Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 297 One-Eyed Skeleton (Second Update! Really Second Update!)

"I don't think you need to worry about food, Joan." Salomon narrowed his eyes and looked up at Bayonetta who fell from the sky. Every time she falls a certain distance, a pair of black and purple colorful butterfly wings will appear behind her, and the kinetic energy is offset by the floating spell. When she was about to land on the snow reflecting the sun, Beunita was like the water fairy in fairy tales. She stood on tiptoe and landed slowly with flying butterflies and dazzling lights.

She was wearing high heels with red soles, which Salomon had chosen himself.

"I think you'll have a good appetite." The mystic turned his head showing off, pointing at Phoenix in the distance with his chin. "Phoenix found a poor lonely little thing, a stray goat," he said. "We're above the snow line, and the little thing was dying of starvation, so I decided to show mercy and spare him that horrible fate, and you should be able to smell him by now. Phoenix did a lot of work, don't you, man?"

In the distance, Phoenix groaned weakly. It was squinting its eyes, and it was staying in a snow pit. There was a lot of melted snow in the pit, and its golden-red feathers were floating on the water. When Salomon decided to bury Phoenix in the snow, with only one head exposed, he had made long-term plans—the temperature of the snow water was gradually increasing, and thin steam was rising slowly. Soon, a pool of hot springs heated by Phoenix would be completed.

Salomon believes that enjoying the hot spring in the cold wind is a very rare experience, and even more rare, he may be able to experience it with Bayonetta.

"Wonderful idea, you bastard full of vulgar thoughts!" Joan stretched out her long legs and kicked the mystic mage aside, showing no mercy to him. On the contrary, Beunita threw her high heels aside generously, rolled up her long black hair that was as thick as a dark cloud, untied her clothes, and slowly walked into the hot spring naked.

"I don't really mind it. On the contrary, I am looking forward to this kind of thing. The bathtub at home is too small, and many things cannot be done there." The seductive witch leaned on the edge of the pool with her eyes closed, and the two extremely contrasting temperatures made her groan weakly and seductively. Bayonetta licked her lips and stopped Joan before she poked Salomon's eyes out. "It's very spacious here. I think Salomon can enjoy it with me. Joan, don't you come with me?"

"Don't even think about it, Ceresa! He's an adolescent boy, a beast in heat!" Joan almost jumped up violently. Her words made Salomon couldn't help but stare at her. do i look this bad Salomon thought, you must have never seen an ordinary human male. That's right, the executioner who grew up in the residence of the Witch Clan and was also known as the Sage as an adult had very little time to socialize.

"I just like beasts, remember to be rough, Boya~"

This hot spring made Salomon physically and mentally exhausted, but before he escaped back to New York with Bayonetta's laughter, he took a breath and interrupted his recollection time with a phone call.

"I think what I'm going to do next needs to be done alone, Anna, you shouldn't be calling at this time." Salomon answered the phone angrily, but there was something wrong with the voice on the other end of the phone.

"I knew you would do what ordinary high school students would do, but now is not the time." Although Anna Hellstrom was still joking, her voice sounded a little flustered, "I have something for you to see, Salomon. I don't know if it is Marduk...but this thing is really weird."

"I'm not in charge of Marduk's affairs now, Anna. Today is the weekend, please give me a good rest. My experience today is really exciting."

"No, Salomon, this thing... I think you should take a look." Anna sent a picture to Salomon's cell phone. The mystic almost threw the phone away after calling out the photo. It was a blackened hideous skull, but there was only one eye hole in the skull, and a bloodshot eye peeked out through the hole.

"After my blood dripped on this skull, the eye would appear." Anna said, "This skull seems to have some kind of power, it whispers in my ear constantly, I don't know why I do this, it just has a kind of intuition... It seems to be alive..." Anna's voice gradually became noisy, "It was found near the body of the missing nurse... The nurse's body turned into pieces. It ate that person... It is alive..."

"Hey Ana, are you still listening? Can you repeat what you just said?"

"I just said, you should look at this thing... did you see it?"

"Ah, I saw it." Salomon said thoughtfully, "You stay away from that thing first, and wait for me to pass by, okay? Although I don't know if that thing has anything to do with Marduk, but that thing is already evil enough, I don't want you to fall now, and then I have to send you to hell."

"Okay, hurry up, my partner's status is a little bit wrong."

After Anna hung up the phone, Salomon dialed another number. Those were the mystics who had accepted the task of chasing Marduk's spirit, and Salomon wanted to know some information from them. As mentioned before, with the earth guarded by Kama Taj, the easiest way for devils and demons to influence the main material plane is through possession, just like Anna and Damon's parents.

It is almost impossible to accurately identify people possessed by demons and demons, because these possessed people do not use too much supernatural power, and the crimes they commit are exactly the same as ordinary people's crimes, except that they are much more cruel.

Therefore, finding the person possessed by Marduk at once is almost a stroke of luck. Now there is only one clue in front of Salomon, and that is the weird skeleton that Anna just mentioned. If Anna was telling the truth in a trance, then the bewitched nurse in the Santa Teresa Mental Hospital was probably eaten by that thing.

Salomon washed his face with cold water, and sent a text message asking for leave to his mentor. Immediately afterwards, he put on the Holy Skeleton Cloth Robe, took his own scroll case full of scrolls, and hung two fallen leaf knives, one long and one short, on the belt around his waist. He took the two wands and the prototype bolt gun, and ordered the man-made man and the Cheshire cat to watch the house at the same time-Salomon hesitated for a while, and finally did not call Phoenix from the witch, because he was not sure whether he would face Marduk again.

The mystic put on the Hanging Ring and opened the portal to Los Angeles.

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