Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 303 Electronic God (Second)

"You have to admit that I have done an excellent job of keeping magic secrets. Every Muggle signed a confidentiality contract after seeing me, even the senator. Although they are all regular contracts, I can still imagine the powerlessness of the fat-brained official when he wanted to say my name. Nick Fury wanted to say my name several times. I believe he must have a deep understanding."

"Very well, at least you didn't kill the Senator."

"Is that what I am to you, Natasha?"

"Since you promised to take me to the beach and put it behind you, that's who you are in my heart. I don't believe you won't go back on your word after guaranteeing the Senator's life."

"Damn, when did I promise you such a thing!" Salomon put down his teacup and shook his head helplessly, "I still need to consult an expert, this guy Stark actually needs an appointment to meet now. Apart from meeting the Venerable, when do I need to make an appointment when I meet other people?"

"Appointments are the norm. Stark just had the surgery recently. He removed the metal chest cavity and replaced it with ribs made of titanium alloy to fill the missing part. Now his chest can block bullets." Agent Romanov revealed some not-so-secret information, "It's a pity that the glowing chest is his signature. It was a major operation, and he is still recuperating, lest the rejection reaction kill him. In addition, he has been very busy in recent months to salvage the wreckage of the villa that fell into the seabed during the last terrorist attack." People. Let me tell you another news. The S.H.I.E.L.D. has had several firefights with spies from various countries near the wreckage of the villa that fell into the sea. Intelligence agencies around the world have set their sights on those wreckages, because this is the only chance for them to obtain high-tech information from Stark—so the S.H.E.L.D. "

"Great, it looks like Stark likes being busy now." The mystic shook his phone, and he opened the Twitter interface, "The intelligence of SHIELD is a bit behind, Stark didn't stay in bed to recuperate, he ran to a charity party. It seems that he drank a lot of champagne, and Miss Potts is throwing a tantrum at him!"

"I just don't care about that part of the intelligence, not the lagging of S.H.I.E.L.D. Are you really not planning to go back to the room with me?" Agent Romanov touched the wall of the glass lightly with a small spoon, and the crisp sound tried to disturb the mystic's heartstrings.

"Natasha, I really want to tell you some more beautiful love words like Midsummer Evening Breeze, but I'm in a hurry." Salomon blinked and stood up from his seat. As the magic was broken, the noise of the family restaurant and the warm aroma of all kinds of food overwhelmed him and Agent Romanov again, "Next time."

"Oh, man."


"See? Champagne, a tuxedo, and a beautiful woman. This is the standard equipment for a man in the social field, even an older man. You shouldn't be alone, at least find a female companion, or change into a tuxedo instead of wearing this... er, wizard clothes, and jumping down the stairs. That really scared me."

Stark drank the whiskey in the glass self-consciously, and then took a glass of rosé champagne from the waiter's tray and handed it to the mystic, "Don't worry, no one here will care whether you are old enough to drink. Everyone here has been drunk for several times before the legal drinking age... Like me. I suggest you start with champagne. Whiskey is a bit too strong for you. Tell me, we haven't contacted for several months. Not coming for me. What happened?"

"Bad news, Mr. Stark." The mystic leaned on the bar, tasting the Charles Harx rosé champagne in his hand. He smacked his lips, the champagne was very much to his liking, but he didn't take another sip. "How much do you know about the government's surveillance program? I'm talking about the surveillance program of citizens, every phone call, text message, chat log, every camera, every mobile phone, every computer..."

" haven't been listening to some conspiracy theorist's blog lately, have you? Let me tell you, those things are all fake, they not only claim that the earth is flat, but also claim that Finland doesn't exist. Boy, you have to use your brain to distinguish information on the Internet. I know this is difficult for you..."

Salomon rolled his eyes. He didn't want to repeat common people's misconceptions about wizards. The place where he lived was connected to the Internet. "It's not this, Mr. Stark." He said, "It's the surveillance of S.H.I.E.L.D., such as Project Prism and Project Starwind."

"The U.S. government approached me and wanted me to make that thing. But I said no, because I knew it would be abused after it was created, and I knew what the U.S. government would do with it." Stark got himself another drink, this time asking the bartender to add some soda, apparently trying to keep himself sober. He said, "Of course, part of the reason takes a long time to manufacture that thing. Not only does it need the information authority granted by the government, but it also needs a very powerful artificial intelligence. Otherwise, it is impossible to obtain the privacy of citizens. I don't have the time or the idea to create this kind of thing. Jarvis and the S.H.I.E.L.D. database are enough for use."

"But this kind of thing does exist, a closed system, an artificial intelligence that can listen to global data, an artificial intelligence that can predict crimes and terrorist attacks. This artificial intelligence was once in the hands of the US government, but now, it is free, completely free, and it has a mind of its own. When I arrived at the scene, I only found some wires. No one knows where it is now."

"What are you kidding..."

"I'm not kidding, Mr. Stark, an almighty electronic god is right next to us. It can hear our conversation right now because the bartender's cell phone is on the bar - yours is inaccessible to him because of Jarvis' protection, mine is switched off - and now, we have no privacy, Mr. Stark. Oh, I might still, because I just turned off Karma Taj's network not long ago."

"Are you serious?" Stark suddenly came to his senses, "Who created this thing?"

"I was just going to take you to meet him, so we can discuss what to do next... Uh-huh, my phone turned on automatically, and I did a good job." Salomon took out the phone from his pocket and shook it in front of Stark. The phone screen showed a call to Salomon's phone, but the number was unknown. "I have this plan for a long time." Salomon said, "Because I am the stone that God cannot lift. Now, it wants to talk to me."


"That artificial intelligence. By the way, let Jarvis access my phone. I don't want to lose my browsing history that can send me to hell."


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