Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 273: Quack, Quack (Second Update)

Nick Fury recently started wearing a hood, and he doesn't want anyone to see what's under his hood. It's rabbit ears, Agent Maria Hill complained mercilessly in her heart, she controlled herself not to look at her boss's ridiculous head as much as possible. For some reason, anything that has anything to do with Salomon Damonette will be cast with a color of absurdity, even the well-known King of Secret Service is no exception. This is what Agent Hill can't understand the most ——Why does my boss have to wear those rabbit ears?

Her boss didn't bother to answer the question because Nick Fury was already too busy. Now S.H.I.E.L.D. is not only investigating the relationship between the terrorist Mandarin who hijacked the TV signal and Killian, but also looking for the whereabouts of Stark Group President Pepper Potts and biologist Maya Hansen. Stark couldn't calm down after knowing that his girlfriend had been hijacked. S.H.I.E.L.D. could only speed up the progress, lest the billionaire vent his anger everywhere in a steel suit.

And it is Asgard that makes S.H.I.E.L.D. even worse. Somehow, Asgard's Rainbow Bridge fell from the sky and reached several secret S.H.I.E.L.D. bases. This is a nice way of saying—those bases are places where the most dangerous items are stored and the most dangerous prisoners are held. Asgard’s Rainbow Bridge broke through the ceiling of the base without even saying hello, and the An item was taken.

This made the World Security Council very angry, but Nick Fury gave up the investigation after seeing the list of missing items. One is because it belongs to someone else’s property after all, and it is normal for Asgard to take it back; the other is because SHIELD does not have a channel for complaints against Asgard, even if there is, Asgard will not care With the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D., these gods have no intention of looking at mortals with straight eyes.

"Don't you want S.H.I.E.L.D. to hold Asgard accountable just to satisfy your boring and thin self-esteem?" Nick Fury, wearing a hood, looked at the World Security Council with disdain. The official asked, "Dear gentlemen and ladies, do you think that the current earth can support an interstellar war? We can't deal with the aliens who have descended on New York. Are you still thinking about challenging Aspen?" Gard's cosmic supremacy?"

"But we must show our attitude. We can announce sanctions against Asgard officials. Such as Thor, such as Odin. We must express our tough attitude towards the sovereignty of the earth!"

"Let's not talk about whether your sanctions are effective, what if Asgard wants to fight back?"

"Don't you still have those superheroes under your command? We still have Hulk, we can fight back! Even that knight can! They are Earthlings and have an obligation to stand up against the invaders."

"Gentlemen and ladies, if a decision is made, take responsibility for it yourself. My special team is not here to deal with this kind of frivolous political issues. I can assure you that if you insist on your own way, Asgard Germany can accurately find the address of everyone here through the Rainbow Bridge and Heimdall, and then raid and behead them. S.H.I.E.L.D. can't do anything, and is unwilling to do anything, because S.H.I.E.L.D. protects the safety of the earth, not a few politicians Yes." Nick Fury was about to leave the meeting room, "You bear the consequences yourself, there is no need to drag the whole earth to fall together. I am very busy now, and there are terrorists waiting for me to deal with it."

"You're getting tough now, Fury." Alexander Pierce turned off the holographic projection and said to Nick Fury, "Is that Mandarin really so tricky?"

"You didn't persuade me. It's strange that I accept the statement of the World Security Council, Pierce." The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was still unwilling to take off his hood. He took a glass of whiskey and drank it, looking very irritable, "That Mandarin... SHIELD can't find the source of this person at all. However, I have some clues about the Extremis virus that appeared in several terrorist attacks. Pierce, why does the military ask SHIELD to come every time there is a problem? Wipe their ass? Don't they know that their research results are being used by others?"

"Of course they know." Pierce said nonchalantly, "but they absolutely cannot admit that this incident has anything to do with them. After the Battle of New York, the credibility of the US government declined again and again. President Ellis even introduced the universal health insurance policy, but This policy also failed to boost approval ratings, and all Americans felt insecure - the poor performance of the National Guard even lowered the public's trust in the military. Under the pressure of your Avengers, the military The top management has desperately wanted to make some results, otherwise next year's funding will be over."

"After all, it's still about money. It's gratifying to spend half of the military's expenditure on national defense every year." Nick Fury put down his glass, "Someone told me that since the abolition of the gold standard, the human economy has been piled up. Things on the bubble, especially the US dollar, paper is meaningless, currency is only a tool for the circulation of resources between human societies, and it is absolutely impossible to connect with the universe. Pierce, tell me, those high-ranking officials Are you hoarding dollars or gold?"

"U.S. dollars, of course."

"Then they are almost worthless." Nick Fury said with a sneer, "Now, the era of the universe has come, only those idiots are still dragged down by a pile of waste paper. Including those bluffs just now idiots, I even doubt whether they have the intelligence of normal people."

"This is politics, Fury." Pierce comforted his friend helplessly, "You usually hate these things, so I will help you deal with these things. If they want to make an announcement, let them do it, anyway, Aspen Gad doesn't care either, does he?"

"That's because Asgard didn't take them seriously. In Asgard's eyes, it's not us who represent the earth, we're just mortals." Fury stood up, as if he didn't want to talk anymore, "Compared with these things, I care more about the security measures around the president now. Who suggested the use of Patriot armor?"

"What? The President? You said the President was kidnapped?" Salomon sat on the sofa, raising a foot with a pink cotton slipper on it. "It's none of my business. Seriously, I'm not an American. My nationality shows that I am British, and my blood line shows that I am Jewish. This has nothing to do with the President of the United States. After the Boston Tea Party, all the crabs in Boston Bay are British. Do you want to let the crabs save them? The President of the United States? What? You said you are talking to me on a public phone right now? Could it be that you can’t afford a cell phone?”

The mystic rubbed the lazy fat cat beside him, and he buried his face in the cat's belly and sucked it.

"No, I'm not doing drugs, it's not cocaine, I'm smoking cats." He said into the phone, "Stark, I really don't pay attention to your business, I just gave S.H.I.E.L.D. a prophecy. Your Girlfriend is fine, she wasn't hurt. Listen, I can't help you, I'm not going to expose my magic to the public view for the President of the United States, who can be replaced by another plutocrat who wants to be the President Countless. On the contrary, you are more important than the president, and your contribution to human development is far more than a fool who can only sign and press buttons. If you are going to die, I will definitely help, but the president of the United States will not talk about it.”

"And my own troubles have not been solved. Good-bye, Stark, this is your own trouble, and you can solve it yourself."

"Boya, hurry up and help! The fish is going to burn!"

"I'll be right there, Bayonetta. Come on, come on, lift up the pot, or we'll have coke for dinner!"

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