Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 264 Learning Makes Me Happy (Part 1)

"I don't understand why you are so tired, Salomon." Just as Salomon was holding a book of advanced mathematics and a pencil, writing and drawing on another piece of white paper, a deafening sound came from his side came. But Salomon ignored the owner of the voice, but continued to lower his head and perform calculations on the draft paper.

However, the owner of this voice does not seem to intend to let the mystic master go. "I don't even know how you brought these things in," it said. "Everyone else comes to me for strength, but you are busy with your own business. Tell me, Salomon, why you don't accept me power? You should know that as long as you accept my power, everything in human society will be meaningless to you, and you can do whatever you want.”

Only then did Salomon raise his head, and glanced at the big wrinkled face made of huge energy beside him. The mystic's face looked haggard, and there were light blue dark circles under his eyes. "I'm too busy to have time." He was really busy. The spirit of vengeance in Ghost Rider was temporarily suppressed by Father Molu. The idiot priest actually invited the idiot knight to live with him, but Johnny Blazer wanted to go back to Houston to see his girlfriend. However, he was arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D. before he took a few steps, and Salomon was asked to rescue him and throw him to the care of old Ghost Rider Carter Sley. However, this matter is not over yet, because Salomon has raided most of the wine in the cellar of the monastery, and Father Molu came to the door again, and if Salomon hadn't opened the portal to throw this guy back to the European continent, he designated refused to go.

As for Salomon's personal gains in the monastery, it also needs to be digested. Jacob's brothers and legs, which are powerful enough to wrestle with angels, need a very long time to practice, and Kabbalah is extremely difficult to understand. It took a lot of time to practice these things, not to mention the science lessons he missed, and Jane Foster complained as soon as she saw Salomon.

"Daxi's course progress is faster than yours." These were her original words, and she didn't save any face from the aggrieved Daxi at the side.

Fortunately, Beunita was very understanding, she seemed to have forgotten about Salomon and Agent Romanov, and every day when Salomon returned to the apartment, she could rest on her lap for a while. The warm fragrance is the best medicine to relieve fatigue, and this healing method can even make him forget that there will be Athena's martial arts training in the early morning of the next day.

Now he is almost too busy to get away and do what he wants to do. Magic classes, science classes, and martial arts training have filled his schedule. Even weekend dinners require invisible servants to make. You know, as long as he has time and energy, he will definitely cook by himself.

Facing Dormammu's uninspired solicitation, Salomon said disdainfully: "Dormamu, after accepting your power, can you help me calculate these formulas? You can help me get the A Level exam. A good grade? My goal is a perfect score!"

"Uh..." Dormammu was speechless for a moment. "Ancient One asked you to come to the Dark Dimension to let you learn the spells of the Dark Dimension, but you are reviewing science courses." Domamu didn't know what happened to this strange mystic in front of him, and which spellcaster saw it Not out of trepidation, but this mystic who has been with it for nearly ten years is as annoying as his teacher, but in all honesty, Salomon is not that bad. Dormammu knew that he couldn't kill Salomon, and the Ancient One could always allow him to escape in time. Over time, it and Salomon would be in a state of peace—as long as Salomon didn't absorb the dark dimension on a large scale. Strength, Dormammu will not attack him.

"I'm in a spirit state now, and it takes longer to review in the dark dimension than in the main substance." The mystic replied solemnly. The spiritual state can not only study for a longer time, but also allow the body to rest for a while when reviewing, which is exactly what he needs now.

"You can go to Visandi to do your homework! Isn't Agamotto the omniscient?" Dormammu roared angrily, but Salomon greeted him with contemptuous eyes. "I'm not familiar with Weishandi." The mystic said, "but one thing is certain, that is, Weishandi's light is too strong, and it is impossible to read the contents of the book. Well, don't bother Me, I have a classics course to review."

"What about the story..."

"Not today." Salomon waved his hand, and then a mass of darkness and haze surrounded Dormammu. This is the result of his busy time, the five-ring protection spell "Mage's Private Chamber" that can isolate sound and sight. Not in the mood to show off.

He is very busy.

While Salomon was busy reviewing high school courses, Nick Fury was also busy sorting out the forces within S.H.I.E.L.D., so that he had no time to deal with Stark's affairs. It has to be said that when Nick Fury, the king of agents, got serious, he really found some clues-this power was buried extremely deep, and even these forces existed in the SHIELD's insight plan. However, this matter involved his boss Alexander Pierce, which made Nick Fury suspicious of some people in the upper echelon of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But now he has no evidence, only suspicion. So he planned to arrange a backup for himself to face the worst situation, and Agent Coulson, who was about to finish his treatment, naturally became this backup.

So when Alexander Pierce wanted to talk to him about Salomon, Nick Fury's idea was to be perfunctory. "You don't know how bad his temper is." Nick Fury admired all the information after reading Pierce's information. He didn't expect that he could bypass the contract restrictions through this method. But he still reminded Pierce, "You definitely don't want to let him know about this. None of his relatives and friends are weaker than him."

"Can't we talk about it?" Pierce pointed to the school address shown on Salomon's information, "Such a good student who goes to school in Windsor should be able to communicate. Sol is an alien, and our earth always needs someone who can prevent The strength of the Asgardians. Hulk doesn't follow orders, Captain Rogers is just a human being, let alone your agent. As for Stark, he's still in trouble."

"He's very irritable now, Pierce." Nick Fury was still trying to keep his boss from getting in touch with Salomon. The education that Lomon Damonet received from a young age was incompatible with ordinary people. The reason why he went to school was because his family needed him to do so. Those agents thought he was cruel, but in fact he was far more cruel than those The imagination of the agent, he killed the first person around the age of ten. Is this something that ordinary people can do? Pierce, let me talk to him, he hates strangers."

"Didn't you say he's been very irritable recently?"

"He always has the end of the exam, don't worry, just leave it to me."

Seeing that his boss had agreed to the matter, Nick Fury felt relieved. He had no plans to talk to Salomon at all. He was just buying time for himself to investigate and distracting his boss by the way. As for Stark's affairs, he can't do anything for the time being, but he can still provide some help through other people.

So Agent Hill went to the Stark Group the next day and met Miss Pepper Potts, but she also met an unexpected person.

get off work! ! ! !

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