Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 28 Junk food is a conspiracy from hell (seeking investment!)

Some creatures can affect the habitat environment simply by staying in a fixed location, such as dragons.

Vampires are not as powerful, but the negative energy that drives them still changes their abode. When Salomon followed Barnabas up the stairs of the manor, he felt a cold breath flowing down the steps, tightly wrapping him as a living person. The temperature here dropped two to three degrees inexplicably. Although it is not as exaggerated as when stepping into the tomb, any spellcaster who feels such negative energy can already know that there are black magic creatures living here.

"I'm sorry, Vicky (Victoria's nickname) can't get up to entertain you as the hostess." The vampire said, "She is still young and needs a lot of sleep time."

"I can understand. After all, it's still daytime." Salomon nodded, but secretly raised his vigilance in case he was attacked in some dark corners. Naturally, he would not let down his vigilance because of the emotions shown by the vampire. Although those poignant love stories are very interesting, they can only be used as chatter after dinner for him. The idea of ​​empathizing with vampires has never entered his mind. When the Supreme Mage taught him magic, he instilled a concept all the time, that is humanism.

Aliens and extra-dimensional creatures have no right to survive on Earth, not to mention black magic creatures like vampires. Salomon will hypocritically shed two tears for them after making them into spell-casting materials, but Absolutely no sympathy for them while they were "alive". If Salomon hadn't wanted to verify the feasibility of certain necromantic techniques in this world, he would have locked Barnabas in the mirror dimension and left him in the sun. The value of a vampire with strength and a rank similar to that of the true ancestor is horribly high.

"Yesterday, after you left, the Collins family contacted the museum and purchased Angie's collection." Barnabas's cane struck the wooden floor of the corridor, making a dull echo, since this is the residence of vampires , the curtains in the corridor were all drawn tightly, not a single ray of sunlight came in. And the temperature here is much lower than the temperature on the stairs, and the sunlight that occasionally struggles through the tightly-blocked curtains will also be bitten by the shadows like living creatures. Maybe Barnabas is not very powerful, but his rank and his unnatural essence are enough to cause visions in Colin Manor.

The vampire said, "After all, this town doesn't have a long history. Those things in the museum can only be accompanied by broken fishing boats and fishing nets. It is impossible for us to put Indian things in the museum. Now, those things Things live up to their value."

"Mr. Barnabas." Salomon asked, "Didn't you try to learn those things?"

"When I was young, after my parents died, but I believe my parents didn't die by accident, I became obsessed with black magic and ancient occult." Barnabas glanced back at Salomon, " It has also been proved that they died at the hands of Angie. Mr. Damonette, where are your parents?"

"I haven't met my parents, my mother died after giving birth to me," Salomon said.

"I'm sorry." The vampire turned around the corner and bowed slightly in apology.

"It's nothing, Mr. Barnabas. I was adopted by the Supreme Master when I was born, and lived in Karma Taj as a disciple of the Supreme Master." Salomon said, "It is my honor, It is the dream of many people to be able to learn from the most powerful mystic on Earth. However, His Holiness’ expectations of me are a bit high now, and I don’t think I can kill the creatures who sneaked into Earth from the lower planes.”

"The lower plane?" Barnabas asked curiously, "What does that mean?"

"It's hell and the abyss, where devils and demons live." The young mystic replied with a smile, "The venerable once killed countless creatures that came to the earth from outer dimensions, and the name of the supreme mage can even make those creatures After trembling, His Holiness established Karma Taj, recruited apprentices, educated mages, and has guarded the earth for more than a thousand years."

Barnabas suddenly felt that the little wizard in front of him had become tricky. If it is a wizard or witch who is alone, the Corinthian family can naturally find a way to erase the traces of this person's existence, but if there is a huge organization behind this person, then this cannot be done, and in Salomon's mouth, the Supreme Mage seems to be Being the most powerful magician in the whole world, Barnabas didn't want to cause trouble.

The vampire now just wants to hand over those books as soon as possible, and then send Salomon away.

Because even if you can kill Salomon, it won't help.

The arrival of Salomon meant that someone had noticed the Collins family, and Elizabeth's plans were completely useless. But Barnabas also wants to know one more thing, that is, what does Salomon's organization think about vampires? If vampires can't be tolerated, can they really convert vampires into humans?

Barnabas didn't want to involve the Corinthian family because of his relationship with Victoria-the family is the real wealth. He has always kept this sentence in his heart, and he has always carried it out consistently, otherwise he would not have used the family's treasures to revitalize the family.

"The spell in that book, the "Book of Vishandi" has a corresponding spell to break it, but I need to know what the curse is first." This was the only answer Salomon provided, but Barnabas did not Can't find any satisfactory answer from this.

The two of them walked to Barnabas's library in such an intriguing conversation. This is the highest point of Colin Manor, with front and rear windows. The glass windows here are specially replaced with frosted ones, so that people can't see the inside clearly from the outside.

The two black curtains here are drawn all year round, which seems superfluous. In front of a brown wooden table near the window, there are thick books and some broken scrolls, all of which are covered with thick dust without exception, and there are even one or two sticks between some books. A spider's silk wafted in the breeze from nowhere.

These things seem to have been taken out of some abandoned room. In this regard, the vampire could only spread his hands, saying that he was helpless.

"After all, these things are all nonsense in the eyes of ordinary people." He said, "The police evidence room can't fit, so it's put in the museum. It's very rare that there are no moths in this pile, Damon Mr Te, I don't think you can say too much about how well preserved the little local museum is."

"Indeed." Salomon nodded and said, "Then I will start to identify now to see what I need."

But the work of identification is extremely difficult. Salomon doesn't think that a witch who has a lot of knowledge of "Dark God Book" will die so easily. The curse, and the black magic to gain long life, as for the knowledge in the "Dark God Book", she has most likely never seen it.

Therefore, Salomon can only search over and over in those books, because this knowledge is likely to be only located in one or two pages of these thick books. Barnabas hesitated to speak, and finally he couldn't help but let out a sound.

"This." He pointed to a mark written in gold powder in the book, "Is this the mark of Mephisto?"

Salomon looked over. It was a gold, capital M, and the sight of the sign reminded Salomon of fried chicken and chips.

"No..." he said with a curl of his lips, "I think it's probably a fast food logo, but it's just a Hell special."

This was probably a windfall.

"It seems that we have to take a good look at who is the boss behind McDonald's." Salomon thought secretly.

ps: Please invest! Ask for a recommendation ticket!

Good night.

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