Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 300 Enlightenment From Fate (First Update!)

Salomon knocked on the door, and walked into the office without anyone else.

The security personnel of the entire mental hospital did not notice a living person passing in front of them at all, and took their access card - floating, invisibility, moving objects, these are the basic abilities of the caster, and the magic psychological hint of the veil of concealment is one of Salomon's most commonly used spells. Only the second-ring enchantment spell can make other people look away, unable to notice the caster. The effect is similar to the third-ring invisibility spell, and it is a very cost-effective magic. [From the Long Gun War]

After solving another matter with great efficiency, the mystic opened the portal near the Santa Teresa Mental Hospital, cast a spell and walked in. At that time, Anna and Damon were arguing, and no one noticed that Salomon appeared at the door of the office. The only one who might have noticed him was Dr. Hastings, who was distracted by the thermometer. If he hadn't knocked on the door after enjoying a good show, they probably wouldn't have noticed his presence until the effect of the spell was over.

"I solemnly ask you, Damon Helstrom. Do you really want to resist the authority of Karma Taj in the main material plane?" Salomon lowered his head and walked slowly towards Damon. He straightened the cuffs of his sacred robe while walking, "All the descendants of extradimensional creatures must sign this contract. Do you want to be an exception?"

"I made a condition, but you didn't fulfill it." Damon's chest rose and fell, and he took a deep breath. His forehead began to ache, and he felt as if something in his brain was going to come out of his skull. This pain was about to torture him crazy, and the weakness and dizziness made him powerless. This feeling of weakness was very uncomfortable. He endured the pain, his face was pale, and he barely pulled himself together, leaning on the desk and questioning the mystic, "You haven't fulfilled the conditions, so why do you ask me to do it?"

"I do what I should do." Salomon raised his head and glanced at Anna who was still sitting on the sofa. Anna stared at the mystic with a blank expression. It seemed that with the arrival of Salomon, the anger she had quarreled with her brother dissipated immediately. The mystic said to her, "You probably won't agree with me sending him to hell now, so I decided to change another way. I hope you don't interfere, Ms. Hellstrom. I don't want to destroy our friendship."

"I'll try my best." Anna nodded indifferently, and swallowed back what she wanted to say. But her muscles are still tense, ready to jump off the couch at any moment.

"Very good." As soon as the words fell, following a short incantation, Salomon's fingertips shot out four missiles shining with dazzling white light. These missiles that burst out of dazzling light accurately hit Damon who was close at hand, like four consecutive heavy punches hitting his chest, squeezing out all the air in his lungs, making him almost unable to breathe due to the dull pain in his ribs, and the dazzling light that burst out made the various light spots in his eyes flicker and become a mess. 【Photobulletics, Long Gun War】

The lack of oxygen was mixed with nausea, and his brain and stomach entered a cycle of some physiological mechanism. Damon was about to vomit, but he didn't have the strength to support his body. He could only collapse on the soft chair, unable to utter a single moan.

"You can't do this! I'm going to call the police..."

Sister Gabriel Rossetti stood between Salomon and Damon like an angry lioness, and Dr. Hastings bent down and took a pistol from a drawer. However, before she could point her gun at the mystic, the next spell came. Dr. Hastings saw a smoky spark shoot out from between Salomon's palms and scurry around her, the nun, and Daemon like a gnat.

Immediately after that, the spark seemed to have nowhere to go, and it simply exploded on its own accord, exploding into a large glowing and smoking swarm of shining bees. Loud explosions and brilliant sparks filled the entire office, and a small giant dragon made of fireworks abruptly filled the remaining space in the office. The fireworks dragon stretched out its snout very vividly and sniffed Dr. Hastings, then bit down.

The constantly flickering hot fireworks made Dr. Hastings unable to see anything around her clearly. She tried her best to hold the pistol steady, and wanted to get out of the desk and shoot at the mystic. However, two flaming flaming darts knocked her weapon away and scalded her palm. When Dr. Hastings was covered in smoke and crawled out from the fireworks of the giant dragon biting everywhere, she saw that the nun was anxiously slapping the flames on the desk and the soft chair. A flaming shuriken was nailed to the desk. Even though the flames were about to envelop Damon, he was still slumped on the chair, his face pale and moaning vaguely.

"I've always wanted to use this magic." The mystic smiled and blinked. "Not long ago, I proposed to others whether to watch a firework, but I was rejected. So I am very happy to be able to use it now. Don't be like this, Dr. Hastings."

Salomon stretched out his fingers towards Dr. Hastings, and three thick iron rings suddenly appeared and imprisoned her. Dr. Hastings' shoulders, hands and legs were tightly bound together. The mystic didn't pay attention to Dr. Hasting's cursing, and the security personnel of the St. Teresa Mental Hospital tried to break in after hearing the movement, but they all fell in front of the office in the end-Salomon just let them sleep well.

"I think you can persuade your brother to sign the contract now, Anna." Salomon shook his head and said to the Devil's Daughter, "I hope this works, otherwise I can only choose a more brutal way."

"He will." Anna stood up, pushed the nun away, and rudely dragged her brother off the chair, "He must sign the contract."

"I'm glad you made a wise choice." The mystic narrowed his eyes and said meaningfully. This cheerful attitude made the Devil's Daughter gnash her teeth again.

"I'm not an idiot." Anna said angrily.

"Fine, I don't want my partner to be an idiot, Satana."

"Would you mind telling me where you've been?"

Salomon said, "It's not a matter of secrecy, I'm going to—"

"——I noticed something that might have an impact on my future. This is the result of learning divination spells." The mystic helped Anna drag Damon to the sofa, and then prohibited the nun's movements with his eyes. He turned his head and said to Anna, "The result of spying on fate is uncontrollable. When we came to Ohio, a certain fragment of the future was stuffed into my mind. Fortunately, there is Google now, otherwise I wouldn't even know where that place is."

"where is that?"


"Ms. Shaw, please don't point your guns at our friends. Mr. Damonette, I think you should explain why you are here?" When seeing the orange-red sparks circling continuously, Mr. Reaser's first reaction was a headache, but Harold Finch was calmer.

Is there anything more incredible than magic in this world? Even if someone told him the next day that Salomon would spray a large golden beam of light, he would not be surprised.

"I don't think it has anything to do with you, Mr. Damonette."

"Are you kidding me? Do you still know wizards?" Samun Xiao widened his eyes and looked at his companion in disbelief. Mr. Reese sighed and explained his relationship with Harold and Salomon softly.

"I just met him on a mission...although I don't think his life will be in danger."

"Do you think I want to come?" Salomon walked out of the portal and glanced at the empty place with a puzzled face. It is an industrial factory built of concrete, and a large number of dazzling giant lighting facilities and wires hang from the top of his head. The mystic looked around, including the woman he had never seen who seemed to be of Middle Eastern descent. He remembered that Harold called her Ms. Shaw. In addition, there is a woman kneeling on the ground and an engineering geek in a blue T-shirt.

"I found this place after several teleportations." Salomon asked, "Who can tell me where this is?"

"This is a nuclear testing facility in Hanford, Mr. Damonette. There are no supernatural threats here."

"I think so too." The mystic cast a doubtful look at the woman kneeling on the ground. Everyone was surprised by his appearance, except for this woman, who seemed to be immersed in a certain emotion and couldn't extricate herself.

"But that's not what fate told me, Harold. I think there may be something here that has something to do with the impending disaster."

Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! ! !

The first four seasons of "Suspect Tracker" yyds, I always like Xiao Dahammer! Suddenly discovered that the illiterate Kevin in "Shameless" actually...

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