Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 296 Loyalty Issue (Second Change)

Salomon did not know, and had no interest in knowing, about the efforts of Mr. Reaser and Mr. Harold to keep the CIA drug cartels from reaching him. All he knew was that he was late, and the witches said they would eat Mexican food tonight. Fortunately, the witches like the dishes of Salomon's new society. After a day of hunting, the witches need stimulating food to refresh their spirits.

"Improvements are still needed, Rodin." While the witches were feasting on the soft chairs in the booths, Salomon put the prototype of the bolt gun on the bar. However, the fallen angel craftsman only rolled his eyes at the mystic, with an expression of indescribable disgust.

"There is no better craftsman than me in this world." The owner of the Gate of Hell Bar took back the Coke glass placed in front of Salomon, even though there was still more than half of the drink in it. "If someone else handles this gun, the only result is that it explodes. Your hand is still connected to your wrist, and you should thank me."

"I think the 12.7mm bullet is a bit too much recoil, especially on a pistol. This gun has more recoil than a Thunderbolt Point 50 pistol of the same caliber! It's a rocket propelled bullet!"

"This is the cost of the range. The higher the initial velocity of the bullet, the greater the recoil force. This is the law of physics. It can allow you to penetrate light armored vehicles and blow up the car engine. It is in line with your requirements and has unparalleled resistance. A bullet that costs less than 200 dollars can be compared to a grenade. What other bullet can be more cost-effective than this? If the recoil force is too large, practice a lot. I know you can do it." Rodan wiped the clean cup, "If you have other needs , the ordinary firearms here can satisfy you. Sorry, you only have clear water to drink today."

"Hey, cheapskate! At least get more ammo! And muzzle brakes!"

"This is a good thing." The Supreme Mage played with the bolt gun, tentatively fired a shot towards the mirror dimension, and then returned the gun to Salomon with a satisfied expression. "I don't think most deacons' protective spells can resist such an attack. The armor of lower plane creatures will also penetrate this kind of bullet. If you paint the bullet with alchemy silver, one bullet is enough to end the battle." The venerable said, "But I think, you should still remember that you are a spellcaster, right?"

"I feel that since we accepted the magic in the "Book of Weishandi", our fighting methods have become farther and farther away from traditional spellcasters. But I still keep two magic wands as spares." The supreme mage's favorite disciple sighed, "But that's not what I want to know, teacher."

"It's about witches, right?" His Holiness knew Salomon's question a long time ago, but he didn't take the initiative to raise it. His Holiness wanted to know how much Salomon cared about those two witches. This is the evil taste of the supreme mage, she found that the more dangerous women are, the more attractive they are to Salomon-this is the so-called women are not bad, men do not love.

Although this incident was initiated by the Supreme Mage at the beginning, the Venerable still felt that his disciple's brain might be a little problematic, because the relationship between Salomon and the Witch should have occurred when they met for the first time and wanted to kill each other, earlier than when Salomon took care of Celesa.

"Of course, isn't the matter of the Ragnar Order over long ago? Jubilus is also completely dead. Why have so many angels descended recently?" Salomon asked, "I thought these upper plane creatures had already shifted their targets."

"Remember what I told you in the past? Creatures from outer dimensions will never give up their plans to enter the main material plane, especially the special plane of the Nine Realms. Uktrasir, which supports the Nine Realms, is as powerful as any magical entity. Even Odin's rune magic system was created based on the world tree."

The Venerable said slowly, "Whether it is heaven or hell, they are our enemies. Protecting the main material plane is our task. Although Karma Taj seems to only guard the earth due to the eccentricity of the previous supreme mages, the entire main material universe is our responsibility. I don't mind handing things over to more professional people, such as witches."

"So Bayonetta and Joan are outsourcing work, the same as in the past?"

"Kama Taj pays in cash, and I know your lab needs funds. I know what your original intention in forming that organization is, and that's good." As soon as His Holiness mentioned this, Salomon's cheeks began to blush. The act of robbing a bank is indeed a bit embarrassing, but those companies do not accept gold, and Salomon can only obtain the currency of the secular society to buy experimental equipment. His Holiness did not blame his disciples for this, "But before you completely take over Karma Taj, you only have a certain amount of secular currency for living every month. This is only when you are my disciple. Even if I am the supreme mage, I can only help you in this way."

"Then why are there more angels at this time? Do they also have a golden week? Now that the witches have been away on business for more than a month, I think they may need to take a vacation."

"It's hard to say. The specific reasons need to be investigated, but the only ones related to those very distinctive angels are the sages and the witches. You have seen the power of the 'left eye' and the 'right eye'. This power will cause some interference to the Eye of Agamotto, so I speculate that the sages may not be completely extinct." The venerable skipped the answer very perfunctorily. "You also know that this is work, and it cannot be interrupted because of your relationship with the witch."

"Then how long will this kind of life last?" Salomon sighed, it seems that he still needs to endure the days without the company of the witch.

"Maybe it will be a while, but I don't mind your participation in the actions of the witches. You don't get paid for your work. In addition, pay more attention to your laboratory in the Immortal City. You'd better show up there more-any contract will have loopholes, and those wizards are not as loyal as Balthazar imagined." The supreme mage said, "Not every member of the Merlin Wizards and its inheritors are loyal to Camelot. There were still many Morgan's men who were not caught back then. .But now you have them again, if they threaten your safety, I hope you will not show mercy, you are much more important than them."

"I will, my lord, I don't think they would mind signing a few more contracts." Salomon raised his eyebrows and exited the meditation room.

"Don't forget your 'pistol'! If it's a pistol."

The bullet screamed sharply in the air, and plunged into the body of the angel with the head of a bird. The impact of the bullet explosion blasted the angel into pieces, and the blood sprayed into mist. Even Salomon, who was far away, could smell the rosemary fragrance of the angel's blood.

"Good job, Boya." Beunita blinked and jumped down from the peak of the Alps. Then, she stepped on a huge angel and rushed to the clouds. The mystic looked up. Under the sun, the figure of the witch became more and more blurred as the angel rose up. Everything was covered with a layer of colorful halo outlines in the light reflected by the snow on the ground. Salomon squinted his eyes, and he could only vaguely see two separate figures. The largest one exploded into a golden light soon after.

"This is the result of your application for assistance on the weekend." Joan of Arc stood beside Salomon. Although she was also wearing high heels, the magic on the soles of her feet prevented her from getting stuck in the snowdrift like Salomon. "If I ask you, I'd rather you stay home," she said. "At least we'd have a good lunch instead of some self-heating food in a cave."

"Families are always together."

"I think you're just avoiding your homework, Salomon."

I went to make an appointment for the vaccine, and the update will be later.

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