Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 263 Family Comedy (Second update! Please recommend tickets!)

On the surface, the disappearance of Nick Fury did not cause much disturbance. After all, many people did not know his existence, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. There were not too many accidents. After all, this is a mature intelligence agency that adopts various levels of management. Many agents don't even know about the director's disappearance.

The man's importance, however, was magnified during the period of his disappearance.

The first is AIM's Superhuman program. After the Battle of New York, the nerves of the White House were at its worst. They no longer trust S.H.I.E.L.D. Captain Rogers can be trusted. As for the others — the Red House spy, the Matthews juggler, the uncontrollable raging giant, the alien prince and the hippie-faced billionaire, these guys are all uncontrollable to a degree. Especially the Silver Knight in armor, whom Nick Fury has so far refused to reveal, and the rest of the Avengers are also playing deaf on the issue.

And this person is the most dangerous in the eyes of those officials. The fighting power shown by Salomon during the Battle of New York was like a walking nuclear bomb. Now it seems that he is still a free nuclear bomb. No one knows who he is. Where would it explode.

This kind of thinking makes the White House sit on pins and needles. Therefore, the United States' own super soldier plan was brought up again, and General Ross, who was originally punished for the Hulk, was brought up again. As a leader in the field of super soldier research, General Ross has proved that super soldier research is feasible no matter how uncontrollable the research results are.

Captain Rogers naturally opposed this plan, but the voice of a soldier did not help. At this time, AIM appeared in time. Without the restraint of Nick Fury, the military also participated in the research of Extremis virus, and even provided a certain number of retired disabled failures-but these people have learned to behave. Because of the havoc these products could cause, the military has not made a big, high-profile involvement, instead planning to wait until Extremis stabilizes before revealing new supersoldiers.

That way, if something goes wrong, the military can still shrug off responsibility and claim to have no knowledge of it. The same is true of the restarted experiment at General Ross, and the military is ready to throw the pot away.

However, there is someone who knows the identity of Salomon. Although the agents in the demon incident signed a magic contract, different people can still describe the whole incident by putting together different words. Through this behavior of taking advantage of loopholes, Alexander Pierce obtained this document pieced together from different transcripts. document.

Coupled with what the Skrull disguised as Nick Fury (he didn't know it was a Skrull) said before, he roughly deduced Salomon's identity. But Alexander Pierce did not have the idea of ​​​​acting rashly, because he learned that the relationship between Nick Fury and Salomon Damonette was not very harmonious, and this boy did not belong to Nick Fury's freak Party. a member of

According to the descriptions of those agents, Salomon was a very cold person with many special powers—Alexander Pierce knew that it was not some kind of body modification, but magic, and Nick Fury had already penetrated into the magic world. It has fallen behind a lot. Now, Pierce still has the idea of ​​​​training the magical talents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and this idea has not changed. He wants to win over Salomon Damonette and monopolize this power.

He is very confident. As long as you are a person, you will have weaknesses. If you find out the weaknesses, you can control a person. Money, beauty, status, fame, all kinds of experiences that are not available in the magic world are not something that a minor who has just entered society can resist. He is confident that he will find what Salomon wants. Pierce even planned to push Salomon to the front of the stage and let him enjoy the applause and cheers of the public. This kind of fame is enough to go to the head of an underage boy.

Salomon, who spent nearly 20,000 pounds on jewelry, didn't know that someone wanted to buy him with some scraps of paper. He had already received a message from the artificial man that the witch was already waiting for him in the apartment. He quickly returned to Karma Taj headquarters to take a shower, dragged his tired body to open the portal, and returned to the apartment where he lived with the witch.

"Good evening, beautiful ladies." Salomon took out two jewelry boxes from behind, "Please forgive me, the business trip this time is too long, so I have prepared some compensation for you."

Jeanne sneered twice. "Could it be that we can't live without you, mystic?" She said disdainfully, "Don't think that you can get away with it, you and that female spy haven't made it clear yet!"

Salomon's originally half-closed eyes widened in an instant. He didn't expect that the witches would still remember this incident.

Beunita nodded seriously, as if she didn't want to let go of the mystic.

"Also, you didn't show up on your birthday, not even the Supreme Sorcerer. You made me and Ceresa wait all day for nothing!" Joan of Arc babbled about what Salomon committed. Wrong, "4,000 pounds of shoes! You gave that woman just like that! You didn't even ask Theresa for her opinion..."

"9,000 pounds of earrings, a product of a top jewelry designer, this is for Beunita." Salomon opened the jewelry box, and inside was a pair of inverted triangle platinum earrings. The sapphires on the top were cut and sparkled under the light Brighten. He opened another jewelry box, which contained a pair of feather-shaped pierced earrings made of gold and set with rubies.

"This is for you, Joan," he said. "This is not an apology, but a daily gift. I promise, you are more important to me than anyone else."

"I can't forgive you yet." Bayonetta raised her head and said, she patted her thigh, "but today is not the time to worry about these things, I know you are very tired. Now, you can rest here a while."

"Ceresa! You always dote on him like this!" Joan of Arc was very displeased with her best friend's disappointment, but before she finished speaking, Salomon had already laid his pillow on Bayonetta's lap, Not a second was wasted, as if he had moved in a split second. His breathing was clearly audible. Seeing Salomon took a deep breath intoxicated, Joan was even more angry. She tried to pull Salomon up from Beunita's lap, but the mystic seemed to be caught. The magnet attracts and generally does not want to get up.

Even the Cheshire cat beside him couldn't bear to see his master's stupidity, so he covered his eyes with his paw. The artificial man looked at her thighs suspiciously. She couldn't figure out why the owner was so interested in the upper half of the human lower limbs.

While Salomon's family comedy was still going on, Nick Fury was ready and reappeared in his office. Instead of having Salomon take him straight to his office, he went to a safe house in Washington, where he was going to find out what had happened while he was missing.

Agent Maria Hill was the first to know about the appearance of Nick Fury. She provided her boss with all the information she needed, including what Stark encountered recently, the behind-the-scenes pusher of Extremis Virus, and God The unusual force gradually exposed inside the shield. Agent Maria Hill was very careful when investigating the latter, and she has not shown any signs of investigation yet, but because of this, the progress of her investigation is extremely slow.

Nick Fury is now in charge of the investigation.

He has wasted too much time. Now, it's time to unearth this power.

off work! ! ! !

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