Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 277: Men Just Want to Bear the Curse to Live (Part Two)

It took Salomon a day to move the basic experimental equipment and daily necessities that Maya Hansen needed into the Immortal City. He also slightly modified his construct robot to clean up the ruins in the Immortal City . Salomon has nothing to do with the collapsed buildings. His construct can only clear a passage extending deep into the Immortal City, where the buildings are relatively complete.

Maya Hansen doesn't have to live on a sofa anymore, she has hundreds of richly furnished rooms to choose from, and she's clearly quite happy with her four-poster bed with crimson drapes, and the fact that she's taken from the ruins. The little tea set she found and the skull she took with her wherever she went.

Another small adventure goal set by the Mystic and Maya Hansen is to find the source of electricity in the Immortal City. It is impossible to support the entire laboratory with diesel generators all the time. They must find the power generation device of the Immortal City and activate the dead city. As a nascent organization, they need all the research results of the Holy Shield Brotherhood to enrich themselves. After finding out Salomon's character, Maya Hansen began to complain about the lack of staff. Salomon promised that he would definitely He will recruit some more talents, and this place will be used as his rear base.

The job of recruiting talents can only be carried out after the destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Salomon intends to recruit some unemployed personnel of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra. With a magic contract as a guarantee, these people can guarantee the most basic loyalty.

He also gave Maya Hansen a bank card as salary, which is an advance payment, and the salary is paid out in one year. It's just that before Salomon set up the teleportation circle for the first entry, the currency of the secular society was not very meaningful to Maya Hansen. Now she can't even go out to buy clothes. In the end, Salomon ran It took a trip to buy the clothes she needed.

There was no question that Maya Hansen was a beauty, a smart one, and she knew exactly what her new boss was like. Adolescent boys, magicians, rich people, no matter what their identity or personality, as long as they are male, Maya Hansen has the means to deal with it. She deliberately changed the blood-stained clothes in front of Salomon, scrubbed her body with hot water, and wanted to see Salomon's embarrassed expression. What she didn't expect was that Salomon not only didn't evade, but even watched her behavior generously, and even let out a disdainful laugh.

This made Maya Hansen furious.

"Believe me, I'm used to seeing women's bodies, I'm not a teenage boy on hormones," he said, "Ms. Hansen, what I need is your brain, your intelligence, not your body .I'm not the same as Stark, I can restrain my desire, this is my compulsory course, I'm not a male dog in heat."

So she gave Salomon a middle finger, after all Salomon scolded her too.

The dungeon adventure was handed over to Maya Hansen by Salomon, and he still needs to go back to class, so he can only leave a few constructs to help biologists dig out the hidden high places in the Immortal City. Tech gadgets act as guards by the way. Although Salomon didn't find any danger when he explored here for the first time, Maya Hansen was just an ordinary person, and she didn't have the ability to deal with danger.

"How's Killian?"

Just as he was about to leave, Maya Hansen finally brought up the crucial issue.

"I'm enjoying life in hell." Salomon waved his hand, and didn't mean to talk about it at all. He didn't care about Killian at all. In fact, he only heard the news that the president was rescued in the streets and alleys when he was shopping for clothes. From this, it can be speculated that the end of the instigator Killian should not be very good.

Seeing the mystic's bad attitude, Maya Hansen turned to ask about his choice of university. However, the mystic's reply made his new subordinate somewhat dissatisfied. "Why not Cambridge?" she asked, "I am a graduate of Cambridge. Could it be that you plan to make a move in politics? If not, the most correct choice is to go to the place of enlightenment and the source of wisdom."

"That's the best Oxford preparatory school in the world. Good night, Ma'am." Salomon waved his hand and disappeared into the portal before Maya Hansen threw the skull over. "I'm a heathen, I'm Unbelievers, I have come to destroy religion."

"You disappeared all day, Boya." Bayonetta came closer and smelled the scent of Salomon. "I don't know why you become more childlike as you get older." She said, "You smell like dust now. Did you roll around in some ruin?"

"Of course not...well, I'm just digging for treasure."

"I don't care if you take a shower now, or you will say goodbye to your dinner!" The witch tried to threaten Salomon with the dinner, but the mystic still saw the tragedy in the kitchen. "You should ask Dinah to help," he said. "You always try to cast spells on kitchen utensils. You should know that won't work. There is nothing in the witches' natural spells that can be used for cooking."

"I'm a family woman, so I don't need help." Bayonetta rarely showed a look of embarrassment, which is an extremely rare scene for a witch who has always been strong. Although Bayunita often calls herself a family-oriented woman, she is not proficient in a series of things such as housework. Since she lived with Salomon, all housework has been done by Salomon. So every time Beunita messed up the kitchen and was witnessed by Salomon, she would show the shame of being punctured, but she would continue to do so next time.

"Family-type women don't step on people with high heels, although I like it too... But let's leave the cooking to the man-made man, that is our housekeeper. Oh, there is a phone? Honey, I will be back For dinner."

"How long are you going to curse me?" Nick Fury patted the table furiously, but then, a sense of powerlessness filled his whole body. He was already so busy with SHIELD's affairs that he didn't even have time to reach out to rescue the president. Salomon's curse annoyed him. When he had to take off his rabbit ears, he could do anything wrong—spitting coffee on the keyboard, ignoring the most conspicuous data in the file, accidentally turning the water temperature to the highest in the shower, Even going up the stairs will accidentally fall.

He asked Salomon to come to the Tricurve Wing headquarters just to let the mystic master lift the curse. "I've been tortured enough by your curse, Salomon." He slumped on the chair and said with his eyes closed, "Let me go, I really don't have the heart to continue to bear this curse."

"Then you have to promise me something."

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