Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 31 The Whetstone (seeking investment!)

Salomon's footsteps were soundless, and the semicircle of orange-red flickering sparks in his hand faintly illuminated the dark corridor of Colin Manor.

Perhaps because Salomon was here, the Collins family was afraid to avoid him. Even Willie, who was supposed to turn on the light, stayed away from here. When night fell, the place fell into groggy darkness. Salomon did not use lighting spells, nor did he open the curtains to let the only sliver of light into the corridor, but just relied on the little twilight in his hands to adapt to this terrible environment.

After a while, his pupils dilated slowly, allowing more reflected light to enter the eyeballs, allowing him to see a little more clearly what he passed—the black curtains swayed like living shadows in the windless corridor , the last afterglow disappeared completely after flowing into the corridor, and the night quickly enveloped the entire manor, and the cold atmosphere brought by negative energy permeated every corner, only the three gemstone rings on Salomon's fingers remained intact under the sparkle. Shining brightly, reflected faint lights of various colors flashed across the corridor from time to time.

"I've already asked them to go for a walk, including Victoria. She has loved walking under the stars since she became a vampire. After all, she has said goodbye to her favorite sunshine and woods." Barnabas suddenly walked from behind Salomon. Emerging from the darkness, even now, he is still wearing the 18th century style costume and said, leaning on a cane, his waist is straight, and the white lace scarf is meticulous, "Aren't you really going to keep your promise and will Are we transformed into humans, Mr Damonette."

"The "Book of Visander" is indeed the perfect nemesis of that curse. Every black magic in that book has a corresponding white magic in "Book of Visander." Salomon froze all over, But he slowly relaxed, and he didn't look back, "Even so, do you still think white magic won't harm you?"

"That is to say..." The vampire came out slowly, he raised his eyebrows and said, "I will never be able to turn back into a human being? And the way to lift the curse in the "Book of Weishandi" is to kill vampire?"

"Yes, magic against vampires. And..."


"And I never promised you that I would turn you into a human being." Salomon turned around slowly and looked at the vampire, still maintaining the spell in his hand, "My original words were, 'This is the same as my Your second question is about', therefore, I have not violated my oath. Mr. Barnabas, your story is very touching, but it is meaningless. I just need the book. As for the third person in the town Vampires are also my hunting target."

"So, you wanted to kill me from the beginning," the vampire drew out, "it doesn't matter what my story is, am I right?"

"Yes." Salomon readily admitted, "I'm afraid you still don't understand your specialness, Mr. Barnabas, you became a vampire by the magic curse of that book, rather than relying on birth or birth. You were born with your own power. There is almost no upper limit to your strength. The last person who used that magic to become a vampire has been a long time ago. All I know is that it is an existence that cannot be killed at all.

And vampires are like cancer, only one need exist to reproduce countless, Mr. Barnabas, your age is still too young for vampires, you have not accumulated much power, and you have not yet possessed the terrifying immortality sex. Speaking of which, do you think I will let you go? Of course, these are high-sounding words, in fact, the powder of vampire annihilation is also a treasured material. "

"My existence is original sin." Barnabas kept hitting the ground with his cane, making a dull sound. Although Salomon couldn't see his expression clearly, he could feel the bitterness in his heart. with restlessness. He said, "My existence is the original sin, and I have made Victoria responsible for it. We have been abandoned by God."

"Since His Holiness drove all the gods and demons out of the earth, human beings have been abandoned, and the development of civilization has not been participated by gods and devils." Salomon stepped forward, he touched the heel lightly, and the short boots , the complex spell structure disappeared in a flash. The young mystic walked forward slowly, and finally stopped at a suitable distance, "Don't think about ascending to heaven, and don't think about going to hell to redeem your sins. Your soul has already been reserved by that horrible existence. If you If I can kill you, your soul can only belong to the god of black magic, just like Angelique Bouchard."

