Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 293 Catch it straight, sir (second update)

A thin man in a black suit looked around the hallway, glanced at the camera, and then looked down towards the door of the target's residence. "The object this time is really strange, Mr. Reese. I suggest you do more observations instead of directly entering the target's residence." Just as this Mr. Reese was trying to open the door of the apartment with the master key, a shy male voice came from his earphones, but he did not intend to stop what he was doing.

"The target is in danger this time." Mr. Reaser has a very charming voice, and so does his appearance. The tall figure and well-proportioned muscular lines make the suit his armor, and the word gentleman is almost tailor-made for him. The short dark hair is a bit gray, but it doesn't detract from his charm. In fact, when he needs to complete certain negotiation tasks, he can always use this appearance to gain some advantages.

"There are a lot of unidentified people watching his residence." While Mr. Riise lowered his head to work, he did not forget to communicate with his companions. "I can recognize that these people are all secret agents. Their vigilance is extremely high, and everyone who enters and leaves this building is monitored by them. The target should know about this, so he never opened the curtains, and he basically didn't go anywhere except the supermarket."

"You don't understand me, Mr. Reese. Salomon Damonette, a British citizen, a senior at Eton College, is about to face ALevel exams. No criminal records, no dental records, no medical records - except when he was a newborn - he doesn't even have social media, even a social security account was issued a few years ago, he seems to have dual British and American citizenship, and the only news about him is the EU Young Scientist Competition. Injecting, but his registered nationality is British - I don't think I need to remind you about Eton fees?"

"It seems his adopters have been kind to him."

"This is the biggest problem. He doesn't have a guardian. The time difference between London and New York is only five hours, and the plane from London to New York takes eight hours. Except for the recent leave, he has basically completed the class hours, which means..."

"That means, maybe two Salomon Damonettes, identity theft. We've had that happen, but a minor, Finch." Mr. Reaser opened the door to the apartment, and he saw a fat gray shorthair cat sitting on the carpet in the hallway. "Salomon Damonette lives with two beautiful women in New York." Mr. Reese and the fat cat looked at each other, "and also raised a cat with strange patterns."

"You'd better move fast, Mr. Reaser. I saw a stranger enter the apartment. He was about to go upstairs. I think he may be related to Salomon Damonette. This man is too clean. I'm not sure if there is anything wrong with him. Mr. Reaser, there are too many mysteries about him."

"Meow~" The fat gray cat yawned dissatisfiedly, and walked away from the carpet.

"I'll be there as soon as possible, Finch." Mr. Reaser followed the cat into the room. He stepped on the carpet, and the next moment, his companion heard a dull crash.

"Are you all right, Mr. Reaser?"

"I'm fine... I finally know why this man is being watched, Finch..." Mr. Reaser gasped, "This a wizard."

"what are you saying?"

"He has a flying carpet [Note 1], Finch... Huh, don't worry, I can get out. Maybe he doesn't need our help at all..." Mr. Reaser resisted the shrinking carpet with his arms.

"Uh... There must be a reason why the machine gave him his number." The voice of the man on the other end of the headset stuttered.

"I don't think you had wizards in mind when you created that machine... don't be surprised, aliens and portals are in New York... Phew..."

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, Finch... Phew..."

Agent Grant Ward came upstairs, a metal briefcase in his hand. The briefcase contained documents that his superior, Agent Coulson had asked him to pass on to the target. But Grant Ward had great doubts about this simple task-why did he always feel that the surrounding scenes were somewhat familiar, and everything had a certain sense of déjà vu? Why does his mouth smell of black tea? This corridor, this corner, this camera position, this fat gray cat, and this carpet... wait, who is this?

"Hey! Hands up! Who are you? Why are you here! Throw away the weapon, I repeat, throw away the weapon!" Agent Grant Ward pulled out a pistol and pointed at Mr. Reaser who had just cut the carpet with a knife and crawled out. Agent Ward yelled a warning to the panting man.

"Finch, I'm in trouble," Mr. Reaser whispered. He turned around, threw the knife on the ground, then slowly took out the pistol from his waist and put it on the ground. He held up his hands to Agent Ward.

"Go in, put your hands behind your back, and lie down on the ground." In order to avoid attracting the attention of unrelated personnel, Agent Ward chose to let the person in front of him enter the apartment. Mr Reaser did so. This is not the first time he has encountered a crisis. He has worked for the CIA in the past, and he has experienced more dangerous scenes than this.

He survived, without exception.

Agent Ward pointed a gun at Mr. Reaser, who put down his briefcase and pulled out handcuffs from behind. Just as he was about to handcuff the suspect, an invisible force bit his ankle and knocked him to the ground. Agent Ward fell unexpectedly, and the back of his head hit the ground heavily. He only felt a large mass of distorted black shadows and colorful lights flashing in front of his eyes, dizziness flooded his mind, and the pistol he was holding tightly was also released from his hand. Mr. Reaser took his chance, leaping to his feet and lunging at Agent Ward.

He wants to subdue this person who is looking for the target, and he will definitely get clues from him.

At this moment, that invisible force grabbed his collar and pulled him tightly in the air. Before Mr. Riese could try to break free, this force grabbed his collar and swung him towards the wall. After experiencing the initial dizziness, Agent Ward, who fell to the ground, immediately stood up and prepared to fight back, but he was brought down by the force again.

The Cheshire cat watched the two two-legged beasts standing up, falling down, standing up again, and falling down again. It yawned boredly, and then rested its chin on its paws. It's so boring, these two male twolegs, and there's no female twolegs here, why are they fighting?

"Are you serious? I just went to Mexico to buy green chili sauce, and two people tried to break into my residence?" Salomon grabbed the two men who fell in the entrance, and they were thrown by the magic of the mystic. This is the five-ring spell "Mage's Faithful Dog", but Salomon modified this spell so that the Phantom Guardian Dog, which was supposed to bark, would no longer bark, and Salomon also increased the phantom guardian dog's defensive instincts - because dogs are not allowed in this building, if people hear the dog barking, he will be in big trouble.

The android took over Salomon's job. She put the two men on the chairs, confiscated all the weapons they were carrying, and checked their communication equipment and documents along the way. Salomon also took a chair and sat across from them. He had two miniature earphones in his hand.

He knew Agent Ward, but Agent Ward didn't know him, because the enchantment spell was still working. "Who are you? Oh, Agent Grand Ward, member of Coulson's team, I know you. And you, handsome sir? Who are you? Why are you here?"

"You are in danger, Salomon Damonette." Although dizzy from being thrown, Mr. Reaser was still warning Salomon, "I don't know what is threatening your life, but your life is indeed in danger!"

Fishing! Ask for a recommendation ticket!

【Note 1】Rug of Smothering

Large construct creature, absolutely neutral

Armor Rating: 12

Hit Points: 33 (6d10)

Speed: 10 feet

Strength 17 (+3) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 10 (+0)

Intelligence 1 (-5) Wisdom 3 (-4) Charisma 1 (-5)

Damage Immunity: Poison, Psychic

Status Immunities: Blind, Charm, Deaf, Panic, Exhausted, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned

Senses: Blindsight 60 ft. (outside this range is considered blind), passive Perception 6


Challenge Rating: 2 (450 XP)


Roll up Smother tightly. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 feet, single Medium or smaller creature. Damage: Target creature is grappled (escape DC 13). Until the grapple ends, the target is bound and blinded, and at risk of suffocation. The blanket can only wrap around one target at a time. In addition, the creature takes 10 (2d6+3) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of its turns.

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