Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 276 Post-War Ruins (First Update! Ask for Tickets!)

"We crawled through the ruins all day, trying to find something useful from the war-torn buildings."

Maya Hansen endured the noise of the diesel generator and wrote in her diary under the dim light. This is her habit. Write a diary and record her daily discoveries, but this time she is not in a late-night laboratory or in a hotel room, but writing hard in a deep dark ruin.

Two buildings overlapped and collapsed in front of her desk, and unknown mechanical and human corpses were scattered all over the place. Maya Hansen picked out a relatively complete skull from the pile of corpses and placed it on the table as her only companion in the dark—and a pen holder.

Her new boss took her on a tour of the Roman dungeon, but only in safe areas. According to her new boss, what used to be called the Immortal City was one of the greatest cities in human history, yet there was a civil war over ideas, intrigue, and betrayal, and now the organization has collapsed. in history.

"There are not only many very advanced technological products here, but also many exquisite works of art. I found many silver armors covered with patterns in those collapsed buildings, although most of them have been distorted and deformed, with ancient styles and Strong renaissance style, but I can still tell the level of material technology that these armors contain."

Maya Hansen paused, leaving a bit of excess ink stains on the notebook. She didn't care, but continued, "This city is as full of mysteries as my new boss. If I hadn't just come back from the dead, I would definitely be shocked by the silence here. I took those bodies out of the armor Salvage it and pile it aside, and find the necessities for yourself - including this table and this soft upholstered chair that I suspect is hundreds of years old, and if it wasn't dry enough here, the furniture would be Impossible to keep until now. Also, thanks to my current boss, he used his magic to blow away everything that can be blown away here, mostly dust, otherwise I would have drowned in the dust first.

Now, I've collected mechanical parts piled up to a full ten inches high, half a dozen dry corpses (some of the limbs couldn't be put together), twelve silver helmets with long backs of heads, twenty-four silver-patterned Shoulder armor, a complete tea set, a bag of glass pieces, half a street lamp (like it had been melted down the middle), and countless gears of various sizes and colors. And the most weapons are the weapons, ranging from individual combat guns to giant field cannons, and they are exquisitely crafted. They stand in the dark ruins with a very elegant temperament, like a silent gentleman.

I wonder who created these things and what destroyed them. I am very curious. I saw super-large footprints that do not belong to human beings here, and saw technological creations that transcended the times. I have never read any records about this city in any book, just like I have never seen an effective alchemy formula in any book - not code words, no pictures, let alone using occult analysis, Rather, it is a clear and straightforward formula. I suspect that the flying saucer that Kenneth Arnold witnessed may have been invented by the man who built the city, because the available evidence has shown that aliens do not ride flying saucers. "

She sniffed and smelled the dust in the air, and there was a faint smell of burning, as if the ghosts left over from past wars were lingering in the air.

"What choice do I have? I just went through the biggest turning point in my life - I thought so when Extremis was invented, but I think now is the biggest turning point - magic, high technology, Everything is waiting for me to discover. There are so many things I don’t know. I just opened a corner of the truth of this world and I was dizzy with shock. I can’t imagine what else is waiting for me. I’m so excited Looking forward, although this place is still barren, I can find what I want from the wreckage-something that can shake the whole world.

Also, I would like to thank my new boss for not forgetting me, and although he won't get a raise for my sycophancy, I do thank him anyway. Not only because he saved my life, but more importantly, he was generous. He shared his knowledge with me. He told me that there is more than one kind of alien in this world. Experimental body. Salomon Damonet was the knight at the Battle of New York, he told me himself. But this can no longer surprise me, I have accepted too many surprises today. It can be seen that he is a little dissatisfied with my expression, I can only barely show the expression he expects, but this makes him even more angry.

Fortunately, he didn't recruit me because of a whim. He brought me a diesel generator, pens and ink, and a bunch of alchemy books to get started, all written by himself. The most important thing is a light bulb and a bunch of wires, a lot of food and water. I don't blame him for leaving me in this place, in fact, I think it's quiet enough that no one will bother, not even my new boss - who needs to go to school himself. This is the funniest thing that happened to me today, my new boss is a minor! "

"Age is out of my control, Miss Hansen." Salomon gently placed a TV beside Maya Hansen, as well as a signal receiving device. It took him a long time to fiddle with this thing, but the TV signal was still intermittent, which was very annoying.

"I didn't know you had the bad habit of peeking at other people's diaries." Maya Hansen said with a smile, "How is the outside world now? I feel like I've been here all day."

"Actually, it's only been a few hours. I should bring you a clock or a laptop, or you will lose your sense of time if you stay here. I'll buy it later. There is another possibility, more than just what happened here A time travel event, you may have fallen into a certain state just now, and this state was not broken until I became an observer." Salomon sat down on the half sofa next to him, "Okay, no nonsense Yes. Watch it, the TV should be able to tell the news..."

"You're about to make an opinion again."

"That's right. In fact, if only the president of the United States was assassinated by terrorists, the United States would not be in chaos. But the problem is, this happened after the alien invasion, and the US government has proved its incompetence , This incident has magnified this situation.” The mystic said, “Human beings are creatures that need enemies to live in peace. This enemy can be racist, it can be LGBT opponents, no matter what kind of enemy, these enemies Both exist only on the Internet. Aliens and terrorists are not on this list, so they are scared because they finally find out that their so-called democratic government can do nothing, and those enemies can really kill them. However, they find No enemy, and their poor brains can't make them realize that the source of their panic is the elite class-so they will spontaneously march, because that is the only thing they know, because human beings will not change with the development of civilization. clever."

"How is Stark?" Maya Hansen was used to Salomon's nonsense.

"It's great." The mystic blinked, and then stretched his legs on the half of the sofa, "Don't forget, you need to change your identity, you have said goodbye to your past relatives and friends, and you are separated from everything in the secular society." Contacts are terminated, you are dead in a sense, and the name Maya Hansen will be mentioned at a drinking party and forgotten after sobering."

"I think you're pessimistic about the world, boss."

"The more I know, the more pessimistic I become about the world. Every day, humanity is teetering on the brink of destruction. A werewolf, an incurable magical disease can destroy human civilization, just like the zombie virus. I hope Don't make that kind of thing, it's horrible."

"You're misunderstanding virology," she said. "I can't make a zombie virus."

"That's not necessarily true." The mystic sighed, "You have even created something like the Extremis virus. Is there anything else that is impossible? In this universe, anything can happen, so don't be surprised. This The world can always surprise you inadvertently - I know it well. Don't look at me like that, I can't tell you what happened, you just need to know that I have been face to face with the gods. Am I Arouses your greater curiosity? Work hard, ma'am, you'll get to these things someday."

"Okay, then I have one more question."


"Why are you wearing this outfit?" Maya Hansen pointed to the holy relic on Salomon's body with a pen, "Is this your wizard outfit?"

Ask for a ticket!

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