Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 30 The hunt begins (seeking investment!)

Theism has always had great influence in the Western world. Although with the development of technology, the Roman Church cannot excommunicate the king, interfere with the marriage of the king (especially Henry VIII), and cannot organize crusades Pagans and British Puritans could not initiate witch hunting at will, but religion has always affected every aspect of the secular world.

Especially in the United States, the world's number one technological power, religion also has a very strong influence.

For example, when witnesses attend, they need to press the Bible to swear, otherwise the testimony will not have legal effect; presidential candidates must obtain the blessing and prayer of the pastor, and after being elected, they also need to press the Bible to officially take office, and the president must also appoint a White House In the U.S. military, there must also be a chaplain. If the chaplain does not pray, soldiers may not even be willing to fight; there are even seminaries in those famous universities. The college is not inferior in comparison.

As stated earlier, a theist will claim to be the shepherd of God.

Americans consider themselves to be soldiers of God, and all the wars they wage are just wars. They are liberating ignorance and saving the world, because they are blessed by God, they are the most correct in the world, and everyone else must learn from them . As for whether anyone will find out that the reason for the war is actually oil or something else, it depends on how the politicians deceive the masses.

Today, at least half of Americans believe that religion should influence science and politics, which is one of the reasons why theistic countries often have anti-intellectual behavior. From Salomon's point of view, it would not be surprising if these Saxon savages were to inject disinfectant into their bodies with syringes someday.

When the living Athena appeared in front of him, Salomon didn't offer his faith either. He didn't even believe in Weishandi, so how could he believe in God? In his mind, God is likely to be an existence on the same level as Odin, and Visandi is a magical entity that exists in the multiverse. His backer, the Eternal God. Even for the Eternal God, Salomon only expressed respect.

Salomon's conclusion is that religion is useless for human development in the absence of divine magic.

But Salomon will not interfere with anything. Now Western society has exhausted the scientific and enterprising spirit of the Renaissance, but this world is not peaceful. The successive alien invasions will make the earth people understand that they are not in the universe. not lonely. In order to survive in this universe, human beings must develop technology, and religion will be eliminated naturally. Salomon can see the end of theology without doing anything.

When Salomon informed the Supreme Master of his conclusion, the Venerable was very satisfied that Salomon had such an idea, for which she also rewarded Salomon with a bottle of soda. In His Holiness' knowledge, Salomon's birth was full of doubts from the very beginning, and the stigmata most likely came from heaven, so Salomon possessed a magical talent that is difficult for ordinary people to match. And as the supreme mage who abducted Salomon into Karma Taj, he naturally didn't want his disciples to become the lackeys of extradimensional creatures. Only a holy son who does not believe in God can protect the new supreme mage before he grows up. Earth.

Salomon, who was currently looking up information on the top floor of Colin Manor, had developed a disdain for Barnabas.

You have already become a vampire, so don't think about being able to ascend to heaven. Isn't it interesting to become a petitioner? Whether it is judged whether a person can ascend to heaven according to the standards of Judaism, the Anglican Church, the Orthodox Church or the Catholic Church, I am afraid that only a very small number of people in modern society can meet that standard. If you don’t believe it, open your browser history Take a look at the records, and you can understand how many crimes you have committed.


This is already the fifth day——Salomon spent an extremely long time screening books, every day he would be busy until late at night before returning to Karma Taj, and would open them in the hall of Colin Manor during the day The portal, the Collins family also turned a blind eye from being startled at first glance. They could see the sparks lit up in the living room and Salomon hurried upstairs every morning.

There are many thick books and yellowing scrolls piled up at his feet, these are the books that he has eliminated, although there are one or two small magic records in them, but what he needs comes from "Dark God Book" "The black magic is far different, and the harm is basically zero. But after the last conversation, Barnabas no longer took the initiative to appear in front of Salomon. A guy without faith really frightened him.

As one of the first families to arrive on the American continent, the coat of arms of the Corinthian family has a seahorse pattern. The seahorse coat of arms symbolizes the power of water and is a symbol of peace in the sea. At that time, no one who relied on the sea to do business was not superstitious. Under the influence of his parents, Barnabas had long been a faithful Puritan.

In his opinion, no belief means no bottom line. The vampire has no idea whether Salomon will keep his promise and will not destroy him and Victoria in turn. Even God cannot guarantee whether Salomon will keep his promise. He felt that a big trouble was looming over the Collins family, and now Salomon was more annoying to the vampires than sunlight, silverware, and garlic combined.

Little did he know that Salomon, who already hated "ghosts", stretched his waist vigorously, and he could even hear the crisp sound of his spine stretching and stretching. When you open the curtains, you will find that the crimson afterglow of the setting sun is mixed with the gray dark clouds, dyeing the distant sea surface into an ambiguous deep pink. If Salomon hadn't felt his neck sore, he might not have realized the passage of time.

And his achievements are also obvious. There are still a few books on the table now. Although it is full of nonsense that seems to be all absurd now, Salomon still found what he wanted. He didn't read the long incantation throughout, but he could understand the danger of this incantation. Now, he needs to investigate the source of this spell, because His Holiness' order is to find the "Dark God Book", not just one or two spells.

This is an alchemy book written in Latin, which is not surprising. The transformation of human beings into vampires is a change in the nature of life, and it is normal to be classified in alchemy books.

Salomon found the author's name on the title page of the book, which is an Arabicized name "Jabir", and the medieval Latin spelling is "Geber (Geber)". The name Jabir is often used in the most influential Latin alchemy works of the thirteenth century, but the Latin spelling of the name Geb belongs to another person, who just used the name of the Aragonese alchemist That's all, he also adopted the guiding style typical of al-Jaber's writings and rewrote some chapters of Al-Jaber's Seventy Books.

The author even included in his text some grammatical structures and expressions that were translated into Latin but seemed to be typical of Arabic, in an attempt to confuse the real ones and use them to enhance the credibility of his work. As for why this is done, it is related to the event that alchemy spread to Europe after the exchange between Christian civilization and Arab civilization, so I won’t go into details here.

All in all, according to the research of later historians, the author behind this "Gaber" is very likely to be Paul of Taranto, an Italian Franciscan priest and teacher-because Paul wrote a nearly contemporary alchemical text , which is very similar in style and content to the text of "Gaber". Now that text was originally stored in the library of Karma Taj, and Salomon once looked through it.

After confirming the next itinerary, Salomon put the book into the dimensional bag. He still had things to do——Barnabas' conjecture was indeed correct, and Salomon would not abide by the agreement, because this There are also dark magic creatures in this town.

Tonight, Salomon joins the hunt.

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket! Ask for investment!

Get off work. I don't know if there is a collection of book lists, but my account of Long Kong was blocked by QAQ because of self-recommendation.

Also, someone actually chased the 1w point with full confidence. It's a little stressful for me.

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