Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 260: Things That Fell From Heaven (Part 1)

The mental illness called paranoia was transmitted by the Supreme Master to her heir, but her heir knew nothing about it, let alone someone in another dimension talking about his mental state. Maybe some of the abnormalities that Nick Fury noticed do exist, and Salomon Damonette also desperately needs a psychiatrist, but the reality is that no one can help his mental state return to the normal range of ordinary people .

For a special individual like him, the mental burden he carried from birth had actually driven him crazy, and the cruel practices of the Supreme Mage when he was a child worsened this mental state even more. The bloody reality that he might come into contact with was forcibly placed in front of him, and made him reap the lives of others with his own hands. Maybe the life with the witch is gradually softening his spirit, but it is unknown how long it will take and whether it will have any effect.

The unconscious Salomon is not in the mood to think about his mental state, he is busy on his way now. Not long ago, he just passed through the territory of Marduk. This devil was identified as the patron saint of Babylonia in the early history of mankind. His personality is closer to that of a demon, so he is considered a lunatic by many hell lords. Since this devil is also a member of the Seventh Throne, Salomon will become a thorn in his side just by showing his face. Phoenix did not suggest that Salomon enter Marduk's territory to rest, but continued on his way to find an air. Eat and rest in a slightly better place.

Salomon only had jerky and water to eat, and he could bear it for the first meal, but when he stuffed the jerky into his mouth for the third time, he wanted to return to the main material plane to find a restaurant Had a big meal.

If it weren't for using magic tricks to turn the dried meat into various fruit flavors, Salomon really couldn't bear it any longer. The consumption of jerky is getting faster and faster, and he takes out almost everything that can be eaten in the dimension bag. Except for food, Salomon has a high tolerance for other things, and the heat and dryness are only small. Things, he can also use magic to solve problems.

At least he won't let himself die of thirst.

But Pegasus couldn't bear such a bad environment. The wind and sand would get stuck in its feathers and mane, and even get into its nostrils, and it couldn't be cleaned completely anyway. Pegasus, who couldn't bear it anymore, asked Salomon to take a bath for him after the first day's march, cleaned the dust from his nose, and then returned to the astral world to rest. He could not summon it again until Salomon needed it.

Eating, traveling, eating, and sleeping, I don’t know how many days have passed like this. Salomon only hopes that he can feel that he has arrived at Mephisto’s territory, meet other mystics, and then blast the old devil’s palace. So that I can go home and rest.

Phoenix is ​​also a little tired, because it is responsible for the safety of Salomon along the way, and it can only take a break when it is on the road.

Fortunately, before Salomon completely lost the concept of time, he met the mystic who came to meet him. This old deacon seems to be very experienced in such things as marching in hell. I don't know whether it is a word of mouth in the family or he has experienced this kind of thing himself. When he met Salomon, he was very familiar with it. A lot of food was brought out, and there was no jerky in it.

"When you blast away the protective magic in Mephisto's territory, you can return to Earth first." The old deacon shook his head, dissatisfied with Salomon's pampering. But this is not a big deal, it can be trained, the old deacon thinks that he should suggest to the supreme mage to increase Salomon's ability to endure in difficult environments, and use this to conduct multiple sets of training until Salomon can Endure the harsh environment of the outer dimension alone.

"Great!" Salomon was so excited that he was about to cry, his whole body was wet, and the water kept dripping from the armor. This is the method he uses to cool down and moisturize. If he didn't do this, he would have been burned to death by the armor.

He misses the witch very much now, it doesn't matter even if he gets beaten by Bayonetta a few times!

"Let's move fast!" he said excitedly.

"Calm down, young man." The old deacon said disdainfully, "Your mortal friend is still behind. You have to arrive with us for the last part of the journey, and then leave the rest of the work to us experienced mystics." That's it."

Nick Fury used his camera to shoot the scenery in hell along the way, and he looked like he was on a tourist trip. He experienced several battles during his military service. Although those were jungle battles, it did not prevent him from learning the skills of wild survival in arid areas. Therefore, compared to other disgraced mystics like Salomon, Nick Fury had a good life in hell due to his adequate preparation. At least the US military rations are more nutritious than jerky, so you don’t have to worry about your mouth. ulcer problem.

When he saw Salomon, he was overjoyed, because he encountered many things he didn't understand along the way, and the attitude of those mystics was worse than Salomon, and they were unwilling to answer Nick Fury's question: this Mortals are so bold that they are arrogant, and this feeling makes the mystics extremely uncomfortable. Therefore, although they agreed to Fury, they did not answer his leisure, and even dismissed the food Fury sent.

"You look terrible." Nick Fury did not forget to take advantage of the verbal advantage first, and then he began to care about Salomon's state. Now he still insists on wearing the black leather jacket and refuses to take it off, as if he is worried that if he takes it off, he will see the little alien manipulating his stomach. The other mystics wisely changed into cooler clothes, only Nick Fury and Salomon were still suffering from the clothes.

"Yes." Salomon replied weakly, "Let's end it quickly."

"Wait." A mystic master came over with a vaguely humanoid object and interrupted the conversation. "You should listen to what he's saying." The younger mystic pointed to Nick Fury to look at the red twisted figure, "He just went to hell, he seems to be talking about Stark or something..."

Stark made a call. He waited a lot, but no one answered the phone.

He walked up and down irritably. After a while, he dialed another number, but no one answered. In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore, and directly dialed the office number of S.H.I.E.L.D., but Agent Maria Hill answered.

Agent Hill can't do anything about Stark's current situation, and no one knows from which corner the terrorist emerged. Agent Hill could only tell Stark that the terrorist organization had nothing to do with the CIA and was not an anti-government armed force supported by the US government. She could not provide any information.

"Where is Nick Fury?" Stark asked impatiently, "Is there no one who can provide information?"

Stark also regrets provoking the terrorist now, but because Harpy was seriously injured and hospitalized, Stark was unwilling to lose to the terrorist in terms of momentum. So he can only hold on in front of the media, and then seek help in private.

"I don't know where Director Fury is now." Agent Hill lied, she knew where Nick Fury was now. All the agents who experienced that mission signed a non-disclosure agreement and could not disclose everything that happened that day. Hilt worked as Nick Fury's assistant and learned what happened in the subsequent work, but it was kept under the principle of confidentiality. , she refused to say anything.

"But I reported my house number!"

"I suggest you accept the protection of S.H.I.E.L.D., and I will send agents to escort you and Miss Potts."

"But this also means that I lost to the terrorists!"

"What are you insisting on, Stark?"

I wrote it out intermittently when I was fishing.

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