Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 29 Unbelievers (seeking investment!)

The browsing process was cumbersome, and Salomon even choked on the raised fine dust and sneezed. He covered his mouth and nose, stretched out his hand and waved a gust of wind to blow away the accumulated dust.

It is not without reason that ordinary people regard these books as nonsense, because more than half of the contents of these books are short sentences with gorgeous words but meaningless words and various hearsay stories, and they really talk about the content of occultism Most likely only a few pages. The oldest of these books is at most from Europe in the Middle Ages, when all kinds of liars who claimed to be wizards and alchemists were popular at that time, selling all kinds of useless elixir, most of these books were those guys written.

But no one can rule out that a few guys did understand some spells, and then wrote what they knew in the book. They will hide spells through various methods, such as poetry, such as pictures, and it is very likely that Angelique Bouchard obtained knowledge through these books. But Salomon can't just move these books back to Karma Taj and then inspect them. His Holiness has already said that this task can only be performed by him, because only people like him who have faced the dark dimension can do it. Has some resistance to black magic.

Therefore, Salomon could only endure the irritability and try to find out what he needed from these magic books. At least he had to make sure that the spells from the "Dark God Book" were hidden in these books before he could be sure that the Corinthian family had no secrets. Tibetan spell.

This work needs to consume a lot of his time, but only after completing all this can he proceed to the next step.

In the process of rummaging through these books, Barnabas left for a while, and then he walked into the room with a huge plate, and put the plate on Salomon's table. There is a cup of black tea on the plate, some neatly arranged sandwiches, and even a few pieces of waffles and jam.

When Salomon looked at him with puzzled eyes, the vampire sitting quietly by the side blinked. He said, "I heard you have a British accent, so I figured you must be in the habit of drinking afternoon tea. But Willie doesn't get here normally, so I've got to bring it. Don't worry, there's no silver."

"I won't smoke when I touch silver products, Mr. Barnabas." Salomon continued to look back, flipping through boring books. Although he is very thirsty, he will not be stupid enough to accept the food offered by the prey in his own heart. After all, who knows if he is also a prey in the hearts of others?

Seeing that Salomon didn't touch the food, Barnabas wasn't angry. He sat aside, talked to Salomon from time to time, and kept knocking around, trying to find out about Kama Taj. Salomon didn't hide everything. He focused on describing the position of the Supreme Mage in the universe and his powerful strength. After all, he didn't believe in vampires, and he didn't believe that vampires would trust him so easily. It is still very useful at this time.

But Barnabas' next question caught Salomon a little off guard.

"Does God really exist? Mr. Damonette, don't vampires go to heaven?"

"Magic exists, and vampires exist, so why can't God exist?" Salomon looked at Barnabas. At this time, the vampire also opened his eyes wide, waiting for Salomon's answer. The vampire at this time seemed extremely sincere.

Whether or not God exists is very important to Christianity. Although the Supreme Master has shut out the power of heaven, His Holiness has not explicitly prohibited human beings from believing in God. Perhaps His Holiness wanted Christianity and the Odin faith to fight each other, but he did not expect that in the end it would become the dominant family.

"As for whether you can go to heaven..." At this time, Salomon controlled the chair to turn in one direction, making a harsh friction sound on the floor. He said, "Is going to heaven a good thing?"

"What does this mean?" Barnabas dragged out his tone in doubt. He pinched the index finger and thumb of his left hand together, as if what he was pinching was what Salomon said, "Don't good people die? Should I go to heaven?"

"I don't know, Mr. Barnabas." The young mystic shook his head and replied, "I think death should be silent, not in a place so bright that it's dazzling, like a fool singing hymns every day and unable to extricate himself from it." .I don't want anybody to pick and choose over my soul, not even God."

"Are you a believer in the devil?" the vampire asked, tilting his head, "don't all wizards sell their souls to the devil?".

"No, I am an unbeliever." Salomon showed a disdainful smile, "In my opinion, God does exist, but it is not worthy of belief. If what I do is consistent with that teaching, it is only because That teaching happened to be true to me, not because I believed in it; if I contradict it, it doesn't mean I need to be punished, but I don't believe in that teaching at all. What we need is not a god, but a human being Myself, Mr. Barnabas, your family's current achievements are not dependent on God, but on your own hands."

This idea is an inference drawn by Salomon based on the knowledge he has learned in his previous life, combined with the teachings of the Supreme Master. Although this idea is extremely immature now, Salomon is a thorough humanist. But what he said made Barnabas open his mouth in surprise.

People with faith look down on unbelievers, no matter which world they are in. In their view, they are far more noble than unbelievers. Even if you don't have enough food or clothing, you can still spit on rich unbelievers. Because they are noble, people of faith.

In the eyes of believers, heresy is much more hateful than heretics, and what is more hateful and unforgivable than heresy is unbelief. In their eyes, people without faith have no bottom line, are incurable, and are extremely sad. Although faith cannot make people fed and clothed, but without faith, they are not worthy of having food and clothing. If the unbelievers have food and clothing, or even a well-off life, then the unbelievers must have done something outrageous.

Please don't think this idea is ridiculous, because it abounds.

Theists will elevate themselves extremely high, as if they are standing with their gods. But if they just like to stand tall, nothing will happen, but unfortunately, they like to stand on high places and dictate, as if they are the extension of the will of the gods, and what they do is the will of the gods. If unbelievers form a group, these believers can justifiably bring war to them, because they are right, unbelievers are savages who need to be civilized, and they think it is the will of God.

They don't believe in the efforts of unbelievers because unbelievers lack faith. Theists cannot open their eyes to see the facts. No matter how well others do, in their view, the unbelievers must be covering up the dirty places. And no matter how bad they become, they will become noble together with the gods they believe in, because they believe in gods, they are the Lord's shepherds, and they are qualified and necessary to guide those lost lambs.

As for the operation of double standards to reverse black and white, there is no need to say more, it is just a routine behavior.

The first memory Salomon accepted had extreme anti-god ideas. Perhaps influenced by this aspect, Salomon respected atheism even more. In his opinion, the current achievements of human beings do not have the slightest participation of gods. If human beings beg for mercy, the gods will only rule human beings with peace of mind. If there is no Ancient One mage in this world, the current human beings will not be much better than lambs .

His thinking like this is what the Supreme Mage expected, an unbelievers, the best weapon to face the demon gods of outer dimensions.

"Hmm~~~" The vampire obviously didn't expect Salomon's attitude to be so aggressive. He raised a finger and forced a smile, "I think Victoria should wake up!"

"Please go ahead, Mr. Barnabas." Salomon turned back expressionlessly, "I will notify you after I finish my work."

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket!

Thanks to DeathHonour and TayaAndrew for their rewards!

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