Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 272 Druids who keep pace with the times (first update! Please recommend tickets!!)

Johnny Blazer has been suffering from a headache recently. He feels that every time the thunder outside the window sounds, the sound waves from far to near will break into his brain once, and the thunder will go back and forth between his fragile brain blood vessels Hit, echo. Every impact of sound waves would make him feel like someone was hitting his eardrum from the inside out with a big hammer, making his forehead secrete cold sweat continuously. It was the sound of a heartbeat. He remembered, it was his heartbeat.

It's good to have a heartbeat, at least he still has a heart now, instead of an empty flame between his front and back ribs. He felt that the ghost thing inside him was getting more and more crazy. Molu had said it would help him get rid of this thing, so he believed it, despite the cynicism of the young magician, because he wanted to see his girlfriend again. At first he thought he was rid of the demon inside him, but later he realized that Molu had just buried the thing a little deeper—now the ghost thing was throwing its head up in the pit and screaming so loudly that he could barely sleep.

But fortunately, that ghost thing can't crawl out for the time being, and can't replace him again in the night. But even so, he ran away from Carter Slay, because even the old Ghost Rider Carter Slay he knew couldn't solve this problem. According to the young magician, the thing in his body was not the same thing that Carter Srey once had, and he had to work harder than Carter Srey to control that thing.

control! Fuck control! He only felt that soon, his blood would boil and explode in his veins, and he would once again taste the pain of the flames burning his body from the inside out, his internal organs, his muscles, his skin, everything about him , will be burned in the fire, leaving only a pair of flaming bones and the soul of the devil.

Johnny Blazer still can't forget the pain. Even on the first night when he successfully suppressed the devil, he still needed alcohol to help him sleep, otherwise the pain would crash into his dream at midnight Because of this, he was arrested for drunk driving in the United States - not to mention that now, the devil is using its voice to remind Johnny, don't forget this pain, because sooner or later, this pain will come again Advent.

He needs more booze, strong enough to knock him unconscious! Because only by completely losing consciousness can he get rid of the endless roar echoing in his soul. Johnny sat up in bed and fumbled under the bed for the bottle. What's this? Scotch Distilled Whiskey! Enough spirits to drive a sports car!

"You're almost done with my drink." Father Mauru was a wonderful roommate because he always brought plenty of wine. After Johnny Blazer left the old knight, he left the United States together with the priest Molu who came to him. According to the priest himself, the church has sent new members of the tribunal to replace the brothers who died. As the only survivor, his position has been improved a lot, and even the monthly allowance he receives has increased by more than half.

Now, even if Molu and Johnny both drink every day, he can afford it—Johnny doesn’t have much money, and her girlfriend tried to send money to Father Molu after knowing his condition, but But Johnny refused. His pride would not allow it, and the reason why he stayed with Father Mauru was because there was a means of getting money here.

"This is the price for your church to hire me." Johnny waved his hand impatiently, trying to get back the distilled Scotch whiskey taken away by Father Moreu. "Speaking of which, I didn't know there was such a job in the world before. You only need to pray every day, and you can get a sum of money when you take communion on weekends. This may be the best job in the world, right?"

"Your prayers are impious, Johnny." Molu said earnestly and sat by Johnny's bedside. He didn't intend to return the money to Johnny, because he still had something to say, and he wanted Johnny to stay awake. At least for now. "I know you're disappointed, but prayer does help alleviate your symptoms," he said.

"But it can't be fixed, can it?" Johnny felt the flames spread from the cracks in the bones, and he felt his skin smoke. But when he looked down in horror, he found that it was just an illusion. The worst hallucination, that was the thing he was most afraid of. Johnny swallowed, trying to make sure he wasn't burning.

"I remember what Salomon said." The sudden fear interrupted his irritability, and Johnny became depressed, "He said this is my fate, and I will never be able to get rid of the spirit of revenge."

"I've already sent him the news," Molu said, "and I've left a bargaining chip. You don't know how surprised the church was when it knew that little bastard was the Holy Son, and I happened to have that dream. Pope (Papa) believed that the dream foretold the great deeds of the Son, destined to slay a three-headed dragon, who would be canonized by the Church, as St. George was canonized—not by the Church of Rome, That's worthless—and in the meantime, I've won you a chance."

Molu cleared his language, and said with a wink, "You must not tell anyone else about this. The spirit of revenge belongs to hell. If you still can't restrain the spirit of revenge by then, and are willing to give everything to find peace... …I think you can go to hell and settle this. Don't you tell the people in the church that they just want to use the vengeful spirit in you to hunt dark magic creatures, or why do you think they should hire you."

"I'm not surprised that the church has this purpose, and I'm not stupid. But your method is to make me face that devil?" Johnny's eyes widened.

"Of course." Molu was a little proud, "There are still some things that the magician didn't tell you, but his character made him unable to tolerate our mistakes, so he told me something we didn't know before—he I didn't tell you what is the nature of the spirit of revenge in your body, how powerful it is, and what Mephisto did to this spirit of revenge. If you are willing to listen, then I will tell you slowly... ..."

"Then let's open this bottle of wine first."

The tea cup in Balthazar's hand was already empty. He secretly poured the whiskey from his stainless steel flask into it, and continued to pretend to be drinking tea. He felt that if he didn't drink a little wine, he couldn't ignore the deafening metal clanging in the room.

Every time the Supreme Mage hit Gungnir with Thor's Hammer, a large burst of dazzling sparks would erupt from the Ark of the Covenant, and the noise of collision between artifacts almost knocked Balthazar over. But it's not without its funny stuff, and Balthazar finds it hilarious when he thinks of Thor's puzzled look when he reaches out to call for the hammer. He should remember not to throw the hammer around.

It's a pity that he can't see that scene now, he can only continue to endure the noise.

"Your Majesty." Taking advantage of the interval between the Supreme Master's rest, Balthazar's timely remonstrance raised his voice unconsciously, "Perhaps you should give your disciple more trust, he might be able to recover without any damage. Come back. His stigmata are not just for counting."

"I just wanted to open the Ark because I didn't want him to use the stigmata too much." His Holiness glanced at Balthazar who was bringing the tea cup to his mouth, "I know you're drinking, stop pretending. Tell me , Isn’t it normal to think more about disciples? Didn’t you also do the same to your disciples?”

"I asked Dave to switch to environmental science. After all, druids also need to keep up with the times. Stonehenge is too old-fashioned, and now there are no other druids who can communicate (druid association) After being found out, Balthazar took a sip from the stainless steel small wine bottle, and poked his ear piercing with his finger, "But I never worried about Dave, he can handle his own question."

"Then do you think Dave is qualified to serve as Salomon's advisor?" His Holiness asked, "When Salomon inherits the title, can Dave become as knowledgeable and wise as Merlin?"

"Well... no."

"Then you have to speed up your education. Salomon has been educated much harder than him since he was a child. He doesn't need a consultant who is not smart enough."

"Aren't you being too strict with Salomon?" Balthazar couldn't help asking, "Those responsibilities don't belong to him by nature."

The supreme mage sneered twice, "His natural responsibility is to be crucified. The future I arranged for him is much better. Even though the road is very difficult, at least he can survive and have his own brain. Stop talking nonsense, Balthazar, quickly think of a way to open this thing, my patience is almost exhausted."

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