Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 299 Bloodline Problem (Second Change)

Damon looked sluggish, sitting in a soft chair in the office of St. Teresa's mental hospital, and the nun who was supposed to leave was by his side at this time. Although Anna had known about this for a long time, she couldn't help losing her temper when she saw Sister Gabriel Rossetti standing there.

"Why do you ordinary people have always wanted to mix into this incident!" The devil girl hugged her hands and sat on the sofa of the living room. "We found the place where the nurse died, and the incident was solved, but the price was a bit big. My partner was likely to become a drooling idiot. Go to some drunks, gambling sticks, and scum parents to exorcism. Do you regard him as a tool for spreading faith? "

"We treat him as a family member, Anna." Dr. Hastings said, moving his plump and moist lips, "Demon has been taking care of her recently, and she hasn't woken up yet. Shouldn't you take some responsibility?"

Anna shrugged and looked away. "Why should I be responsible for that woman." She raised her eyebrows with a casual attitude. This is an attitude to Dr. Hastings, to Damon, to the nun, and to herself, "Are there any good memories between us?"

"She loves you, Anna," Damon said weakly as he stood up. During this period of time, he has been trying to exorcise his mother in the past, because he thinks that Salomon has not done what he should have done. Every day, after finishing his teaching tasks at the university, he would come to the Santa Teresa Mental Hospital to accompany his mother and tell her the beautiful things of the past when she was unconscious.

However, it didn't work at all, his mother was still drowning in sleep, and no one knew whether her soul was still in her body or not. But during this time, he also felt the warmth of Sister Gabriel Rossetti, something he rarely experienced.

Damon stood up. He closed his eyes and covered his forehead. He only felt blurred spots of bright blue and bright yellow flashing under his eyes. The dizziness hit his brain violently, making him almost unable to think. He felt something gripping his brain. The headache and dizziness almost occupied his mind. If the nun hadn't supported him in time, he might have fallen back into the seat. Seeing Damon like this, Anna thought of something when she was about to stand up, so she sat back on the gray cloth sofa and regained her proper indifference.

Damon sniffed - he couldn't feel whether he had done this action, the pain and dizziness took all his attention, and his nose and lips were a little numb. This symptom is somewhat similar to a cold, but it is actually the result of his excessive waste of magic power in his body. He is still a human being and has very little magic power at his disposal. Dr. Hastings had his condition diagnosed by a doctor, and he had a few injections, but nothing worked, and he only got better when he stopped the exorcism.

"Maybe you have something to tell her." Damon half-opened his eyes and said to his sister, "You know, she loves you."

"It's not me, and don't mention her to me." Anna took out a piece of parchment full of small print from her handbag, "The purpose of my trip is not her, but you. I want you to sign this contract, yes, it is him. Don't try to refute, we all know the consequences of refuting, and he can expel that thing you can't do anything to explain the problem."

"Then where is he?"

"Who knows?" Anna shrugged. "It's time to get on with your own business, otherwise he wouldn't be running from the east coast to the west coast. Hurry up and sign, Damon, this is a standard contract, and there are disadvantages if you sign it. I don't want you to die."

"You work for him now?" Damon took a look at the contract from the nun. He sat back on the soft chair weakly, ready to pick up a pen to write his name on the contract. But the nun stopped him, and Damon followed suit—the deed was written in Latin, and Sister Rossetti's Latin and ancient Greek courses were full marks.

"I thought you were still in your antique business." Damon stopped writing and looked up at his sister.

"I didn't work for Salomon Damonet, it was just cooperation. I discovered the devil, and then he destroyed it. Although it was only once, but his performance... maybe the god you believe in is him."

"Anything is fine, don't say such things here." Damon held up the parchment, "Tell him, if he wants me to sign this contract, let our mother..."

Anna raised her head and let out a long breath. She never understood why her brother was so naive and stupid, so unable to see the situation clearly. "You have no bargaining chips, Damon." The Devil's Daughter closed her eyes. She felt that the corners of her eyes began to ache. Getting along with Damon was always exhausting, let alone Dr. Hastings, who Anna hated the most. She persuaded in a very helpless tone, "When I didn't sign the contract, he pointed a large-caliber pistol at me. Do you think he will show you some sympathy? Listen, I know Salomon's character. He has a strong desire to control the devil..."

"He can't kill people here." Dr. Hastings said suddenly, "There are cameras everywhere."

"Do you think he would mind if there is no camera? He can create an alibi!" Anna rolled her eyes at Dr. Hastings. "He wants to kill me. I've always known about it. He wants to kill you too. The reason why he didn't do anything now is because he wants to use us to deal with that devil, because the devil's blood in our body belongs to that devil. He sees us as tools. He will abandon his personal feelings for the sake of duty... let alone this nun." She glanced nervously. Gabriel Rossetti, "I think he's going to throw this girl right back to the Vatican."

"He can't, I won't allow this to happen!" Damon became agitated. He waved his fists, his nose contracted and expanded rapidly, like a bull sitting on a chair, ready to attack his imaginary enemy at any time. If he was wearing glasses, the lenses should be full of moisture by now.

"Our see, she can't speak or eat now, she has very little soul left! And he just keeps binding us with one contract after another..." As Damon's tone rose, the temperature in the air also rose, and this increase was insignificant. Only Dr. Hastings kept staring at the thermometer and dry-humidity meter that were recently placed on the table.

Dr. Hastings was worried about the bad situation before Damon reappeared - when Damon was performing an exorcism on his mother, and suddenly his eyes flashed and became emotional, it was the nuns who calmed him down - which is why Dr. Hastings wanted the nuns to stay here, because the nuns can restrain Damon's behavior.

"Then you have to blame the person who helped you? Wake up, Damon, no one owes you anything. The reason why Salomon will help is because I agreed to his conditions! You paid less than me, Damon, you are not qualified to comment. In addition, Salomon has done the best. Do you think there is still a soul belonging to her in that body? When will you abandon your childhood and face reality?"

"The reason I'm angry is his arrogance towards us..."

"But he does have this power... I am ready to accept my nature, Damon, whether you want it or not, I will seek revenge on that thing."

38.5 degrees, please take a sick leave tomorrow.

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