Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 259 Marching to Hell (Second Change)

"Phoenix, how many devils do you think there are?" Salomon rode Pegasus, looking down at the densely packed monsters below the cliff. He was in full silver armor, the holy sword and sheath were strapped to his back, and the phoenix rested on Pegasus's head, one of his favorite places, and Pegasus didn't mind at all Phoenix's behavior, it will even share whiskey with Phoenix.

"My Lord, there are many, I suggest going around." Phoenix tilted his head and looked down with Salomon, "It's best to leave before we are discovered."

This was the second day Salomon went deep into hell, and it was also the second day he entered the gate of hell from Europe. He really didn't want to recall what happened that day. When he thought of the witch's eyes, he knew that there must be no good results when he went home that day. Therefore, regardless of not fully mastering the Holy Lance, he hastily signed up for the first conflict between Karma Taj and Hell—anyway, he will go there sooner or later. family conflict. Anyway, he doesn't want to go back now, the witch really knows how to beat people, and it hurts so much, he can't resist, he can only wait for the witch to calm down.

The team going deep into hell is led by those old mystics. Without the Supreme Mage joining, these mystics will not be of much use if they go. At most, they will kill some middle-level devils under Mephisto. , Interfering with the normal operation of the devil society, the one who really made the final decision was Salomon who used the holy sword and holy gun.

Since the core territories of the hell lords all have magic that protects against teleportation spells, only powerful enough spellcasters can forcibly open the portal to enter, which is impossible for the old deacons, and the mystics can only march on foot to get there. As a deterrent, the Supreme Mage, who had appeared briefly once, asked Salomon to act alone, hide, and take a detour to meet with Kama Taj's mystics, creating a safe marching environment for Kama Taj's team.

As for S.H.I.E.L.D., their mission is over, and Danny and his mother will live under the tutelage of Kama Taj to make sure Danny doesn't draw power from the blood of the devil. And Nick Fury made an extremely bold proposal at the time-he wanted to go to hell with the mystic, no matter whether he came back or not. At that time, all the mystics thought that this mortal was crazy, but Salomon knew that Nick Fury really wanted to understand hell and the place where human beings pose a great threat to human beings, so those old deacons agreed with Nick Fury Keep up, but won't keep him safe.

Salomon's guide in hell is the 37th Pillar Demon God Phoenix, otherwise he would not be able to find Kama Taj's large army because he was unfamiliar with the place.

Since it was an action against Mephisto, Phoenix could not bring the ten legions it commanded, otherwise Karma Taj's action would be deemed to be aimed at the entire hell, causing other hell lords to unite with Mephisto. The unity of the devils is a joke. If Kama Taj's mystics pass through the territory of other hell lords, these lords will turn a blind eye. They are also very happy to see Mephisto deflated, even Will fuel the flames later. But no matter how intriguing the devils are, as long as the devils break into their territory, they will fight back. In order to isolate Mephisto, Salomon can only take one horse and one bird deep into hell.

Pegasus snorted and almost threw Phoenix off. Pegasus hated the bad air in hell very much,

The air here is full of sulphur, and it seems that any fire can be ignited. When the strong wind blows without warning, you can still smell the pungent volcanic ash and hear the howling sound floating in the wind.

If a person breathes this bad air for a long time, it is easy to get poisoned or get sick. Salomon doesn't even dare to take off his helmet here. It was hot, and there he could take off his helmet and clean off the sweat and sand.

He just felt that he must be covered in sweat now. The endurance environment spell can still work at the beginning, but after they pass through some extremely harsh environments (such as magma pools), the endurance environment spell can no longer work, and Salomon can only wear a helmet Cut off the bad air.

The size of the hell space is infinite, Phoenix can only find a suitable location that can avoid the detection of all hell lords, and let Salomon teleport over here, which is still some distance away from Mephisto's territory. And they have to avoid all kinds of purgatory creatures to preserve their strength.

It was an arduous march, and Salomon could only hope that he could arrive before the food was eaten, otherwise he would return to the main material plane in disgrace, and then go directly to rendezvous with the team.

This is not a question of whether to lose face or not, but whether it will hurt. The former has no loss, while the latter is the wicked taste of the witch. He is not sure whether the safe word will work for the witch.

A tall tower stands in the endless sea of ​​flowers in Avalon. There is a huge balcony at the top of the tower. There are two figures on the balcony, and one of them is paying attention to Salomon's marching process. "You just sent your heir to hell like this? You should know how attractive the seventh throne is to your heir. What if he really sits on it?" One of the men with a white beard said with a smile, "If he really takes that position, the battle of Jianlan will be repeated."

"I've learned my lesson, how many times do you want to bring up this topic?" The Supreme Mage glared impatiently at the smiling Merlin, as if the honey cake baked by fairies on the table couldn't soften her attitude towards Merlin Some, Merlin, as one of the leaders of the tragedy of Camelot, has been hated until now.

"He won't sit in that position, at least not now. Salomon is an obedient and good boy, although his interests are a bit strange." The venerable said, "For him, sitting on the throne of Satan means forever Can't come down, unless those hell lords sit up, Salomon will fight for the seventh throne in order to protect the main material plane."

"Don't you think your disciple is very similar to you?" Merlin ignored the Supreme Master's excuse, and he was still smiling. "The same great ideals, the same extraordinary talent and strength, and even the same stubbornness in character. I always feel that your disciple is imitating you, and he is likely to repeat you Human beings cannot learn lessons. There is never anything new under the sun. I always feel that your disciple is simply made out of clay by you. He looks too perfect, and all behaviors are too in line with your ideas. .”

The Supreme Master knew that Merlin was right. Although Salomon's character was not dominated by her, it was still influenced by Kama Taj and her. The current Salomon is exactly the same as King Arthur in the past. This kind of him is the original intention of the Supreme Mage to adopt him. It can be said that all the original plans of the Supreme Mage shown by him now are exactly the same. He is indeed a person who can succeed her. People who work and protect the planet.

However, when the plan was halfway through, the Supreme Mage became more and more unable to bear his own behavior, so that he let Salomon get in touch with the witch and the secular society, and wanted to make Salomon become a man who can be called a sorcerer while maintaining that ideal. Things for "people" rather than tools like King Arthur.

The seasoned Merlin discovered Salomon's problem at a glance. He was the one who created the King Arthur tool. He has a deep understanding of the same process-instilling ideals, training skills, ignoring the situation and letting this person devote himself wholeheartedly In the work of accomplishing the vision. And the result of this is to make this person full of paranoia. Today's Salomon has less serious psychological problems due to the soft heart of the supreme mage, and the appearance of the witch has softened his thoughts.

"My lord, you are so contradictory. What kind of person do you want him to be?"

Update on end of overtime.

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