Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 301 Contract Salesman Salomon (Second Change)

Mr. Finch felt suffocated by Salomon's words. He didn't believe in things like fate, and neither did the fat engineering nerd in a blue T-shirt. Just as he was about to yell, Samun Shaw pointed a pistol at his head, and he could only swallow the scream back into his stomach.

"I think he should know about it too, Finch," Mr. Reaser said softly in an effective low voice. "I don't know how he got here, but since he's here, he's got a lot to do with it."

Samun Shaw glanced at Mr. Reaser and then at Mr. Finch. Harold Finch took a deep breath, and then told the mystic the whole story. Because the matter is very complicated, Mr. Finch can only make a long story short-in simple terms, Mr. Finch has created a system that can monitor the data on all networks and make judgments about who will cause major disasters, and send these data to the corresponding departments that can handle these events. Such as S.H.I.E.L.D., NSA, CIA, FSA.

This is a small back door built by Mr. Finch to receive "irrelevant data" that would have been cleared, that is, ordinary people's data. Originally, these data would be cleared after 0 o'clock every day, but Mr. Finch kept the data because of his former companion who died. The reason why Mr. Reese found Salomon was because the system gave Mr. Finch Salomon's social security number.

The AI ​​apparently didn't expect Salomon to be a wizard either.

Since 9/11, the US government has been developing something that can monitor the Internet all over the world. All the intelligence organizations are involved in it. The so-called PRISM project is just the most failed one of them. The system that was eventually adopted was created by Mr. Finch and his companions - a system that can think for itself, an artificial intelligence, and an electronic god.

In the online world, this artificial intelligence is omnipotent. Mr. Finch designed this system to be watertight. After Mr. Finch and his companions handed over the server, the US National Security Agency tried to hack into the system several times but failed. In order to protect this secret, many staff members who had participated in the transfer of the server were also killed by the Secret Service.

And this place is the last known location of the artificial intelligence's server. The artificial intelligence has transferred itself, and no one knows where it is. Because Mr. Finch was worried about the abuse of this artificial intelligence, he wrote a virus to make this artificial intelligence completely free.

And that virus was the reason why Mr. Reese defected from the CIA. During the task of capturing the virus, he was betrayed by the organization.

Freed from all the constraints imposed on it by its creator, Mr. Finch, the information it can output is no longer limited to social security numbers. After hearing this story, Salomon's heart almost stopped beating. He couldn't imagine the consequences of an artificial intelligence with its own thoughts in this messy world. Think about Ultron...

No, maybe this thing is really useful. Thinking of this, Salomon's eyes began to look a little strange. His organization just needs a system that can coordinate the overall situation, a perfect source of information. Is this the meaning of the revelation of fate?

"I know what you want to say, artificial intelligence! I know, I didn't believe it at first." Samun Shaw, who is of Middle Eastern descent, nodded very familiarly. "But I think that thing is not bad. If you have experienced the Internet, you will understand. I know that life in the cave is not so convenient, I have experienced it."

"Do I have moss growing on me, Ms. Xiao? I'm a wizard, not a primitive."

"Is there any difference? It is said that the magic world cannot use mobile phones..."

"Harry Potter isn't real..."

"Okay, okay, our topic is not this..." Harold interrupted the increasingly outrageous topic in time.

"Your work is stronger than the Stark Group's artificial intelligence, Mr. Harold." Salomon pulled his mind back. He knows that although there are always some exaggeratedly smart people in this world, but he has programmed artificial intelligence alone, and it can still run on old hardware a few years ago to this day. This fully shows that Mr. Finch's intelligence is no less than Tony Stark. Of course, there's a lot more that Mr. Finch hasn't told Salomon. For example, his identity as an ancient programmer, and his contribution to the birth of the Internet today.

If Salomon knew, he might ask Mr. Finch to help him assemble a computer with the best performance for playing games, and help him optimize the annoying Windows system by the way.

"It's just a matter of authority. When developing this machine, the National Security Agency gave us a lot of authority... Although they didn't give it, this machine can do this. All in all, now is not a good time to talk, we have wasted a lot of time..."

Yet despite Mr. Finch's efforts to simplify the facts, they took so much time to explain what was going on that Mr. Reaser had just finished tending the kneeling woman's wounds when NSA agents broke into the facility. Until now, Salomon still didn't know who this woman was. She seemed to have lost her soul, she didn't say anything, and she didn't even frown when she was dealing with the wound.


"You should have been quicker when you killed me, Hersh."

The master-student reunion scene is not touching at all, both sides can't wait to put bullets in each other's brains, and Samun Shaw doesn't mind poking her former mentor to death with her high nose bridge.

"I know this is nothing compared to the catastrophic scene in front of me, but I thought you wouldn't be a traitor, Xiao."

Samun Shaw had previously worked for a special agent organization of the US National Security Agency. The main mission of that special agent organization was to solve the numbers given by artificial intelligence, that is, to eliminate those terrorist organizations that would cause major disasters—until her former partner discovered a suspicious point in a certain mission and sent a letter to her boss.

The person who said that just now was Sam En Xiao's former boss.

"In this situation, it's a little too much to say." Somehow, Samun Shaw's tone often had some sharp elements, and Salomon felt that he should be able to get along well with this woman-in fact, he quite liked this sense of humor.

"What do you want?" The female agent raised her eyebrows and asked her former boss.

"Talk to your new friend." The officer, with the worrying hairstyle common to middle-aged and elderly white men, looked at Harold. "I always knew there was someone behind Ingram, like a black hole. Invisible, but incredibly powerful. Tell me, where did you move the machine?"

"It moved by itself," Mr. Finch responded calmly.

"So who's controlling it?"

"At the moment, it's in self-control."

"Those numbers, will it continue to give us?"

"Then it's up to the machine to decide."

"If it doesn't continue, then our country will be defenseless..."

Hearing this, Salomon couldn't help laughing out loud. "Sir, you can't let the military hear you." The mystic played his inappropriate sense of humor. "They didn't work, but at least they created a huge green monster. And S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury will think you're an idiot."

"An uncontrollable monster, like other freaks in the Battle of New York, our country cannot be defended by a group of free men, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has proved its incompetence." The official was not angry, and he shifted his gaze to Salomon. The mystic was the most conspicuously dressed of the group—the crimson relic cloth with seven silver buckles was eye-catching, not to mention the huge silver key on his chest and the sparkling gemstone ring on his finger.

"Sorry, are you..."

"One of the freaks you just mentioned." The mystic shrugged, and took out a few pieces of parchment from his pocket. "Sign the contract? Everyone who signed it agreed, I promise. To be honest, if I were a devil, I might be the one who got promoted the fastest."

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