Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 267 Young people today! (Second more)

Salomon only felt like a walking disaster trigger, causing accidents wherever he went. He thought it was a coincidence, but he didn't feel embarrassed to stay here any longer. Agent Maria Hill's eyes showed how much she disliked Salomon, even if he protected her in the explosion, he couldn't Save a little impression.

In Agent Hill's view, non-professionals like Salomon stayed here to add to the chaos. He left the gift and fled Stark Tower in embarrassment. Now is his rest time, and he doesn't need to study today, so he plans to go to the orphanage to educate the children there at the invitation of Athena.

Especially little Lorna, this little girl is becoming more and more rebellious now. The reason may be that American decadent culture became popular again after the alien invasion.

This is somewhat similar to the reason why the United States was full of "Beat Generations" in the 1960s. It was the result of capitalism controlling state power and whitewashing peace. Doubt and anxiety abounded, magnified by the Battle of New York.

This has led to the inapplicability of traditional culture, morality and values, and the resurgence of rebellious spirit and liberalism. Some people try to use utopia to resist this anxiety and the cruel logic from reality. But no matter what the reality is, Salomond has to stop Lorna before she puts on a big gold chain and gets a big bum, lest she start a bad start for other children.

They're decent folks, stay away from that shit, addictive drugs are the worst. Although Salomon has countless highly useful addictive drugs in alchemy products, he has never given them to others, and no one around him has used addictive drugs—except for the Cheshire cat, which The most addictive drug is catnip vomit cream, which is made by artificial humans, but it is to allow Cheshire cats to spit out hair balls smoothly. Therefore, in order to prevent little Lorna from getting drugs, Salomon, regardless of little Lorna's objections, picked her up by the waist and sent her back to her own room.

"They said they could get good things today." Little Lorna struggled, but still couldn't stop Salomon from taking off her stupid pair of grid sunglasses.

"What good things can there be?" The mystic was disdainful, "It's nothing more than Valium, OxyContin, at most Vicodin, liquid hallucinogens or even worse, you still need to go to the pharmacy in the supermarket Steal. I told you a long time ago that those things must never be touched, and you must remember to bring a pistol when you go out. Also, go and change clothes, it is still very cold now, and you will catch a cold if you wear a crop top .”

"You talk like an old man, Brother Salomon." Little Lorna wrinkled her face, and reluctantly put on a large leather coat. This dress is a black motorcycle suit bought by Salomon. He originally wanted to wear it when he was riding a motorcycle, but because he didn't have time and because little Lorna took a fancy to this dress, it was logical for him sent the clothes out.

This dress looked too baggy for little Lorna, and the hem almost reached her knees, which made little Lorna look like a round ball with two slender short legs. But after putting on her clothes, little Lorna became excited again. She jumped up and down on the bed with her shoes on (which made the mystic frowned), and threw herself into Salomon's arms, and the mystic quickly hugged her. This brash girl.

"I don't know if you have noticed the way those girls look at you." Little Lorna whispered to Salomon affectionately, "They want to eat you up. They said they don't mind being pregnant with your child."

"Are all children nowadays so bold?" Salomon was shocked by the modern little girls, "They are only twelve years old, how could they think of such a thing?"

"One of them is already pregnant, the fat one. You've seen her too. But she can't be sure which boyfriend it is."

Little Lorna was still holding Salomon's neck like a koala, and Salomon couldn't tear her off no matter what, "They are all children from poor families, just like me. They finally came to the rich The human zone is just trying to get some money for the surgery. The girl's father is coming out of jail soon and she's worried that her father is going to shoot her current boyfriend. Just let me hang out, they're still waiting at the door What about me! I promise to bring a gun, even if I kill someone, I will notify you as soon as possible, I remember your mobile phone number!"

"My God, this world is a mess. Well, stop being coquettish, I'll let you hang out, and I'll give you $200, and $500 for the surgery on that girl. Don't waste money, this money They are all useful." The mystic is obviously not an education expert, he only pampers children, nothing else. He couldn't help little Lorna's acting like a baby, so he had to agree to her request, "Also, don't shoot indiscriminately. Guns are used to protect yourself. Remember, unless you must kill others, don't take out weapons , remember?"

"Remember, remember." Little Lorna jumped down lazily after achieving her goal, with a perfunctory look, which made Salomon so angry that he almost forgot that he was here. The purpose of finding Lorna. He grabbed little Lorna's long black and green hair, and grabbed her back as she was about to slip out of the room after getting the money.

"What are you doing!" Little Lorna raised her head dissatisfied, and looked directly at Salomon, "Could it be that you repented?"

"That's not it," said Salomon. "I want to ask if you want to see your family."

"Have you found them?" Little Lorna blew upwards nonchalantly, blowing her forehead hair, her eyes turned to one side, as if those past wounds didn't exist. "I didn't ask you to go find them. Anyway, I was abandoned, and my life is very good now. Sister Minerva takes good care of us."

"I didn't find your parents." Salomon pulled little Lorna to sit aside, "Remember the research Minerva and I conducted on you before? The research on multiverse interference. What I found was parallel The brothers and sisters you have in this world, although they are not the same person as your parents in this world, you are still close in blood."

"What's the point of this? Salomon, you are the only family in my family. I have nothing to do with any parallel worlds."

"Okay, let me put it another way. Do you want superpowers?"

"Yes!" Little Lorna almost jumped up excitedly, but she quickly shrank back, "But my abilities are about to disappear... Sister Minerva said that when we reach adulthood, our abilities tend to stabilize and then disappear , and even for me now, our abilities are not of much use. I can't even bend a spoon right now."

"The reason why I mentioned your brothers and sisters in the parallel world is because they are about to stabilize their abilities. But I haven't fully determined the method, but they can, and so can you."

"But sister Minerva won't be happy." Little Lorna shrank back again, to a place where the sun couldn't reach. Although she didn't care much on the surface, she actually cared a lot about Athena's opinion, after all, this was her only home.

"I'll talk her out of it, and I haven't quite figured out what that's all about yet. So... I'll just get your opinion first. If you want superpowers, I'm going to get this thing Figure it out and stabilize your superpowers. The world is getting less and less safe (“I know, I watch TV!” interjects Lorna), and I want my family to have the ability to protect themselves—secret Didn't Neva teach you how to use a spear? She thinks the same as me."

"you promise!"

"I promise. You have to know that Minerva and I love you and the children in this orphanage very much. We will never let you get hurt."

So those guys poking around outside the orphanage...

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