Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 257 The calculation of two generations of supreme mages (second update!)

Salomon's palm didn't feel any pain at all. Although Oshutu's power is white magic, any magic has a price. This time, Salomon released so much magic power that the burnt palm was already considered Oshutu's power. kindness. Joan of Arc and the other mystics stared at Mephisto vigilantly, while Beunita helped with the artificial man, poured the healing potion for Salomon, and then helped pour another bottle of potion into his palm. Salomon suddenly felt that he wanted a baby that still needed to be taken care of, and he wanted to break free, but the embrace of the witch did not allow him to refuse.

Especially Bayunita's reproachful eyes always make Salomon think that he has done something wrong.

Each of the mystics who came to perform the task had two bottles of these alchemy potions, one for minor injuries, one for moderate injuries, and a bottle of restoration potion shared by four people. These potions are made by Salomon with leftover materials when making orders from various dimensions. His healing potions are not too many side effects, so they are widely praised, but spellcasters from other dimensions don’t know about Salomon’s potions. Material usage of water, so he always gets a profit.

When Nick Fury saw those potions, his eyes lit up. At that time, Salomon gave Stark some of those that he secretly withheld for research, but the results were not satisfactory, so that the biochemical emergency team was dispatched to help. Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer research materials, and Salomon still has a lot in his hands. He plans to find an opportunity to discuss this matter with the mystics—it is said that Kama Taj’s life is very inconvenient, and he should can help.

If they are still alive, it is not something that can be encountered casually face to face with the King of Hell, nor is it possible to survive casually if they do.

The crimson film of the Gate of Hell stretched outward continuously, as if the monsters on the other side were squeezing out desperately. As the boss, Mephisto was naturally very happy to see the enthusiasm of the employees, but he felt something was wrong in his heart. He raised his eyebrows provocatively at the mystics who did not dare to act rashly. Even if he left the hell dimension, these Kama Taj mystics were still no match for him.

But Mephisto was also whispering in his heart: the army he formed was not a beast crawling around in hell, but a real devil. Although most of them are lower-level devils, Mephisto is the king of devils. He knows what kind of shit devils are. The hierarchical advanced system can rarely retain the enthusiasm of employees, a lot of punishment and a little reward This is the best way to tame subordinates, this is every weakest little lemur knows how to deal with superiors, how to treat subordinates, and transfer work pressure (although lemurs have no subordinates, they are the lowest, sticky doormat, and when bullied by his superiors, he just mutters bad purgatory that even the devil can't understand).

Devils are only so enthusiastic when it comes to promotions and raises, especially promotions. Although the promotion process is extremely painful, it means that the devil has taken a step up in the devil community. Every step up is a life-and-death test for the devil's workplace survival skills. How to avoid becoming a scapegoat for the boss? How to hand over the heavy work to your subordinates, and what benefits can you reap from it?

But the problem is, Mephisto himself never said that this action should be counted as performance! Even if the lower-level devil dies, he can still be reborn in hell. But it will take a long time to queue, and the soul of expenditure will be deducted, and after rebirth, you will have to work for hundreds of years in vain! When did these lower-level devils work so enthusiastically?

Could it be Lucifer waving his whip behind him?

This is impossible, let alone whether Lucifer will be interested in Salomon Damonet or the spirit of revenge that has been held in his hands. Due to the battle in heaven millions of years ago, Lucifer's body is Unable to leave hell, he can only project a weak phantom like steam outside hell, and this kind of thing will cost him a lot of power, so it is impossible for Lucifer to be interested in things outside hell , unless it will get him out of hell.

Could it be Beelzebub? It is also unlikely that Beelzebub is Lucifer's deputy. Although the relationship between the two has deteriorated a lot after the fall, in most cases, the two fallen angels will cooperate. Lucifer won't come out of hell, and neither will Beelzebub.

Just when Mephisto was thinking hard about why his employees worked so hard, the light film that prevented the devil from entering the main material plane was finally pulled away by the dense limbs. However, the low-level devils who came out of the gate of hell did not show the excited expression that Mephisto expected, which confused the king of hell—it is a good thing for many devils to come to the main material plane to plunder souls It's a good thing that can't be met, even these low-level devils who have never seen the world know that this is a good time to make money.

