Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 292 New Order (First update! Try to catch fish!)

After driving Nick Fury out, Salomon asked the man-made man and the Cheshire cat to clean up the house while he walked into the portal with a stainless steel pot. He planned to deliver meals to Beunita and Joan of Arc. Although the witch could live without eating, the mystic still wanted to use this excuse to get bored with Beunita.

"Good afternoon, Rodin." The mystic unceremoniously placed the saucepan on the bar, causing the fallen angel craftsman to roll his eyes. Although through the sunglasses, no one can see. "Don't be angry." Salomon said, "There are not many people in this bar anyway, and the beef stew will not spoil the atmosphere here. If you can, please give me a martini, I am also of legal drinking age."

"The legal drinking age is twenty-one. Don't think I don't know your age, boy. Coke or milk?" Rodin leaned over and sniffed the smell on Salomon, "Sulphur. What trouble have you caused recently? I heard that some time ago, people made a fuss in hell. Is it your fault?"

"Are you referring to the armed parade of Karma Taj or the fight between me and Marduk?" Salomon took a sip of Coke. Iced carbonated drinks are his favorite, especially those with high sugar content. He put down his cup and hiccupped in satisfaction, "Mephisto and Marduk were calculating each other, and I was also involved. Don't worry, not all Demon God Pillars have rebellious spirits, at least Phoenix is ​​very cute."

"There are not many Demon God Pillars looking forward to the reincarnation of the Seventh Throne, so you'd better be careful. There is a connection between the first Baal and the tenth Paar, so you have to be careful." Rodin pushed his sunglasses, "I don't want to see witches overthrow hell, it will seriously affect my raw material supply. You should know that my customers are not only witches, right?"

"So I'm here for another purpose, Rodin. I need guns, lots and lots of guns—no, not the ones you hang on the back. What I want is something that has a lot of kinetic energy and blocking power at the same time. Yes, I want rocket guns. Anything! Don't worry about recoil, not MBA's Gyrojet stuff. I will take my army to hell, don't worry about your raw material supply, I will solve it."

"Then when do you want it?" The fallen angel craftsman raised his eyebrows with interest.

"As soon as possible, at least there must be a prototype for me to test."

"Boya, when did you learn how to drink a bar?" When Salomon finished drinking a glass of Coke, the witches walked into the bar. They looked very leisurely, and the job of hunting angels didn't seem to disturb them at all. Beunita sat on the seat next to Salomon, and she raised her legs and stacked them on the lap of the mystic. This time, the black stockings she chose had faint patterns on them, and the witch deliberately let these patterns slowly rub against Salomon's thigh.

Salomon felt the witch's body temperature and the unimaginable friction and stimulation, which made his breathing a little rough.

"You look like a mature man!" Bayonetta was very satisfied with Salomon's reaction. "Do you want big sister to teach you something that children can't learn? I'm looking forward to big sister~"

"Theresa!" Joan complained daily, but this did not prevent her from sitting on the chair next to Salomon. "Recently, angels have been coming frequently and endlessly, and even some big guys have appeared." She said, "You Karma Taj pushed those things to us again, and Theresa and I were so busy that we didn't have time to sleep. I didn't expect you to come today, Salomon! Do you know how hard we are?"

"To make money to support our family, this is a small stove given to us by His Holiness. After all, I can't draw unlimitedly from Karma Taj's worldly wealth." Salomon pretended to be calm, and he snapped his fingers. The cold stew in the stainless steel pot became hot again, and the aroma of beef overflowed from the gap of the pot lid again. "So I brought compensation." He forced a smile, "A rare delicacy, beef stew. You should really have a good rest. I have asked Dinah to dry the quilt. Tonight you can fall asleep with the fragrance of the sun."

"And yours, isn't it?" Bayonetta licked her lips, causing Joan to complain again.

"Are you serious, Coulson? Six days? It only took you six days to turn a completely refurbished state-of-the-art aircraft into a pile of garbage!" Agent Coulson stood upright, accepting the instruction from his immediate superior. Prior to this, because of his negligence, Reyes, an agent of the Peruvian government army who had cooperated with him, got on the plane, so that the government army hijacked the Airbus.

However, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. relied on the 084 item they obtained during the mission-a Hydra weapon related to the Rubik's Cube-to successfully subdue the Peruvian government agents. But they also paid a heavy price, that is, the cabin of the Airbus was blown out with a big hole. In order not to let the temporary remedy (blocking the hole with an inflatable lifeboat) fail, they could only let the plane move forward at a slow speed.

I've looked at the maintenance records, and this plane has been serviced before, even with a new engine, Coulson thought. But instead of complaining, he tried to justify his players, but his justification made Nick Fury even more angry. "Don't talk to me about authorization. Do you know how much this plane is worth? There's even a bar here! It's a nice bar!" Nick Fury walked around angrily, "Don't talk to me about authorization, I have the right to downgrade you!"

"I know, sir." Agent Coulson stopped talking back.

"I want you to fix this plane, just like when you first got it! So, don't let Fitz and Simmons modify this plane, such as getting a broken fish tank or something." Nick Fury lost his temper, turned his head and started to mention the newcomers in Coulson's team, and his emotions switched extremely quickly. "And that new girl, Skye, she's a risk factor."

"I know, sir."

"You know?" He glared at Coulson, cursed and turned to leave. But before getting off the plane, he stopped again and asked Agent Coulson, "Where did you go before you set off on this mission, Agent Coulson?"

"New York, just passing through, for lunch," Agent Coulson replied. Nick Fury carefully observed Agent Coulson's facial expressions, but did not notice the slightest abnormality.

"Do you remember what you ate? It's been a long time since the last time I was in New York."

"The Brazilian BBQ on West Fifty-third Street in Manhattan, sir. I recommend you try it too."

"Very well, I will go." Nick Fury stood in front of Agent Coulson and sniffed. He could smell nothing but gunpowder smoke and Peruvian dust. Oh, and the smell of air freshener in the cabin is also counted, but there is no smell of oily smoke. Nick Fury raised Salomon's danger level to a higher level in his heart. The magic of manipulating the mind displayed by the mystic is too terrifying, and he must make a plan.

"How about Tahiti?"

"It's a magical place. I'm ready for my next assignment in New York, sir, and that's an old friend of ours."

Nick Fury nodded and walked off the plane without saying a word.

Don't rush, don't rush, I'm trying to fish! By the way, ask for a recommendation ticket!

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