Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 268 The Art of Cursing (Part 1!)

Salomon watched worriedly as Lorna Jr. and her companion left with a pistol and seven hundred dollars in cash, Lorna Jr. turning her head and grimacing at him before walking away. Most of Athena's attention is on Salomon, and it is inevitable that she will be negligent in disciplining other children, so Salomon thinks that Athena should want him to teach little Lorna by example, so as to prevent little Lorna from going astray .

Athena didn't expect that although the mystic knew that doting was not a good way, but once little Lorna acted coquettishly, Salomon would have nothing to do with her. He felt that his current expression should be that of an old father sighing at his adolescent daughter who leaves early and returns late. However, no matter how worried, some things still need to be resolved now. Salomon glanced at the watch presented by Bayonetta on his wrist, roughly calculated the time difference, then turned his head and walked towards a car on the side of the road.

"Take it out, sir." He knocked on the window and said to the man in a suit inside, "This is my bottom line. I think Nick Fury should have told you about this, really I don’t understand why you guys are so stupid to bump into it, your immediate superior is really stupid.” The agent wanted to quibble at first, but when he heard Salomon mentioning the director, he suddenly panicked.

"I don't know anything!" He felt that he was in big trouble, and the person in front of him seemed to be very familiar with his immediate boss. "I was just ordered to watch," the agent said.

"Who are you responsible to?" Salomon stretched out his finger and shook it in front of the agent's eyes, and his eyes were covered with mist. The agent spat out the information hesitantly.

"Agent Victoria Hand," he said. "Although I am only a fourth-level agent, I am directly under Agent Victoria Hand. You must promise not to tell this matter..."

"Okay, I will tell your boss about this, and you will be fine. Now drive home and forget what happened here." The mystic stretched out his wand and tapped the agent's temple, pulling out a memory, He has to verify the authenticity of the information before modifying the memory. The spell of mind coding is the most effective zero-ring spell for detecting lies, and Salomon has never tired of using it when dealing with Nick Fury.

It’s just that this spell is useless to Romanov agents. Even if the mystic can understand the thoughts and information contained in the memory through this spell, these may be false—even if they are contrary to the facts, but True to Agent Romanov's perception, her split-mindedness was not so easily resolved.

After Salomon watched the agent drive away, he returned to the orphanage with his camera and carefully examined the photos. This agent is not Hydra, and will not threaten the orphanage, and Salomon is not easy to do it, so he can only use his hands and feet in the agent's memory. But he still needs to know what information Nick Fury has, so that he knows how to settle accounts with this daring guy-Nick Fury's job is temporarily irreplaceable, but some extremely troublesome curses will not interfere with his work.

Dormammu provided a wealth of teaching materials on how to curse a person. In the dark dimension, there were countless petitioners who were eroded by power and lost their minds. Dormammu didn't mind Salomon taking those petitioners to practice. Anyway, it didn’t use the power of the dark dimension, so it didn’t lose a bit, and it even made money—the darker and deeper power brought by Salomon even allowed it to spy on the shadow of the Cyclops, which is why it chose to work with it for the time being. One of the reasons for Salomon's peaceful coexistence - the one-eyed alien is a terrifying creature from another universe. Before it figured out the relationship between Salomon and that universe, Dormammu didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

The door of the director's office of the Tricurve Wing Building was kicked open, and Salomon rushed in aggressively regardless of Agent Maria Hill's obstruction. Although he was able to open the portal in the office, he still chose to kick the door. The deep footprints on the explosion-proof door were the best deterrent. He put the camera in front of Nick Fury, who had just looked up from the file—"Explain," the mystic said. "I want an answer."

"Routine surveillance." Nick Fury said in a flat tone, "The procedures that S.H.I.E.L.D. will implement for every dangerous target. You should know how dangerous you are." He motioned Agent Hill to close the door to prevent others Hearing the conversation, "And this task is performed by the Victoria Hand agent you once recruited. You have demonstrated magic in front of her. This is not a breach of contract. You can trust her, she has a strong sense of secrecy, Except for her, none of the other agents on the mission know the existence of magic, so you don’t need to worry about your secret being leaked. If you have anything else to say, just tell me, I’m busy, and you can see that too, Stark I didn't even offer much help when it happened, S.H.I.E.L.D. has a lot to do."

