Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 270: The Prophetic Dream from the Priest (Part 1!)

"You stink all over now, go take a bath." The supreme mage waved his hand, signaling Salomon to clean himself up quickly. Even vampires don't like it, here are normal people.

"Also." The venerable added before the disciple left, "Athena, let me tell you, you don't have to go there today, little Lorna has returned home safely. In the next time, the wise The Goddess of War will hunt and kill those idiots herself, so you can rest assured."

"You should know that my anger is out of guilt, right?" Salomon said to His Holiness before leaving, "Marduk's target is me, and Mephisto's target is also me. They want to pass me Sit in that chair. I will never forgive myself for killing innocent children because of me."

"It's a good thing to be able to taste the guilt. What you need to do most now is to make yourself delicious again. The world will not stop without you. Revenge boy, go enjoy dinner with the witch, You need to relax. When the revenge strikes, I promise you will be at the forefront."

Salomon saluted and exited the meditation room respectfully.

"You should have called us, Boya." Bayoneta stroked the hair of her lover lying on her lap with a rare tenderness in her tone. Since she met Salomon, she has experienced from wanting to put each other to death because of her position, to becoming nostalgic because of the memory of five hundred years ago. In such a long time together, Bayonetta has never seen Salomon had felt such anger before, and she felt that the mystic had condensed anger under every inch of his skin when he had just returned home.

"We're all so idle," she said, "there are so few angels in Europe, and Joan and I can't always pretend to be nuns, because all we attract are friendly angels, and the amount of exercise is not as good as a yoga session." .”

"But it's official business, dear." Salomon closed his eyes, enjoying the witch's caress and the intoxicating scent of light perfume. He rubbed Beunita's thigh, and the witch gently pinched his nose until Salomon muttered a few times in dissatisfaction, then the witch let go and played with other parts.

Because of being too angry before, Salomon chose not to use magic but to use close combat to deal with the enemy, which also caused his body to be covered with the blood of the enemy. He has changed his clothes now, the previous clothes have been burned, and even his bath water has been poured out in the deserted wasteland-after all, no one knows that in this messy universe, a pot of mixed Could something grotesque be born from the bathwater of the blood of dark magic creatures?

He's tired now, especially after eating, and he can hardly keep his eyes open. Beunita wanted to put Salomon to bed tonight, but this idea was strongly opposed by Joan. She dropped the Cheshire cat she was playing with and wanted to drag Salomon up. Fortunately, Beunita stopped Joan of Arc's absurd behavior in time, so that Salomon could continue to lie on her lap to rest.

"That's an action against you. We are qualified to go to hell and kill that hell lord. Don't forget, Boya, you are the weakest one in this family—" the witch said with a smile, "—if you don't count the Cheshire cat and your little maid."

At this time, the apartment doorbell rang. Salomon opened his eyes and struggled to get up from Bayonetta's lap. He asked the android to see who was coming. When the artificial man brought back the news, the mystic's eyes narrowed involuntarily, as if he was thinking about something.

"Who is here?" Jeanne was a little curious.

Not many people knew this address, and she couldn't guess who would visit after dinner. Salomon gave the answer—"Father Molu," he said, "that black priest who was drinking heavily. He came to see me, and he told Dinah that he had something very important to tell me, he said My calamity is near, saying that I have gone astray, and I am about to descend into the palace of death."

"You attach great importance to this guy, and you didn't get angry after hearing the threats." Bayonetta also asked the question at this moment, "What's the reason?"

"He might meet the guy who gave me the stigmata." Salomon stood up and patted his crumpled shirt. "I still have a debt with that guy." He asked the witch, "Do you want to receive him?"

"Since he wants to be a guest, let him in."

Father Moreau would bring a bottle of wine with him even when he visited, but he drank it himself. "I know what happened to you, including what you have encountered, just before it happened." He said straight to the point, "I know you must want to ask me where the news came from, I can only tell you, I It was in prayer that I knew about it."

"Isn't it time to drink the fragments?" The mystic has never been unforgiving, especially when facing God's servants.

"Hmph!" Father Molu couldn't refute the ridicule of the mystic, because he did dream about what happened to Salomon after drinking the fragment, and he couldn't lie. The reason why he remembers this is because it is impossible for ordinary people to remember what dreams they had after drinking the fragments, but he still remembers what he dreamed until now.

That's why he flew from Europe to New York as soon as he woke up from a hangover without delay.

"But you're drinking again now." The mystic showed disdain after listening to his explanation. He had some doubts that Father Molu's brain was ruined by drinking alcohol. According to Father Molu's drinking method, the liver has not yet appeared. The problem is also a miracle.

"This is the best antidote for a hangover." Father Molu looked at the witch next to Salomon with dissatisfaction.

A witch is a woman who practiced magic, a lackey of the devil, Delilah who cut off Samson's hair, and the whore of Babylon who rode a monster with seven heads and ten horns and led the Son to the slaughter. Molu was extremely dissatisfied with the fact that Salomon was close to the witch, but he knew that Salomon would never listen to him. He came here only to inform Salomon that he was about to be in danger.

"I dreamed that you faced a three-headed poisonous dragon in a black fire that could burn your soul." Father Molu took another sip of the strong drink, and his drinking speed even made Salomon suspect that the bottle of wine was Father Molu Bought from the supermarket downstairs, the spirits brought from Europe have long been used up.

"The poisonous dragon has a green snake tongue, and its highly poisonous saliva falls to the ground and becomes a poisonous weed." The priest said, "I saw you riding a horse without a saddle and stirrups, fighting the poisonous dragon with a spear and a long sword, I saw You nailed the poisonous dragon to the ground with your spear..."

"Wait, wait, why does this story become more and more familiar?" Salomon hurriedly stopped Father Molu's nonsense, "This is obviously the story of St. Quite consistent, for example, my war horse does not have saddles and stirrups, and I do have a sword and a lance, but this does not mean that what you said is correct-did you forget your dream and then make it up? of?"

"Then how do you explain that I dreamed about that thing before you were attacked?" Father Molu glanced at the mystic from the edge of the wine bottle. He swallowed his drink and coughed twice. "You have always been unwilling to believe in God. This kind of thing should not have happened to you." He glanced at the two charming witches, "You are indeed the Messiah, the second Messiah, you have to bear The responsibility is much heavier than it is now. The Lord wanted you to be born to be the Savior. Remember what I told you earlier? You don’t need to receive magic from outside to perform miracles. What’s stopping you? your teacher?"

"No, it's height." The mystic said seriously. Father Molu obviously didn't accept this nonsense, but it was the truth.

"Anyway, you'd better study what you took from the monastery. The Lord's wisdom is in it, and that's something you can understand. Don't look at me like that. I know the Golden Dawn guys, and they also I have come to the monastery to look for wisdom, but they didn’t take much away, because it is something they are destined to be unable to understand, and they are not even qualified to receive the holy blood.” Father Molu stood up, ready to leave, “My dream That's what's going to happen, what you need is the strength of the Lord."

"Forget it, if God is really omnipotent, then we humans are ants, our burnt offerings are insect stumps, and our worship is the whispering of mosquitoes, which is meaningless to God—— Unless he is a narcissist who loves to listen to praise. Would you like the worship of mosquitoes, Mauru?"

It seems that there are too many Bible stalks mixed in, I am a little worried that you will not be able to understand...or do science popularization alone?

Luckily, I drank alone, otherwise I would be too talkative when I was drunk...

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