Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 256 The Knight Who Works Harder (First update!)

As the gates of hell gradually expanded, Salomon and the artificial man jumped out from behind Casilios. The mystic didn't even have time to stop it. The weapon slashed towards Mephisto's body. Mephisto's body cannot leave, because as long as he leaves, the hell monsters he brings can only become the targets of Kama Taj hunting, and this portal will lose its meaning-this is countless Hundreds of mercenaries, private arms of arms dealers, and collective blood sacrifices of Eastern European cult groups only opened the door. With Mephisto's penny-pinching personality, it is absolutely impossible to waste hard-won blood sacrifices in vain.

Salomon guessed right, this is a directional sacrifice, and these souls of Mephisto do not need to be divided with other hell lords. Although the number of these souls is smaller, even less than the number of American soldiers who died after the United States launched a war in the Middle East, Mephisto has not experienced the joy of eating alone for a long time. He even wanted to give a speech on it, titled "The Huge Profits and the Pleasure of Profit in the Channel Monopoly Industry", but Salomon didn't give him this opportunity-if it was another occasion, he wouldn't mind listening to Mephisto Lectures, but not now, he is in a hurry.

However, Mephisto is smarter than everyone here, especially in the art of intrigue and magic. Mephisto can hang up all the mystics (including Salomon) with one hand and beat ( Literally), you can breathe without taking a breath. Unless the witch summons those hot-headed female demons again, pushes back the devil king with brute force, and then lets Kama Taj slowly deconstruct and destroy this gate of hell, no one here will survive, after all, magic is not Just kidding, it’s not magic if an eleven-year-old junior high school student wields a small wooden stick and sets off sparks. Once an advanced spell such as a portal makes a mistake, the danger it brings is not small at all, whether it’s for the caster or the magician. This is true for the recipients.

Salomon also foresaw this situation, so he and the artificial man's knife swing was just a feint attack. He wanted to take advantage of the situation that Mephisto was busy expanding the gates of hell and could not spare his hands to deal with them. Rough way to victory. The attack he was going to use was neither melee nor magic, but a trick he had learned since he was twelve years old and was still out of date even now.

"In the name of Vishan," he murmured as he flung himself on Casilios' shoulder, the cyborg perfectly covering up the small movement of his fingers (gesturing a three, symbolizing the Trinity Vishan Emperor's gesture, Casilios almost guessed what Salomon was going to do after seeing it).

"In the name of Oshutu, the god of white magic, I order you to stay away from this world!" When he said the last few words, Salomon almost shouted—this is the part he hates the most. It's not magic, it's a disorderly spewing magic power, even letting him rub a huge magic missile with no technical content will make him happier than swaying magic power here.

The artificial man avoided the attack from behind extremely agilely, but the black tight dress with lace was still inevitably burned by the rapidly expanding high-temperature magic power, and the delicate lace was slightly scorched and curled. At the same time, the witches fired their bullets first, and rushed to the front of Salomon and the artificial man, hitting the target earlier than the magic power.

It happened in an instant, within the time it took to say a few words, the witch raised her gun and fired. Although they didn't know what Salomon was going to do, they still supported the idea of ​​their cohabitants with practical actions, and the barrage they subconsciously covered did indeed attract Mephisto's attention.

In that instant, hot positive energy rushed out of Salomon's palm like a river breaking an embankment. Before everyone had time to blink, Mephisto was submerged by a wave of positive energy and did not send out little noise. The overly large and scorching positive energy spewed out from Salomon's palm, and in an instant, a white-gold wave that covered the sky and covered the sky and covered the gate of hell head-on in the forest. All the vegetation below the wave was scorched, and Salomon's palm, which was the source, was also scorched black.

This is the second time he has tasted the feeling of being scorched by Weishandi's magic power. The last time he was severely carbonized, almost dead. He dropped the long knife in the other hand, and grabbed his ring-wearing right hand instead, forcing himself to maintain communication with Weishandi, and output the huge amount of magic power of Oshutu, the god of white mages.

"Enough!" Casilios hurriedly held Salomon's palm that had started to turn black when he took his third breath, and cut off the connection with Visandi. Casilios glanced at the three gemstone rings that had been burned unevenly but were still bright, and he understood why Salomon could act as a channel for Visandi to do things that other mystics could not do. ——Because the magic power did not pass through Salomon's body at all, but flowed directly from the ring. The Supreme Mage did not allow Salomon's body to accept the magic power of Visandi—no wonder there is only a small magician in Kama Taj. Mage Wang and Salomon could not accept the Qingshui cabbage from the headquarters. The former was simply greedy, while the latter had the biggest appetite because there was no external magic power to support the body's physiological activities.

Although Casilios had no intention of revealing the truth, he still remembered what the Supreme Mage said before Salomon was born. He has only a little bit of the Venerable's thoughts so far, but it is not clear enough. As far as it is concerned, the Supreme Mage has always used something extremely dangerous as Salomon's toy, such as the powerful Holy Relic Cloth, Becomes swaddling clothes that are constantly washed in the washing machine.

Perhaps one day, Salomon's own magic power will be enough to support his physical activities, just like Beunita, relying on the magic power to circulate and sleep for five hundred years, but he can't do it now, he is still too young.

In any case, he was still too young. Cascilios thought: Just as young and reckless as the young deacons who came with me. Hell, I never thought that I would say such a thing, and it is usually Modu who says that about me.

Mephisto expressed the same emotion as Casilios. "Youth means impulsiveness, recklessness and fearlessness. Although you usually act steadily, you still can't get rid of that childishness." After the tide of positive energy gradually receded, the gate of hell remained motionless, as if it had not been affected at all. Influence. Mephisto leaned against a doorpost of the gate of hell with disgust on his face, and kept patting his little cloak with his dark red palm with long, slender, sharp black nails. He looked like he was about to vomit at any time. The way it came out.

No matter how cruel and disgusting the picture is, it is an after-dinner pastime for the devil, but only positive energy is the devil's nemesis. Except for the supreme mage, all the mystics of Kama Taj looked to him as dirty children squatting in the mud and playing with mud and excrement, and the overwhelming waves of positive energy that pressed him under him were overwhelming. It's different from putting a full septic tank upside down on the head of a normal human being.

Seeing that Salomon's expression became anxious, Casilios put his hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry." Casilios gently said what he usually hates the most, "His Holiness has already prepared, we just need to let nature take its course."

"What preparation?"

"I don't know either. My math and physics grades are not good." Casilios said, "It seems to be related to the negative energy level of some particles. Although His Holiness said it, I can't understand it. Moreover, the execution It is not Karma Taj who is tasked with this task, but someone else."

who? Salomon was a little surprised, his scorched black hand was being held by the witch, otherwise he would have patted himself on the forehead. How could His Holiness entrust such an important matter to others? unless……

Casilios replied, "It's the Merlin School."

"Then I'm ready." Salomon glanced at the monster that was about to rush out of the gate of hell, "I have to work harder."

Sorry for the late update, I'm super sleepy right now.

In addition, why no one notices every time I play Gundam, is it because I am old?

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