Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 32 The first battle with the vampire (seeking investment!)

No matter how high a vampire's magical attainments are, one of the ways they think of when facing an enemy is to use their extraordinary speed and strength to crush their opponents, and Barnabas is no exception. He disappeared into the darkness in an instant, and rushed to Salomon with a cold wind all over his body.

Immediately there was a dull sound, like the sizzling sound of red-hot metal being immersed in cold water. The vampire's sharp nails collided with the shield built by the mystic, and orange-red sparks burst out on Salomon's chest.

The sparks instantly illuminated the dark corridor and then quickly extinguished. The short brightness allowed Salomon to see the vampire's pale face clearly. But before Salomon could react, the vampire's claw hit the shield again, sparks erupted again, and the mystic had to stagger back two steps.

Salomon withdrew his right leg and stabilized his balance. He quickly raised the ring of Raggador over his head, and sparks splashed out from the shield again. The wooden floors creaked horribly.

The floor broke suddenly, revealing yellow and sharp sections and spikes, and one of Salomon's legs sank into the hollow floor.

He suddenly rolled forward on the ground, dodging the claws that fell from the sky. Although he couldn't see all the movements of Barnabas in the dark, the reaction he developed after long-term training allowed him to withstand the swift and violent blows of the vampire. Although Barnabas was of a very high rank, he never Without training, the attack direction is extremely easy to guess.

Salomon didn't even look back, he threw back the ring of Raggador in his hand, and then he stood up quickly, and then turned around immediately, with his toes slightly inward, his knees slightly bent, and his left palm on his chest Front, right arm tilted down to the left in a defensive stance. But there was no one in front of him. The previous ring of Raggador only shattered the decorative porcelain at the end of the corridor, and the vampire had long since disappeared.

He secretly raised his vigilance, and at the same time quietly put his right hand into his pocket, took out a handful of dried carrots, stuffed them into his mouth as quickly as possible, chewed them hastily, and swallowed them.

This was his mistake, but it has been made up for now. Now the darkness in front of him is no longer an obstacle for him. He no longer has to rely on anticipation to judge the direction of attack like a blind man—the magic of dark vision allows him to In a dark environment, everything within a range of nearly 20 meters can be seen clearly.

And there is a reason why he chose this spell instead of using an area of ​​effect spell like Burning Hand to force out the vampire - the vampire is so fast that he can completely dodge that spell, and he only has one chance to cast the spell . When Salomon uttered the spell again, the vampire's claws might have already cut his throat.

Not to mention that his mage level is not high now, and there are not many offensive spells that can be used. If it is other spells, even Weishandi's positive energy spells, they need to hit to discuss whether they can break the defense. Under such circumstances, with the vampire's reaction, Salomon did not have the confidence to hit Barnabas. Even if those spells could hit Barnabas, they probably wouldn't be able to cause him much damage.

Therefore, it is the most cost-effective to choose some magic to bless yourself, and choose the same fighting style as other Karma Taj mystics. Before the Toril crystal wall spells he learned had sufficient combat power, the magic of Visandi's spells combined with transformation spells and conjuration spells to strengthen his melee ability were Salomon's main means of attack.

A few seconds after casting the spell, Salomon heard the rapid flapping of wings and the sound of fine and dense footsteps in the corridor, as if a large group of creatures were approaching him.

He turned again, only this time he only made a half turn, knocking an arm out of the darkness with his right elbow.

He took a half step forward with his right foot and followed behind Barnabas' right foot, clasped the elbow of this arm with the palm of his left hand, and poked the fingers of his right hand obliquely towards the vampire's eyes.

Wing Chun, Biaozhi.

Turning around is just to lure the enemy to attack. This is what Salomon learned when he watched Karma Taj's apprentice practice Baguazhang. In the self-defense class, he faced all kinds of boxing techniques, so he naturally learned a lot about how to deal with the enemy. experience of.

But he doesn't have the immortality of a vampire. In such an environment where he may be attacked at any time, in order not to be scratched, short combat is the best choice.

