Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 266 Flammable and Explosive (Part 1)

Salomon found an excuse to visit Stark's situation. Although he knew that Stark would definitely overcome this difficulty, the mystic did not mind joining in the fun in his rare free time. As for the excuse, his most recent sculpture is Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture, grain and harvest. He intended to give Miss Pepper Potts the small plaster statue of the search for Persephone, as it was modeled after Miss Potts' mother, whom he believed to have received. Will be very happy after receiving this gift. [American Gods actor Blythe Danner who played Demeter is the mother of Pepper Potts actor Gwyneth Paltrow]

Giving this statue to the right person is better than being judged by a group of painters who are not even proficient in painting. Salomon always believes that those rich people buy art for bragging. Art appreciation is basically zero. He had seen a painting purchased by Stark. There was only one simple line in that painting. Salomon couldn't figure out what was good about that painting, and it was incompatible with his aesthetics. He gave the statue to Miss Potts as Salomon's compensation gift for missing Christmas, and he gave a gift to everyone he knew.

What he gave to Athena was a golden goblet studded with gems, and what he gave to Beunita and Joan were gem necklaces. What he gave to Cassilios was a French cookbook, and what he gave to Modo was a bottle of 2000 vintage wine from the monastery (very sour, this is not so much a gift as a prank), and Dai in far Europe Sy and Jane Fawcett also received alchemy skincare from him (delivered by Phoenix), and Daisy couldn't be happier with the gift ("It's so magical!" she says excitedly). His gift to the Supreme Sorcerer was a big bag of sweets from all over the world, and even Dormammu had a gift - a guinea pig he had snatched from the biology laboratory at Eton College. He seems to want to bring everyone back to Christmas with these presents.

Salomon slowly took the statue to the top floor of Stark Tower, took the elevator down, and found that Agent Maria Hill was staying in the living room outside the Stark Group president's office, coldly The dropped coffee was set aside, and she didn't take a sip. Agent Hill was very surprised by Salomon's appearance, she had no idea that Salomon would come here today.

"What do you want to do?" she asked warily. In S.H.I.E.L.D., apart from Nick Fury, Agent Hill knows Salomon best. Nick Fury released some information to her (non-voluntary disclosure), so she also learned about Salomon’s participation all action. Therefore, when Salomon appeared, Agent Hill was very nervous. She thought that there was another magical disaster here-this was the reason every time the mystic appeared, and she thought this time was no exception.

"A gift." The mystic shook the small wrapped plaster figure in his hand, but Agent Hill stared suspiciously at the high school student who was slightly taller than her. Nothing related to Salomon is extremely dangerous. This sentence was repeatedly told by Nick Fury, which also made this indifferent and tough female agent's vigilance towards Salomon the highest.

"What's this?"

"A figurine."

"Is that all?" Her tone unconsciously approached the interrogation.

"Of course." Salomon raised his eyebrows and said calmly, "What about you? Fury doesn't plan to take care of this?"

"SHIELD has its own plan." Agent Hill glanced at the expression of the mystic, as if he wanted to find out how much this person in front of him knew. "Is this what you are doing, Salomon?" she asked. "You should know that this matter is not under your jurisdiction."

"Stark refused protection, didn't he?" Salomon didn't answer the question, but said to himself, "I can directly deduce that guy Stark's excuse, he always thinks he can do everything , all the responsibility is his. It's hard to say whether it's ego or self-confidence, although he does have the ability to solve problems, but he is just a mortal."

Agent Hill stared straight ahead, motionless, as if he didn't hear what the mystic mage said. She and Pepper Potts still have a lot of things to talk about, Killian is still in the office, she can't leave now, she must at least ensure that Miss Potts is safe now. During the period of waiting for Killian and Miss Potts to finish talking, Agent Hill was almost annoyed by Salomon's thoughts, because the mystic always said some difficult things to her, which made her She thought wizards were crazy.

However, just as she was trying to interrupt Salomon's nonsense, she glimpsed out of the corner of her eye another woman going to the office.

Maya Hansen, a botanist who came into contact with Tony Stark in 1999 and now works for Killian. Agent Hill silently recited the woman's information in his heart, and secretly deduced the woman's intention to find Pepper Potts, so as to divert his thinking and distract himself from the nonsense of the mystic.

However, it didn't take long before a dull explosion sounded, the door of the office was opened by the shock wave, and the glass wall of the living room was smashed to pieces. Agent Hill subconsciously fell to the ground, but she did not wait for the expected glass shards falling from the sky. She stood up immediately, and found that the shards of glass were lying neatly on the ground at this moment, as if there was an invisible wall blocking their way. Agent Hill nodded at Salomon, then picked up the pistol in his waist, and rushed into the office stepping on broken glass.

Everything in the office has been ravaged by the explosion. Whether it is the ceiling or the walls, they were all charred and damaged under the impact of the explosion. The wires in the wall continued to emit sparks, and the lamp tubes fell to the ground. The solid wood desk It had already been torn apart, the pieces were burning, and the whole office could not be distinguished whether it was dust or smoke. It was not until Salomon waved his hand that a whirlwind rolled the smoke out of the window. Agent Hill did not find anyone in the office who should have been there. Whether it was Miss Potts or Killian, even Maya Hansen who went in later and Killian's bodyguards, they were all gone at this time.

Agent Hill frowned. Killian must be well aware of the security of the Extremis virus, and it is very likely that Maya Hansen who entered later detonated the Extremis virus. This possibility is very high. After all, Maya Hansen is the real developer of the Extremis virus, and no one knows the Extremis virus better than her.

Why is she doing this? What happened here to make her desperate to kill Miss Potts or Killian? Is Miss Potts still alive? Before the arrival of panicked Stark Corps employees, Agent Hill inspected the scene for traces and determined the point of origin of the explosion. She turned her head and said to Salomon who followed her in, "Do you have any way to determine the status of Pepper Potts?"

"Alive." Salomon said, "100% sure. You should consider what purpose Killian has. He is a life-saving person and cannot commit suicide." He thinks Maya Hansen should have exposed Killian here The relationship with the terrorist who hijacked the TV signal a while ago made Killian so annoyed that he did this in a hurry. But he has no intention of disclosing the news. Anyway, S.H.I.E.L.D. will find out sooner or later. It doesn’t matter whether he says it or not. If he says it, it’s hard to explain the source of the news.

"You know everything?"

"Mostly." The mystic opened the gift and placed the statuette where it could barely support it. "It seems that my gift can't be delivered." He said, "Then it's your business, Agent Maria Hill."

Agent Hill took a deep breath, as if he didn't hear Salomon's sarcasm. "I will," she said firmly. "I will find out."

"Good luck," said the mystic, "but first, you need to inform Stark that his girlfriend is missing. Maybe that will get him to accept S.H.I.E.L.D.'s help."

Don't be silly, I still go to work today.

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