Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 274 The Advantage of Foresight (Part 1)

The hostility of the devil has indeed affected Salomon's life. No matter how crazy Marduk, the hell lord, is, he is still an extremely cunning devil by nature, but he is more impulsive and not as powerful as Mephisto. It's just old and cunning.

He has always been a devil who dares to call himself Satan, and cunning is His nature.

Salomon thought that Marduk would resort to conspiracy to try to destroy his life after he calmed down a bit, which is the usual practice of the devil.

After that attack, dark magic creatures appeared around the orphanage a few times, and Beunita and Joan would ride Pegasus to patrol New York City and the surrounding area at night to ensure that there was no black magic from the material plane. Creatures approach their dwellings.

Such tense days lasted for several days. It wasn't until Salomon cast an alarm spell within a hundred meters around their apartment, and cast defensive and counter spells inside the apartment, that the witches' reconnaissance operations were over, and Bayonetta had time to try to make dinner.

But Salomon doesn't think this is the way to go (he assures that there is no dinner factor in it). When a person is always negligent, he cannot afford the result of a momentary carelessness.

Perhaps Father Moreu's prophetic dreams were indeed his future? Salomon could only hurry up and study what he brought out from the monastery—the parchment with Kabbalah and Jacob's siblings.

The latter is a kind of muscle reflex and long-lasting magic effect formed after exercise, and Salomon can spend time practicing it. But compared to Jacob's siblings, the tree of life of Kabbalah is closely related to the stigmata. This is a very, very difficult thing to understand. Even if Salomon used "proficient language", he could not understand the Hebrew text at all. The meaning below (knowledge of the language cannot understand codewords and codes).

He could only understand the literal meaning roughly, and then read it half-understood, which was useless for him to understand the nature of the stigmata on his hand.

Unless he went back to study ancient Hebrew, he would not be able to read the contents written on those parchments fluently. So while learning Hebrew, he borrowed from the wisdom of his predecessors, even if this wisdom is not all of Kabbalah.

During the period of reviewing the ALevel course, Salomon added another homework, which was to study the works of modern mystics. For example, Eliphas Levi, a modern occultist who combined the Kabbalistic tree of life with Tarot cards, wrote "The Key to the Great Mystery" as a reference for Salomon. In addition, the two books "Kabbala Unveiling the Mystery" and "The Book of Sacred Magic of the Magician Abramulin" translated by Samuel Mathers are also important teaching materials for studying Kabbalah.

These books are eating dust in Karma Taj's library, and only Salomon will read them.

According to Father Molu, the Golden Dawn Society did accept some of the wisdom of Kabbalah, but not completely, not even the Solomon-style magic circle used by Samuel Mathers. Regarding the Solomon-style magic circle, Salomon had already studied it when he was a child. At that time, he was still at the level where he could only play tricks in actual operation, but this did not prevent him from learning theoretical knowledge.

However, to his disappointment, the Golden Dawn is not an association that studies the orthodox Kabbalah tree of life, and there is not even the Mitch Kabbalah commonly used by medieval magicians. The techniques of the Golden Dawn were mixed with too many other things, which did not help Salomon understand the words on the parchment.

"Do you know the exam date, Salomon?"


"Then why do you desert in class!" Jane Foster angrily slapped the heavy physics textbook in front of Salomon, water cups, pencils, scratch paper and books, everything on the table was smashed This force jumped up, including Daisy Louis who was sleeping on the table next to her - she was busy helping the tutor with the experiment last night, so today Jane Foster specifically agreed to let her rest for a while. Daisy sat up blankly, she yelled loudly around, trying to prove that she was not deaf.

"I have a lot of homework, Mr. Foster." The mystic reluctantly put the parchment into his backpack, "If I don't study this course, my life will be in danger."

"Then your life is not in danger if you study this mess in my class?"

"Ah, no, how could you...Hey, woman, don't use compasses!"

"Your mentor is fierce, child." Athena picked up an ice cube and applied it to Salomon's forehead with a playful face. "This is the first time I've heard of a woman who uses physics books as weapons."

"There's nothing to make a fuss about. I suspect that woman doesn't know what fear is. Lighten up, lighten up, it really hurts!" Salomon yelled dissatisfied. He didn't expect that Jane Foster would actually dare to do it at first, but his mentor was not an ordinary person.

As expected of a woman who can punch the sons of Asgard's royal family and yell at the father of the gods, she really didn't take Salomon's status as a spellcaster seriously.

"Okay, go and play by yourself. It's tea time now, I want to read." Athena waved her hand, signaling Salomon not to disturb her reading time. But the mystic has no intention of leaving.

"What's going on at the orphanage?" he asked. "And the kids, are they frightened?"

"Do you think those guys can cause any trouble?" The Goddess of War said contemptuously, "Don't forget my identity, as long as they appear within the range of my spear throwing, those monsters will not be able to leave alive. As for those Boy, they don't know what's going on, they're just a little dissatisfied with the recent ban on going out. However, even the little Lorna in the rebellious period is very obedient, she knows something, and I saw her holding a pistol Shooting out! Tell me, did you give her that pistol?"

"Hush, shush..." Salomon turned his head and whistled, trying to find a topic that could divert Athena's attention.

"This kind of thing doesn't deserve your guilt at all, child." Athena saw through Salomon's thoughts, and she lightly let go of the pistol issue. "The lackeys of the Lord of Hell will not spare any human beings, but this time their target is you. Even if you Karma Taj have been cleaned up for more than a thousand years, can't you kill these bugs? There is no need to let this matter go. In your heart, how to deal with Marduk is what you need to consider, that prophetic dream can't explain the result, after all, no one knows whether it is an oracle or a prophecy, and the result is impossible to judge."

"You know that too?"

"I'm the goddess of wisdom, is there anything I don't know?" Athena smiled viciously, "And, don't you think Marduk didn't make me angry? That orphanage is my temple , Attacking my temple is my enemy. Whether it is Turks, Lord Elgin, or the devil, as long as they provoke me, I will not let them go!"

"The supreme mage has said that the war between Kama Taj and the Lord of Hell has already begun. Don't let your guard down just because of a compromise with Mephisto. My child, I will arrange the progress of your war, and I will let the three A poisonous dragon died under your lance."

"What is this?" Salomon took the paper from Athena.

"Marduk's weakness." The wise goddess of war accurately grasped the enemy's lifeline before the battle, "This is his heir. It was Mephisto who revealed the news. The reason why the supreme mage wants to fight with Murphy Sto signed the contract for this, and Mephisto also used this to instigate Marduk to oppose you."

"So, His Holiness has long foreseen the war between me and Marduk? Is this also in His Holiness' plan?"

"What do you think?"

Ask for tickets~~

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