Sithorn, the Supreme Mage can say this name, but Salomon can't. He is not as powerful as the Venerable, and even mentioning his name may make him be noticed. Although after being watched, Sithorn could not affect the earth because of the existence of the supreme mage, but Salomon did not want to appear on the list of the gods of black magic.

"Including Victoria?" Barnabas asked.

"No." Salomon said, "If what you said is true, she was transformed after death. Although she cannot go to heaven, as long as she does not kill anyone, she will not go to hell. Her soul is only Will go to death, that is the place of eternal silence."

The vampire was silent for a long time, and the breeze blowing through the corridor from nowhere gently tugged at the hem of his clothes, seeming to urge Barnabas to make a quick decision. Salomon also quietly waited for Barnabas' decision, but no matter what, he would fight the vampire in front of him.

"I just came to the New World when I was your age. I didn't understand anything at that time, but my father often said to me, 'Family is wealth'. I have always regarded this sentence as a philosophy of life, because it is It is because of the efforts of the family members that the Corinthian family was able to gain a firm foothold in Europe and the New World and develop into a famous family. In England, the Corinthian family still holds titles, and in the New England region of Maine, they almost monopolize the fishing resources on the northeast coast. .”

Barnabas opened his hands as he said that, as if he embraced all the great achievements made by the Corinthian family, he looked at Salomon and said in a very serious manner, "We do this , just for the sake of the family. No matter what the result is, I want you to promise me that the Corinth family will not be implicated no matter what. "

"I swear in the name of the suzerain Weishandi, the source of white magic." Salomon nodded.

"Very good, I finally saw where your faith lies." Barnabas nodded with satisfaction, "But I still have a question. You can obviously find me during the day, why did you come at this time? Could it be that you ..."

The expression of the young mystic was a little stiff.

He has never fought, nor has he attempted to kill any intelligent beings. He admits that the story of Barnabas has influenced him. After all, who doesn't like a couple reunited after two hundred years? Who wouldn't want Romeo and Juliet to finally get married? Who can't look forward to seeing the world full of beautiful things and sincere feelings? Who would not envy the meeting of warm kisses and gorgeous roses?

Too bad they're vampires. From the standpoint of Kama Taj, such creatures must be eliminated. As long as Salomon stays in Kama Taj for a day and obtains magic power from Visandi for a day, he will always encounter such things. Even if he missed it this time, he would still meet again next time. Salomon had enjoyed the best magic education in the world, even in the universe, and this became his inescapable responsibility.

It's just that Salomon was absolutely unwilling to admit that he wanted Barnabas to have an advantage, and he didn't even dare to admit that he was a little bit, just a little bit, looking forward to his own failure and retreating. Although those memories affect his personality all the time, making his heart become cold and hard, but after all, the time for Salomon to master some stigmata is still too short, and the soft personality cultivated in the previous life is still in a short time. Difficult to change.

Perhaps the Supreme Master was aware of this and let Salomon complete this matter.

For a young vampire like Barnabas, for any senior deacon of the temple, as long as he tried his best, he would definitely be able to kill him, even without the dispatch of the temple guardian. But Salomon's desireless look is too lazy, he always has to bear something, this is what the Venerable said to Modu, Salomon will bear something that does not belong to him The least of the pains.

This is one of the prices he has to pay for being strong. The vampire Barnabas is just a whetstone prepared by the Supreme Mage for Salomon.

"It's none of your business, Barnabas." Salomon's voice was as cold as his expression, and another semicircular magic circle unfolded in his hands, and the face of the mystic was in the flickering sparks. Bright and dark. No matter what Barnabas thinks, Salomon will choose to do this, giving up a little advantage just to express the extremely hypocritical guilt in his heart, just like a white glove before a duel.

"Let's end it as soon as possible, I don't want to wait any longer," he said.

ps: Please invest! Ask for a recommendation ticket!

A big brother chased 10,000 points, which made me a little stressed.

Also, why can't your characters be more balanced than your heart? Just two, the numbers are not the same! I'm about to commit obsessive-compulsive disorder, why can't I be more tidy! I get annoyed every time I see it!

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