Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 261 Reverse Smuggling (Second Change)

This is a human figure with orange-red body and distorted limbs constantly exuding high temperature. I don’t know what the devil or the demons think. When Ji's team was walking towards the lower level of hell, this guy fell from the sky. [There is more than one passage between different levels of hell. Going down is similar to drilling a hole. There are many such holes, and no one can count how many there are. Several of the larger ones are controlled by the lord of hell. Except for the Styx, which is the passage to different layers of hell, the mystics are all smuggled. 】

"Why did he say Stark? Who is this person?" Nick Fury looked at this delirious soul with a puzzled face, and he suddenly thought of a possibility. "Does time flow in Hell and Earth at the same rate?" he asked. "What time is it on Earth?"

However, facing this question, every mystic master shrugged, expressing that he could not answer. Only Salomon weakly mentioned the time rules of different planes-for any plane, the flow of time remains constant, and time is also coherent in the subjective experience of plane travelers, but when traveling through When traveling between planes, the traveler finds himself objectively spending more or less time. Therefore, it is normal to find that the time elapsed in hell is different from that of the main material plane after using the body to enter hell and then come out.

So Nick Fury also knew nothing about this thing that happened on the main material plane, which he should have known well. Only Salomon knew some information. But he has no intention of speaking out, because they are still in hell, and it is useless to speak out. But one thing is certain, that is, Stark's mental state is definitely much better than that of the parallel world at the same time, but I don't know how far Stark has developed the steel armor without the drive of fear. .

Salomon is looking forward to seeing his work.

Nick Fury's attempts to get answers out of the mouth of this twisted soul failed, the guy has lost consciousness and can't feel anything. Perhaps this is the reason why the devil gave up this soul. This soul is already full of pain, and there is really no energy to be squeezed out. Only some inferior devils will care about this kind of rubbish, otherwise no devil will let go of the hard work. The earned "Ding Dong" - this soul was not directly corrupted, but because one of his superiors was tempted by the devil, causing this soul to go to hell - this is similar to what was revealed in the previous demon incident Like the message, the US government has minions of the devil in its midst.

"He's a soldier." Fury listened carefully to the soul's murmur, and he pointed to the oval metal piece on the soul's chest that had almost melted, with almost no lines visible, "This is the identity mark in the army, he is a Military, and his accent is southeastern. Chad Davis, that's the name."

"Never mind him." Salomon signaled the mystic to ignore this kind of thing. Their mission was Mephisto, not Stark. Only Nick Fury cared about this soul very much. He even used his backpack to The soul was tied up with the rope inside, and dragged all the way to follow the mystics. Salomon asked Nick Fury what he was going to do, but Fury said that he couldn't see a soldier who had contributed to the country go to hell. This was not what he should have. He wanted to take this soul back.

But Salomon thought that Nick Fury just wanted to study the soul. That excuse was more convincing for Captain Rogers, and the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. had no credibility at all.

He reminded Fury that this soul only has a form when it is in hell, and it will be dragged back to hell after arriving on the main material plane, and it can't stay for a moment. This is the iron rule of this world. Only after the soul has redeemed in hell can it return to the ultimate resting place of the universe to enjoy eternal peace. Before that, the soul belongs to hell forever.

"Can a small piece of metal bind a person's life and values? When he joined the army, he didn't even know who he was fighting for or what kind of philosophy he was fighting for. If he was fighting for the well-being of mankind, how could he To hell, I think the devil who corrupted him must be very sad, because it has completely lost money." Even though Salomon was very tired, he still managed to taunt Nick Fury. Rare pleasure in hell.

"He is only fighting for the oil of the capitalists, not for the country. After he leaves the army, there is no guarantee. The capitalists will not give any good benefits to the tool people. He has no remaining value. The French fries I bought on the side of the road last time were not drained. Dry oil, what happened? On the way, a team of US troops rushed out, pointed at me at gunpoint, and grabbed my French fries, maybe he was one of them."

Nick Fury gave Salomon the look and let him see for himself.

The old deacon glared at Salomon. The young man's inattention made him a little angry, but he couldn't say anything. After all, this operation still needed Salomon to start. Even with the supreme mage behind him, this kind of thing is still a bit too stressful for a minor-let him relax, as long as he can complete the task.

"Be quiet, we are almost there." The old deacon turned his head in dissatisfaction, and reminded Salomon, who was walking at the end of the line, "Readjust yourself, we need you."

Salomon closed his mouth very happily.


"What the hell is going on, why everyone I know has disappeared!" Stark was a little angry, because not only Nick Fury disappeared, but even Salomon disappeared. Captain Rogers didn't know Fury's whereabouts, and Agent Romanov couldn't get in touch. Stark also secretly called Salomon, hoping to get some information through prophecy magic, but he found nothing, because Salomon also Disappeared.

Now that school has started, Salomon doesn't go to school at all, only a long-term leave application from his adoptive mother! Stark didn't give up, and went to Salomon's apartment to look again, but only artificial people opened the door, and Salomon's legendary cohabiting girlfriend was nowhere to be seen.

He visited Happy again today. Happy's condition is very bad, it can be said to be very bad, if it is not for a mysterious drug sent by Agent Hill, Happy may even die in his sleep. Regarding the bottle of potion, Stark always felt very familiar, because the packaging of the potion was full of Salomon's style-out of all the people Stark knew, only Salomon still used corks and glass bottles for potions.

His friend Roddy came to him once, and the US military was willing to provide Stark with asylum, but Stark could guess with his toes what those high-level military officers who couldn't even attack terrorists were thinking. It must be to use this incident to persuade him to hand over the Iron Armor technology. These people have not given up until now, and the Battle of New York intensified their desire for steel suits.

In the absence of Nick Fury, these guys have already started reaching out.

It was impossible for Stark to agree to such a thing, and Rody was very worried about Stark's safety, so the two broke up in front of Happy's hospital bed. Stark, who returned to the villa, remembered that this day was actually Pepper's birthday, and he hurried to buy gifts again.

Jarvis couldn't move things without Happy's help, so Stark did everything himself.


"Huh?" The team of mystics who had finished their rest encountered an incredible thing again, because another soul fell from the sky into the vicinity of Mephisto's territory. The state of this soul is exactly the same as the previous Chad Davis, which made Nick Fury anxious.

He doesn't like being blind.

"When will it end?" He asked the slow old deacon impatiently.

"It's just getting started."

I'm so sleepy, I originally wrote it together with the first update, so I cut my hair after thinking about it.

Want to sleep, want to be lazy, want to ask for leave! ! !

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