Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 271 The War of Freakonomics Serves Currency (Part 2)

Father Molu walked away with ease, and Salomon's words could not shake his faith at all.

He had no intention of preaching, because he believed that sooner or later Salomon would find his faith, which was beyond doubt. But the prophecy he brought made the mystic look sad - "The priest didn't dream of other people." Salomon held a wisp of silver smoke. In order to let him know more about the prophetic dream, Father Molu agreed to Salomon's spellcasting. "He saw me alone facing Marduk," he said, "no one else."

"You'd be stupid to take this dream for everything," Bayonetta said nonchalantly. "We'll be there for sure. If you ask me, you might as well go to the No Door Bar and see a dreamer, I'm It doesn't look like the priest has learned to interpret dreams."

"Maybe that's the case, this thing is possible." Salomon frowned, took a sip of the soda poured by the artificial man, and moistened his dry throat.

"That lunatic Marduk longs for the seventh throne. Whether I want to sit on it or not, he will kill me. There is no hell lord who does not want to sit on it. Almost all hell lords are my enemies, including Murphy Stowe, but for the record, there have been Hell Lords who sat on the 7th throne and quickly rolled down, without exception, because the devils never stop fighting. I think if this happened, it must be because The old devil did something—at least, without Mephisto’s instigation, Marduk would never have come to the main material plane to deal with me. There is a supreme mage here. That’s really crazy, I think Mo Festo likes that idiot."

"The devil supports you, Salomon." Joan of Arc said, "Your seventy-two pillar demon god, the Queen of Sheba. As far as I know, the current Madame Butterfly and Mrs. Styx are having trouble with Lilith. It is said that Madame Butterfly jumped to Lilith's layer of abyss."

"If I want to set off a bloody battle between the abyss and hell, I will do so. What's more, Father Molu also said that Johnny Blazer will also go to the lower plane, and the seal that suppresses the spirit of revenge has collapsed more than he It’s much faster to imagine. In other words, the nearest lower plane is not quiet, as long as there is a spark, the entire lower plane will have a dog’s brain.”

"Ha! Do you think there has never been a war between the devil and the devil? My dear, the truce between the devil and the devil has been abnormal for thousands of years. Hundreds of millions of years ago, these two races have been fighting endlessly since their birth, and the truce It happened after the birth of King Solomon. Now that the phoenix is ​​at your side, it means that this war is about to start again. Whether you want it or not, it is the collective will of the abyss and hell-the Queen of Sheba thinks so, the devil They think the same way, especially the devils. The whole society of devils does not want the souls in their hands to continue to inflate. It will make them poor and make the devils continue to grow their power. Maybe Mephisto is right. This opportunity is why he wants to consume the currency in the hands of other hell lords first, so that he can increase his worth."

Bayonetta leaned on the sofa, drinking wine while explaining the situation in the lower plane to Salomon. "I know you are worried about the loyalty of the seventy-two pillar demon gods, otherwise you wouldn't be able to delve into mechanism techniques. But the appearance of Phoenix is ​​a good start. Didn't the lazy demon king named Belial also renew the contract with you? Is it? That ancient contract is still valid today, and Enoch is not a language that can be spoken in a tavern for jokes."

Salomon wondered why the Witches were so keen on his throne. Whether it is the position of Lord of Humanity or the seventh throne, the witches expect Salomon to sit on at least one of them—especially the seventh throne, which the witches are full of interest in.

But as far as the mystic mage himself is concerned, he still has some resistance to these things, after all, there is nothing in hell. There, he couldn’t buy the latest games, there were no school idol concerts of beautiful girls, and he couldn’t even watch Romanov’s fanfiction (yes, this stuff does exist, when Shockwave Girl appears, Black Widow X Shockwave is a popular CP).

"I think even if there is no contract, Phoenix will respond to the call." The mystic thought of the big golden-red clingy bird, and Phoenix liked to burrow into his arms like a cat. But Phoenix is ​​too loyal, and it cannot represent the meaning of other demon gods. "The first pillar of the demon god Baal can be summoned by me and the witch Umbrella, right?" Salomon asked, "Did the monarch say anything when you summoned Baal?"

"It will only show one form in front of the witch. Do you think toads can talk?" The first demon god Baal has three heads, namely a human, a cat and a frog, and his body looks like a spider. When he is summoned, he often Only one appearance will be revealed, and the Baal summoned by the witches is that frog appearance. But according to Salomon's understanding, there are far more than three forms of Baal. It may show the form of a frog because it wants to be perfunctory in the battle-this also makes the mystic worry about Baal's attitude towards the ancient contract. .

"You must have the self-consciousness of being a monarch, my dear. Although you are not yet an adult, you are not a little boy anymore." Bayonetta blinked playfully, "I am the person who has the most say, no ?"

You can't grow up, my dear, and video games and school idols are something you're going to have to ditch sooner or later. The witch drank the red wine. You are destined to take responsibility, and instead of taking on your natural responsibilities, I would rather you take on the responsibilities given to you by the Supreme Sorcerer. Poor little one, the High Sorcerer made it clear to us, and so did Athena.

Salomon blushed.

The Supreme Mage walked around in front of the golden ark, looking a little hesitant. This is an extremely rare sight, the Supreme Mage seldom hesitated, and the only person who saw His Holiness' appearance was Balthazar, who was sitting aside, staring at the tea cup on the table without saying a word.

Undoubtedly, it was the Supreme Mage's plan to let Salomon re-initiate the bloody battle in the lower plane. , can greatly reduce Strange's pressure after taking office.

But His Holiness did not intend to let his best disciple die in this dispute.

Therefore, the Ark of the Covenant that Salomon brought back from the Queen of Sheba became the object of study by the Supreme Master. In order to ensure the safety of Salomon's life, the Supreme Mage intends to open the Ark of the Covenant by lighting incense and take out the contents--Aaron's sprouting staff has the ability to resurrect specific people. There is no doubt that Salomon Mon was the one who could receive the resurrection.

Prior to this, His Holiness had tried many ways to break the spell in an attempt to break the seal on the Ark of the Covenant. However, this was different from opening Salomon’s refrigerator. The seal formed by the two cherubim statues on the Ark of the Covenant with stretched wings was extremely high. , even the Supreme Mage cannot completely unlock the magic in it.

Balthazar knew about the legend of the Ark of the Covenant, and even his teacher couldn't open it, so he didn't intend to speak, lest His Holiness' attention would be diverted to him, and then he would take his anger out on him—he knew very well that His Holiness A man of mage nature—the spell that Merlin put on him only prolongs his lifespan, and he will die if he touches this thing.

In Balthazar's view, the Supreme Mage has not taken out a screwdriver to pry open the Ark of the Covenant, which is already giving God face. He watched the supreme mage brought various things to continue to crack after he failed to break the curse. The things he could recognize were the holy sword and the holy spear, but no matter how the venerable slashed, the Ark of the Covenant could not be opened, and the room was full of people. It's a rattling noise. The furious Supreme Mage opened the portal and left for a while. When she returned, she had a golden spear and a hammer in her hand.

That's Gungnir, the Sorcerer Supreme has gone to Asgard to borrow a weapon. Using Gungnir as a crowbar, the Supreme Sorcerer tried to pry the Ark open.

As expected of a king, his temper hasn't changed at all.

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