Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 254 Multiple tricks (first update!)

Carrigan is not human, and no one would think that the guy in front of Salomon is human. He didn't come back from the dead. The wound cut by the artificial man still stayed on Carrigan's body. Some kind of sticky substance glued the two parts of the body together. Every time Carrigan moved, the wound would tear apart a little. Then it was glued back by that substance. He was still a dead man, with a pale face and a rotten smell. Obviously, he had been given some kind of supernatural power by his master.

When he walked out of the dark forest, the tall trunks of the coniferous forest beside him were slowly rotting, as if they lost their vitality in an instant. Meng saw all this clearly. This is a trap, he thought, this is Mephisto's trap, including Lilith's appearance and the location where the Airbus fell, and the devil cast a spell to predict the location of Salomon and the boy. Perhaps the old devil had already guessed the appearance of the witch, so he used Salomon as bait to catch Lilith, and used Lilith's power to stop the witch--Mephisto did it, and the appearance of Lilith made Beyo Nita and Joan could hardly spare their hands. Summoning Madame Butterfly and Madame Styx required a huge amount of magic power from the witches, and they had no extra power to help Salomon solve Mephisto's tricks.

"You should give that boy to me, boy." Carrigan ignored the sharp gaze of the mystic, his voice was hollow and monotonous, and phlegmatic, as if some kind of mucus was lingering in his throat, he Without saying a word, a small bubble of foul-smelling mucus popped from the wound. "I want the girl next to you if I can. I remember she killed me, didn't I?"

Salomon hated this pompous tone, and his target was not Carrigan but his master. Therefore, the mystic did not give the dead man any extra glances or answers. He stopped the man-made man, pulled out the wand from his waist, and pointed at Carrigan. Accompanied by a roar, the flames burst out suddenly, swallowing the smug Carrigan in his stomach, the rotting trees broke and shattered under such an impact, and the damp sawdust was ignited in the air, floating into dots of flames. fire. Thick smoke rose from the jungle, and the wounds on the rotting body were the first to ignite. A stream of air gushed out from the wounds and burned, and the wrinkled, pale skin burned brightly as if soaked in oil. In the flames, the Carrigan burned from the inside out into a twisted, human-shaped torch. Although he didn't feel any pain, the mystic didn't give him any extra time. He used his wand again, creating a dark red light source among the dark woods.

"This is not enough, Mephisto." Salomon's voice was very clear even in the harsh sirens of the Airbus. He turned into the empty, dark forest and said, "Just one undead creature is not enough for you to take that boy."

It seemed that he heard what Salomon said, and the sound of rustling footsteps came from all directions. The droid informed her master of the situation in the shadows of the jungle, and Salomon nodded, putting his wand back on his waist. At this time, the two demons in the sky are still fighting constantly, from the main material plane to the shallow ether plane (Purgatory Realm) separated from reality by a thin film, their battle has no intention of stopping at all. Maybe it was because of the turbulent flow of magic power released by Lilith when she cast the spell, or maybe it was the violent wind created by Madame Butterfly's supersonic fist that drove the cumulonimbus clouds to collide with each other. Relentlessly fell from the sky.

What is the plan of the Supreme Master? Salomon knew nothing, but he trusted His Holiness, and this trust allowed him to stand fearlessly on the deck of the plane, watching the approaching enemy. The heavy rain extinguished the burning flames of the engine, and the pungent smell of ozone and burnt electronic components floated into Salomon's nose along with the hot white smoke. Drilling in, sliding down his back, the icy rain was slowly stripping him of his heat.

Immediately afterwards, Nick Fury saw a shocking spell show.