"Cancel the mission, I don't want anyone to disturb the lives of those children in the orphanage."

"Let me tell you the truth, Salomon, I'm protecting those children." Nick Fury put down the file, and he decided to confide part of the truth to Salomon. In fact, a person like Salomon who has nothing to do with any secular forces is the one Nick Fury is most assured of.

He knew that Salomon could not be bribed. He had very little contact with the secular society, and even going to school was required by his adoptive mother. Such a person is the least likely to be connected with that hidden force, and Nick Fury intends to try to persuade Salomon to provide him with some help.

"There is more than one force in S.H.I.E.L.D. I worry about those hidden people threatening you with those children. I know you care about them, and all I can do is provide some protection." He said, "It's not just you, I I was also worried that those people would also want to take advantage of the ability enhancers on the list, so I strengthened the protection measures for those people, using the name of routine surveillance, and the agents I sent were also people I trusted the most. Although this behavior It will make them very uncomfortable and feel that their privacy has been violated, but the current situation is very special, and I can only do this." Frey paused, and continued, "I think you can understand me, Salomon. I've said it more than once, we're the same people."

"I will be responsible for the orphanage myself." Salomon frowned, not completely denying Nick Fury's words. To be honest, he has no intention of participating in the dispute between Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. Whether or not Hydra rules the world has nothing to do with Kama Taj.

In Salomon's view, the democracy represented by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the centralization represented by Hydra are meaningless—those who hold power should give up their selfish desires, which is what the Supreme Master taught him since he was a child. But the inferiority of human beings cannot be discarded, no matter what the system is. "You can handle your own affairs." Salomon patted Fury on the shoulder and cursed, "I can handle my affairs by myself. Next time I will not be so easy to talk to the agents sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. .”

"I've said so much, don't you have any ideas?" Nick Fury widened his eyes. He didn't expect that his heartfelt words didn't move Salomon, and didn't make Salomon feel a little admiration for his hard work, so he came up with the idea of ​​helping him.

This indifferent little bastard!

"No, you have to do your job well with this salary. Don't always think about asking for foreign aid, bastard!" The mystic mage also made a tongue-tapping sound at the end of the sentence, with a very unscrupulous appearance.

"I need help right now!"

"I'll save your life if necessary, as long as you don't make mistakes. For example, there are no Skrulls on the earth now, and you are doing well. The damn alien parasitic race should not be here Planet, if you want to be a Virgin, go to an alien planet! That idiot woman!"

The mystic did not forget to hurt Captain Marvel. The Skrulls are notorious in the universe, and the war with the Kree is also within the scope of dogs biting dogs. From Salomon's point of view, only that stupid woman who was brainwashed by the white leftist thinking during the Cold War would be so kind to help the Skrulls. This is simply the funniest joke in the universe in the past hundred years. No People will trust the Skrulls.

"How do you know?" Nick Fury had doubts in his heart, he was a little worried that Salomon had information that belonged only to him. This is very deadly. Their business is to eat intelligence for a living. If an agent has no intelligence advantage, he is not an agent.

"Magic." Salomon always declined. In fact, he asked Agamotto, and the information provided by the omniscient Agamotto was never wrong. "Okay." He said, "Enjoy your curse. The duration depends on my mood, and it may be forever."

The mystic blinked happily, and pointed to the bunny girl's ears that appeared on the desk for some unknown reason. He has made a lot of progress in cursing this magic that can be called an art. Nick Fury will not be so easy to get away this time. He must wear this rabbit ear, otherwise when he is doing any physical or mental work. The results are going to be bad.

Salomon's curse is enough to make an originally simple job extremely difficult, and it is even possible to fall at any time while walking-this is commonly known as the immunity test.

(-5 on all saving throws)

"I have to wear this thing?"

"Hmm, that's the price."

The normal time has been updated, so please give a recommendation ticket!

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