Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 262: Review Time (Part 1)

Late at night, London is quiet and deserted. Even during the day, few people pass by here, let alone now, even the gangsters don't want to live in such a deserted place. Except for some weird-looking insects singing against the moonlight, there is nothing that makes a sound. Suddenly, a loud cough sounded in the empty place, and the orange-red light flashed away, followed by the loud noise of metal collisions and a burst of shouting and cursing.

The golden-red light illuminated the nearby ground, and Phoenix stood on a rusty iron railing, looking down at his master.

Salomon struggled to get up from the concrete floor. He cursed Mephisto furiously, but because his head was still hidden in the helmet, others couldn't hear what he was saying through the muffled voice. something. Although Nick Fury also fell out of the portal, he was not angry at all, but instead gloated at Salomon's deflation.

"Actually, I'm a little disappointed." After the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. got up from the ground, he took out his frantically ringing mobile phone to check the news he had missed. But before dealing with business, he still wanted to give his opinion on this trip to hell. "To be honest, I thought hell was terrible," he said, "but I didn't expect that the territories of those hell lords were not so bad."

The mystic's helmet slowly retracted into the breastplate, revealing the sweat-soaked head. He glared at Nick Fury, then picked up the holy lance that fell aside without saying a word, and Nick Fury wisely kept his mouth shut lest Salomon poke him with the lance. When Karma Taj's team finally arrived, Mephisto had already been waiting for Karma Taj's mystic in his territory. After seeing Salomon holding the Holy Lance, he immediately expressed his willingness to cooperate with him. The Supreme Mage signed the peace treaty, and the old deacon did not hesitate to take out the magic contract that the Supreme Mage had already prepared - Salomon didn't know about this from the beginning to the end. Show the holy gun in front of you, just like showing nuclear weapons.

As for why Salomon should act alone, the old deacon's explanation is: Letting Salomon act alone can not only distract the attention of other hell lords and ensure the safety of the team, but also allow Salomon to act as a deterrent to other hell lords. Similar to an aircraft carrier cruise or a fighter jet with a nuclear warhead. Weapons do not have to be used, and nuclear weapons that have not been launched are the most threatening ones, but Salomon always feels that Mephisto has foreseen this scene. It took a lot of hard work to get to hell, but it turned out that I didn't have to go that far without the annoyed expression on my face.

However, the only person who didn't know was Salomon, and the other mystics had already been assigned tasks, so Mephisto only admired Salomon's expression - which was enough to make the old devil happy all day.

Before that, Salomon was still thinking about what he would do if Mephisto resisted desperately, but he didn't expect Mephisto to sign the contract very happily, without any hesitation, as if Kama Taj's The attack was nothing more than a small accident. Mephisto is full of confidence in the feasibility of signing the contract, because he exchanged a piece of news for a short-term peace. This information is very important, and the attitude of the Supreme Mage is likely to be to get this news.

Damn devil! Damn bad fun! Salomon didn't mean to complain about the Supreme Mage, maybe the reason why the Venerable didn't tell him this information was because the Venerable was playing games in some unknown places, and there was no need for him to make trouble. So he accepted the fact instead of showing off his toys as much as possible like a kid.

He was just a little unhappy.

The old deacon asked Salomon to take Nick Fury to leave first. Only after Salomon evacuated safely, those mystics would leave hell. In their view, the safety of Salomon as the heir is the first priority. one. They did not open the portal in front of Mephisto, but outside of Mephisto's territory. This was to prevent the devil from interfering with the spell and for safety reasons.

It may be because the mystic who opened the portal was in a hurry to send Salomon away, he opened the portal at Salomon's feet, and the mystic's skills in casting spells on cross-dimensional portals seem to be It was a bit bad, so there was a small error in the destination of the transmission. Fortunately, no one was hurt, even without Salomon's armor.

Broken nose at most.

"Why are we in London?" Nick Fury glanced at the location system on his phone, "I thought you were going to New York, otherwise I wouldn't be able to go with you."

But Salomon's expression is still sullen, and he seems to have a big opinion on Nick Fury. "Agent Romanov's strong personality has caused conflicts in my family." He glared at Nick Fury, "Do you know how terrible this is?"

"It is said that you bought a pair of red-soled high heels for Agent Romanov?"

"You even know this kind of thing?"

"I know everything, Salomon. Of course, only on Earth." Director Fury wiped the sweat from his bald head. It's not summer yet, and the cold wind at night can easily catch a cold. "It's your own fault," he said. "I'm not going to help you. To be honest, I don't have experience dealing with conflicts like this, so I can't offer any advice."

"But I do." The mystic snorted, "I know a designer from the Russian Jewelry Theater, and I ordered a pair of earrings there before. That designer was introduced to me by Stark."

"How much did you spend?"

"9,000 pounds. But now it seems that a pair of earrings is not enough, and I have to choose another pair of jewelry."

"Where did you get so much money? You didn't sell the cultural relics I gave you, did you?" This was the first time Nick Fury learned about Kama Taj's secular power. Monastic organizations like Martaj are poor.

"This is my living expenses." Salomon shrugged, "It's just that I don't spend a lot of money, and I rarely buy luxury goods. I still have to lick the lid when I drink yogurt. And the money of the oil standard is not good for me. It doesn't make sense to buy anything but worthless things and household items - diamonds are nothing, they are just a consumable. Gold is the real value, and so are magic items. But this does not prevent me from using those meaningless pieces of paper to change to the top position of the secular society's food chain, because those pieces of paper represent status in your game rules, and I am just following your rules. "

Phoenix let out a cry of approval, it always believed that its master should be at the top of human beings.

"You are too close to Stark, I should let Captain Rogers teach you the correct concept of consumption." Nick Fury said, "Now send me back to Washington, things in Europe, including the monastery and evil spirits The Knights SHIELD has already taken over. Also, there is a big trouble with Stark, and he has looked for you many times."

"That's not a magical incident. Stark can solve it by himself. It has nothing to do with me." Salomon took off his gauntlet and put on the hanging ring. "I have to focus on solving family conflicts. Also, I'm afraid I have fallen behind." It's been many days of class, and my physics tutor is unreasonable when he gets angry."

"Yes, a lot of days. Not only did you miss your birthday, but you also missed two months of classes." Fury said gloatingly, "You only have three or four months to review your A level courses. Little bastard, take care Work hard, everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. has higher education than you."

"Except you, you street bastard."

I wrote it when I was fishing.

I will write the next chapter when I go to eat, and post it around the time I get off work.

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