Life and death is not training, Salomon did not keep his hand at all, and his hand was very fast.

But his opponent was not an ordinary human, but an extremely fast vampire. This move was easily dodged by Barnabas, only passing through the vampire's ear.

The vampire opened its mouth and bit Salomon's palm, the mystic clenched his fist with his right hand, and the semicircular Raggador Ring suddenly lit up, blocking the vampire's fangs.

Salomon let go of his left hand and took half a step forward with his left leg. His body bypassed the sharp claws swung by Barnabas, and then he swung his right hand outward forcefully, slapping the vampire hard. face.

In response, Barnabas flew across the sky and slammed into the glass window of the corridor.

Before the vampire could break out of the window, Salomon was surrounded by a silver mist. He disappeared in place in an instant, and suddenly appeared above the flight path of the vampire.

The mystic stepped on the magic disc that appeared out of thin air, and then punched down again to slap the ring of Raggador down.

boom--! ! !

The mystic slammed the vampire onto the ground, and the dark wooden floor made a loud noise, and it sank suddenly, splashing a large cloud of sawdust.

The second-ring conjuration system, the lost step.

Before the vampire could recover from the violent impact, the orange rings around Salomon's hands were completely unfolded. He clenched his hands into fists and struck down Barnabas' face in turns at a very fast speed. Hard blows would slam the vampire's head hard against the floor.


It sounded like the rapid drumbeat of a festival in the corridor, but there were no beautiful girls in bathrobes, noisy tourists, and children bumping around here and there. There were only two creatures standing in the dark corridor, one standing , with a ferocious face; one is lying down, life or death unknown.

In addition to this, there is blood continuously splashed on the broken ground and broken teeth spattering.

"Huh...huh..." Salomon took half a step back, panting violently, like a rescued drowning person. His chest heaved rapidly, his blood-stained hands were hanging beside him, and even the three rings of Emperor Weishan were covered in blood.

Now all he felt was a soreness in his arms. The series of actions from turning around to lure the enemy were completed in one breath. Even in Kama Taj's self-defense class, he had never engaged in such intense hand-to-hand combat. Then he swung nearly fifty punches at a speed that broke through the limit and was invisible to the naked eye. Lactic acid filled almost every inch of muscle in his arm.

In fact, he doesn't have to do this at all, the shield he got from Athena can be used at will, and now, he just wants to test the level of his ability.

Now he has come to the result - as long as he uses all his strength, he can completely deal with a young primitive vampire.

After panting for a few seconds, he barely raised his arms, and once again formed his hands into palms, slowly opening them like flowers. Afterwards, the wooden floor was like a shattered mirror, and there was a sound like glass breaking under Barnabas.

Salomon is not the Supreme Mage, it only takes a moment for the Venerable to expand the mirror dimension, and Salomon still needs to chant spells and gestures, so he needs to subdue the vampire before he can lock Barnabas in.

As the cracks on the mirror became bigger and bigger, the unconscious vampire also sank slowly. But before he could completely lock the vampire into the mirror dimension, the sound of flapping wings and dense footsteps sounded again.

Salomon looked up, and a large group of rats and bats rushed over from the other end of the corridor. These disgusting little creatures almost flooded the corridor, and in an instant they flooded the corridor like sea waves and rushed to Salomon's feet. Salomon had to give up his action and take a few steps back. Thin flames erupted from between his palms, scorching the rats and bats in front of him.

The flame also ignited all the curtains in front of Salomon, and the fire light swept away all the darkness.

But these creatures did not attack Salomon, they flowed through the corridor like a stream of water, and the mystic was like an island on the water, and the bats and mice all bypassed him. After these little things completely disappeared from the end of the corridor, Salomon looked over and found that Barnabas lying on the ground had disappeared.

Instead, a woman in a retro light blue dress stood there. The whalebone bustle made her skirt look quite wide, and the skirt was decorated with complicated lace. In the firelight all over the corridor, Salomon could see her face clearly, and behind her was floating a ghost that looked exactly like her.

ps: so hungry~

good afternoon.

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