking up at the sky. Nick Fury didn't intend to remind Salomon that he had seen how useless bullets were to mystics. If a bullet hit Salomon, it would be a good reminder.

After a while, there was still no gunfire. In the deep forest, there was only one light source, the burning wing. The mystic standing on the plane was extremely conspicuous. After Nick Fury whispered through the earphones to the agents who were still in the plane to prepare for battle, he lowered his body and slowly moved towards the position where the gunshots were heard before.

But just as he was about to move on, a spear with orange-red sparks flew into the forest in front of him at a speed that was barely visible to the naked eye. The faint light that erupted from the magic spear at the moment of collapse allowed Nick Fury to see the appearance of the enemy—it was a human, but it was the people who had appeared in the Romanian monastery before, those mercenaries.

"Not a bad trick." A pale figure came out of the dark forest, clapping his hands, casually praising Salomon's magic. If the boy's mother were here, she would definitely be able to recognize the man in front of her who had changed greatly.

This man is the mercenary who took the boy away, the human who died under the giant sword of the man-made man, Nadia's ex-boyfriend Carrigan.

However, he is no longer human.

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