Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 291 Modifying Memory (Second Change)

"It's really strange." Skye licked his lips, "Why does my mouth smell like black tea, and there are biscuit crumbs on my clothes?"

Fitz and Simmons, who were busy in the laboratory converted from the cargo bay of the Airbus, stopped what they were doing. They looked at each other and nodded. They discovered the abnormality earlier than Skye, and now the plane is heading to the location of the 084 mission. They don't want to trouble Coulson with such a trivial matter, so they can only communicate in private.

As good friends who talk about everything, they exchanged opinions very early.

"We also have the same feeling as you. We are currently investigating which chemical makes us feel this way." Simmons said cheerfully, "As far as I know, there is nothing in the experimental medicine we brought on the plane that can make us taste like black tea, so it may only be some interesting compound, and we haven't been poisoned yet, so it should be some kind of non-toxic and harmless substance. Fitz is testing the air composition in the cargo compartment, maybe the cabin needs to be tested too... Oh, Skye, we don't blame you for stealing cookies behind our backs , if you have a chance, you can try my grandma's cookies."

"Well, it's delicious." Fitz nodded in agreement. "When the A.I.E.L.D. Academy started, she brought a big box of cookies. There were also a bunch of tea bags. She's a very British person."

"If we can find this compound—maybe a special tea polyphenol—then I can save the time of drinking tea." Simmons smiled at Skye, and continued to work with his head bowed among a pile of chemicals.

Skye licked her lips again, um, sweet, with a lot of sugar, which was similar to her taste. She was not satisfied with Simmons' explanation. There were too many doubts about this matter-she yearned for the life of an agent, but if weird things could happen at any time in her life, then this profession would be too bad.

Also, why does she subconsciously think of Bear Cookies when she stuffs the cookie crumbs into her mouth? This is too strange, right?

However, these doubts were quickly diluted by the excitement of participating in the official for the first time. She put on the sunglasses she bought before very naturally, looked around through the dark lenses, and made some kind of handsome agent gestures and action signals, which she had just seen from the operation guide of SHIELD Academy. Maybe Agent Grande Ward didn't care if she could fight, but Skye was very interested in going out on the field.

Wait, sunglasses? When did I buy the sunglasses? Skye quickly took off his sunglasses and took a look, then reached into his jeans pocket and took out a crumpled shop receipt.

When have I been to New York?

"May?" Agent Coulson found Agent Melinda May who was driving the Airbus with a form. "After this mission is over, we have a place to go."


"New York, we're going to visit someone."

As the center of all strange things, Salomon drank black tea calmly and pushed the cookies in front of the guests. It's just that the guests who came to this apartment have changed. The guest was in a bad state this time. The mystic rescued him from the carpet in the entrance. If Salomon hadn't been a step late when he went out, the guest would have been smothered in the blanket, and the man-made man would have stabbed him.

Nick Fury wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked the mystic who was sitting leisurely across from him, "How is it?".

The feeling of being stuffed in the blanket before was very uncomfortable, hot and cramped, and the blanket almost strangled his ribs and twisted his spine. But even so, he was unwilling to take off this black leather trench coat—this was a high-tech body armor, and the clothes underneath were also body armor.

"Do you really care about Coulson's team so much? Where did you hide when they visited? Upstairs, or at the corner of the stairs? I thought you had withdrawn those surveillance agents, but now it seems that another agent has my information."

"Remember what you said? Agent Coulson will save the world. I think it's about time. Agent Coulson does not exist. Not many people know that Agent Coulson is resurrected, and even fewer people know about GH325." Nick Fury said without compromising, "I need Coulson to help me investigate the forces inside SHIELD. Agents below level 8 cannot know his situation. As a deeply hidden agent, only such work can play his role and he can save SHIELD , S.H.I.E.L.D. can save the world—that's what your vague prophecy says."

"But that doesn't explain why you gave him my address."

"Because I have paid for your help, Salomon." Nick Fury pointed to his one-eyed eye, "Don't say you didn't take that money. Although I don't know why you suddenly need secular currency, isn't it normal for me to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to buy your help?"

"You are an insult to my personality."

"Really? Then please tell me, who else in this world would put a broom under their ass and fly into the sky?"

"Maybe it's some disobedient student in Hogwarts. I'll ask an owl to write to you. You know, Professor Dumbledore and I have a good relationship..."

"My God, Salomon! Do you want me to expose more of your illegal behavior?" The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. sneered, "You think I don't know who owns the block where your apartment is located. Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is not so low-level as to mix with street gangs, it is not very difficult to know some information."

"I didn't take the lives of those gangsters." Salomon spread his hands with an innocent face. "Who made them always want to harass the residents in this building? The people living here are all decent people, and this kind of thing has never happened in the past. So I just taught a few gangsters who wanted to sell drugs. It's not a big deal."

"You didn't kill them, but they spent a whole year in the hospital with huge surgery bills. I really don't understand why you would do such a thing. Why are you smashing their bones with bullets?"

"I'm too lazy to use my fists. Besides, I'm not holding guns illegally. Those guns belong to them."

"Anyway, Salomon." Nick Fury said, "I hope you can provide some help to Agent Coulson, especially when he accidentally touches something related to magic. In this regard, I only know you as an expert."

"Didn't you tell Stark and Captain Rogers about Coulson?"

"No, they can't know about it yet...they will someday, but not now."

"Okay, but I want to tell you that it can't be done—because they have already forgotten about coming here." The mystic mage blinked, "This is the magic I learned recently, and I'm not proficient in casting it, so they may forget something that shouldn't be forgotten."

"Goodbye, Nick Fury." Salomon's tone seemed to say goodbye.

I'm off work QAQ, please recommend a ticket!

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