Before Mephisto caught a panicked little devil to ask for clarification, a large cloud of lightning rushed out from the gate of hell, roasting the little devil alive that hadn't run far. A figure in a black windbreaker and a gas mask came out from the gate of hell, and behind him were many figures in simple Kama Taj mystic robes, and all of these mystics were wearing gas masks. mask. Mephisto was stunned by this scene. He watched the leading spellcaster carry a long metal box in his hand, leading a group of guys who could tell their age without looking at their faces, walking slowly. Filed out, stepped on the still warm ashes of vegetation, those young mystics hurried forward to meet these old guys.

Immediately afterwards, Mephisto felt unprecedented anger, and he quickly realized the loopholes in the contract. It is true that the Supreme Mage cannot interfere with the capture of the avatar, but the contract does not clearly stipulate where the Supreme Mage cannot take action. Therefore, even if the Supreme Mage goes to take Mephisto's hometown, it is within the provisions of the contract to return.

But Mephisto cannot use attack methods other than legitimate defense on the main material plane. This is a contractual restriction, and it is a fair contract.

Fuck fair deeds!

Supreme Mage! The Sorcerer Supreme is cunning and brutal! Mephisto only regretted that his acting skills were too strong. He deliberately showed his anxiety in order to prevent the Supreme Mage from making a move. Even the 500-word contract that should be considered word by word for dozens of hours can only be read for half an hour. Just signed it in a hurry!

It must be the Eye of Agamotto! The Eye of Agamotto has seen what is happening now in the past!

This is not the first time!

Now, Mephisto has no idea what the Supreme Mage's intention is, and he doesn't know how many demons those Kama Taj's old mystics have killed. Is Kama Taj going to counterattack hell? Go back to his own territory and have a look. He is not worried about handing over his territory to other hell lords. Those guys will only happily watch his territory being captured, and then open a bottle of wine to welcome the new neighbors.

The lead caster pulled off the gas mask, and Nick Fury's eyes widened in surprise.

"Johnny Blazer! No, you just look like him."

"I'm Balthazar of the Merlin School. It should be said that the Ghost Rider looks like me. After all, I'm more than a thousand years older than him." Balthazar turned to the King of Hell, and he patted his clothes that seemed to have never been washed. dirty leather, as if he was still wearing the splendor of a court wizard. "It's an honor to meet you, Lord of Hell."

Merlin! Merlin is cruel and cunning! Mephisto's eyes widened. He still clearly remembered the pain that old Merlin had brought him. Although there was no Karma Taj at that time, Merlin's pranks were much stronger than the current supreme mage. up. Although he is a devil, he needs to sleep! Not every devil is as perpetually spirited as Lucifer, the fallen angel! Only fools don't need sleep! When Merlin was the supreme mage, Mephisto suffered more than this, and now he feels a headache when he thinks about it.

No, He wants to go back! But when Mephisto tried to walk back and close the gate of hell, he found that the control of the gate of hell had slipped away from him without a sound.

The King of Hell widened his eyes and looked around.

Merlin! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

"It's a pity that my apprentice didn't see this scene, but he will always be your sword-bearer, Salomon." Balthazar looked at Salomon's almost-good palm, raised the corners of his mouth, and stretched The metal box mentioned dangled in front of Salomon.

"The conceptual arm for dimensional wars is one of the pillars that nail the multiverse to the endless quantum ocean. It is a god-level arm." He said to Salomon, who was still holding the witch's hand, "This is the supreme You have to inherit what the mage used to use, and you can’t let it go. Now, it’s yours, and I believe you can make good use of it and tame it.”

Balthazar turned his head and said to Mephisto.

"Great King of Eternity, let me deliver a message to you as a messenger, noble Lord of Hell," he said. "The king says the war has only just begun."

Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !

Because I was too sleepy, I put the climax part later.

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