A wall of fire surrounded the glade where the Airbus was located, isolating it from enemies outside, and the rain was evaporated into white vapor. The water vapor did not spread around, but condensed and spread around with Salomon's gestures. Hot water vapor shuttles through the dense forest. The casting of the spell was not over yet, and the water vapor near the airbus became thicker and thicker. A beam of lightning accurately hit the surging water vapor from the mystic's fingertips, and then a series of explosions occurred——Salomon ionized the water vapor, Detonated with a wall of fire, destroying all approaching enemies at once. After the hot air expanded outwards, it quickly contracted, blowing the remaining white water vapor towards the Airbus, completely covering up the position of Salomon and the aircraft.

Then the remnant flames spread on their own without interference, forming a human figure. A white-haired old man in a suit walked out of the flames with a cane. "Salomon." The old man's voice was still accompanied by the sizzling sound when the fire was extinguished by the rain, and he said affectionately, "You should know what I think, I only want that child. That's not right for you. What a loss, isn't it?"

The mystic walked out of the mist stepping on the muddy ground, and the artificial man followed him step by step. "You are the avatar, my dear Mephisto, you are not qualified to decide what the real Mephisto thinks," he said, "and I don't understand your intentions, if you think I will put the boy It would be too stupid to leave it to you."

"Beylier is not the only one who wants your soul. Both the devil and the devil can see your value. You have also seen it, and the devil Lilith is also coveting you." The devil pointed to the sky in the sky. Flash, "Although I am just an incarnation, after I gain power, I can also help you fight against the body in hell. At that time, the authority of hell will belong to me. I am the real Mephisto, and I can also Sign a contract with you. As long as I want that boy, you can also complete the task of fighting hell, this is a deal that neither party will lose money."

Salomon's eyes flickered. This avatar didn't seem to know about the signing of the contract between the devil itself and the Supreme Mage, and it seemed that this avatar was responsible for Lilith's move. In order to avoid the influence of the main body, the avatar deliberately avoided the influence of the devil. He should have contacted Lilith through the Southern Cross Order, so the mystic met the cult priestess. However, Salomon would not believe a single word that the incarnation of the devil said about seizing the authority of hell to fight against hell. Such a vision is too good, and such words from the devil's mouth are no less than poisonous honey, only a fool would forget the danger in this sweetness while enjoying the sweetness on the tip of his tongue.

What the avatar said was not all lies. Both the devil and the devil wanted his soul. If the avatar united with the demon, it would be easier for Mephisto's body to unite with the lords in hell. What's more, Mephisto's body will never put the hope of solving the incident on the mystic, and it is simply instinct for Mephisto's body to unite with other hell lords to obtain greater benefits.

However, Salomon has not seen the appearance of the forces of hell until now, that is to say, Mephisto's body has not yet been shot. This kind of thinking made Salomon more vigilant. The devil is cunning. Maybe Mephisto's main body plan has been shot, but he hasn't noticed it yet.

The battle in the sky gradually stagnated, and finally became silent. Madame Butterfly has a real devil character, and her overzealous desire to fight even makes Lilith seem to think that it is meaningless to entangle with Madame Butterfly in the main material plane, and they have no power in the main material plane. Only after returning to the lower plane, Lilith could compete with Madame Butterfly, so she took advantage of the distance from Laka to return to her own plane, and Madame Butterfly chased after her regardless—— Not without backup, Lilith has bred many monsters. There are so many types of monsters, and no one knows who she bred them with. On Madame Butterfly's side, there are several female demons to help, and Madame Styx will also take the soul of the dead witch to participate in the battle. An abyss battle between different levels is about to begin.

Fanatic demons don't pay attention to any strategies or calculate gains and losses. A hearty fight is far more interesting than any other entertainment.

This was a lower plane turmoil caused by Salomon, but he didn't know it yet. In his view, the battle between Lilith and Madame Butterfly is over, Lilith has left the main material plane, and the witch can free up her hands to help him solve the problems here. So he raised his eyebrows at Mephisto's avatar, signaling that the devil's calculations had failed.

However, the devil incarnate just tilted his head and smiled, as if laughing at the young man's imprudence.

"You should see it more clearly, Salomon." He said, "Although this body is powerless, I have far more servants than you can imagine. I will always be the winner."

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