Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 304 Chapter 300: Appointment (first update)

The mystic master raised his vigilance against this artificial intelligence to the highest level. After he separated from Anna, he immediately went back to his home and Karma Taj, cut off all the network there, and shut down all the devices with cameras. After doing this, he found Agent Romanov. This is not only to protect privacy, but also to prevent the artificial intelligence from obtaining secret information through cameras or calls.

Artificial intelligence plus magic is too bad, and he must try his best to avoid the leakage of magic information.

Jarvis took over Salomon's cell phone, and Stark signaled the mystic to go to a hidden corner with him before talking. Fortunately, the protagonist of this charity gala is not Stark, and the group of reporters is now circling around the organizer, which gives Stark a chance to escape. Stark led the mystic quickly to the fire escape - I am afraid no one knows better than Stark about where to hide in this building. Because from the past to the present, he did not know how many times he has participated in banquets here, and this hall is as familiar to him as home.

"Sir." Jarvis asked in a calm tone. Its voice was amplified in the unmanned fire escape, arousing a small resonance, "Do you need me to block this call?"

"Of course not, Jarvis. Try to trace this call." Stark pulled out a data cable from his mobile phone and connected it to Salomon's mobile phone. He didn't explain too much, but he operated it on his own, working with Jarvis. To be honest, he is somewhat interested in the artificial intelligence described by Salomon, and is also somewhat curious about the creator of this artificial intelligence. According to Salomon, the creator of this system relies on the numbers given by artificial intelligence to prevent crimes from happening. This is simply the classic routine of ancient superheroes, Batman and Green Arrow. More importantly, Stark's curiosity is about to explode. An ordinary person has independently completed such a great work. His curiosity drives him to understand this system, and he wants to see the code of this system.

He tried to reverse hack into that system through this phone call. With the help of Jarvis, he had just touched the firewall through the operator's network node, but before he tried to crack it, the artificial intelligence seemed to have discovered the fact that someone was trying to hack. Suddenly, Jarvis' voice became intermittent, and the mystic's cell phone began to heat up. Then, a small cluster of flames and smoke came out of Salomon's cell phone along with the stench of burnt electronic components.

"That AI broke the security protocol and overloaded the capacitor, and he wants to overload mine too." Stark put down the phone, shrugged, and there was no apology on the raised mustache, "But Jarvis stopped it... I have to say, you are not exaggerating, it is indeed an AI, and the bandwidth here limits Jarvis' ability, otherwise we will see an A.I. war. Okay, relax, I will buy you another phone later, I am more and more interested in this system now, when will you take me there Meet the creator?"

Salomon rolled his eyes. The burnt mobile phone in his hand was rapidly condensing a layer of hoarfrost. He used magic to put out the fire on his mobile phone. Stark did prevent his information from being leaked, but his collection also disappeared. He didn't have the habit of storing memory cards in his mobile phone. Those things are priceless, such as the group photos at the campus idol concert, and the group photos at the handshake meeting...

"You'd better restore the data in this phone, Stark, or I won't forgive you." Salomon pulled out the SIM card and threw the phone to Stark.

"Relax, relax, is there anything I can't do?"

"So... the machine chose to contact you, Mr. Damonette." There were two old books on Harold Finch's desk. These two books are very thick, and they are not the knowledge points that Salomon has touched, so just looking at the cover gives the mystic a bit of a headache.

""Mathematical Principles of Communication", written by the father of information theory, Claude Elwood Shannon, I wonder if you are interested?"

"No, thank you." Salomon shook his head and picked up the cold black tea on the table. He chose to meet Harold in this cafe, but he had disguised himself before that, except for the ring on his hand, now he looked no different from an ordinary American youth. "I want to make an appointment with you, Mr. Finch." He looked around, but avoided the cafe's cameras. This is a blind spot for monitoring, a place he specially chose. Salomon said, "Your machine makes me extremely insecure. I have a lot of important information that cannot be leaked, but I can't sign a contract with artificial intelligence—not what you think. I am worried that artificial intelligence will have bad results after being exposed to magic, so I need you—"

"Establish a firewall?"

"Yes, with Tony Stark." The hot air rose from the black tea in Salomon's hand again. The mystic took a sip and then put down the cup. "I'm sorry that I told others about the machine without your prior consent, but I promise that I did not disclose your personal information."

"There is no need to be sorry, Mr. Damonette." Mr. Finch also took a sip of green tea. "Everyone has the fear of privacy being snooped, but your situation is special. I won't ask why you know the billionaire Tony Stark. I think I may get a somewhat surprising answer."

"Thank you very much for your understanding." Salomon breathed a sigh of relief, "The magic organization I work in also has a network. Although it has been protected by protective spells, I cannot reopen the network at the risk of the magic data being captured by the camera. After all, protective spells can't stop the flow of information, and my technological magic can't do anything about it—but disconnecting the network will cause a lot of inconvenience to life. I first looked for Tony Stark, but the result was not ideal, so my teacher thinks that I should find you to solve this problem. Don't worry, Finch Sir, we are not like the American government, and I can even personally do you a favor if you prefer to keep it secret."


"Within my personal abilities. How about a Halfling Midsummer Festival firework?"

"As much as I like The Hobbit, I think magic is better not wasted on such things. And don't kill, Mr. Damonette, in fact I'm grateful you didn't do it in the nuclear facility."

"It's nothing. There is one more thing, Mr. Stark also wants to talk to you about your machine. He seems to be very interested in the technology in your work..."

"No, no, no, Mr. Damonette." Mr. Finch retreated to the sofa like a shy little animal. He raised his cup and blocked the view of the mystic. "I am not suitable to use this identity to contact others. In addition, everyone who is close to Tony Stark will be investigated by SHIELD. The identity I am using now is not perfect, and I cannot expose the risk of identity."

"I will prepare a place that is sufficiently secretive, and you don't have to worry about the investigation by SHIELD. All travel is through the portal. Remember the portal?"

"Of course I remember that it was because of the portal that the machine gave you your number. Because you appeared in different places at the same time, the machine thought your identity had been stolen. Later, it was confirmed that your identity was not stolen, and the logical judgment of the machine malfunctioned. This is probably why it contacted you, and it wanted to correct the mistake..."

"Regardless of your machine's intentions, I think it's better to solve this problem as soon as possible, Mr. Finch." The mystic sighed, "You don't understand our life, but my brothers and sisters are about to cry, and my teacher can't shop online. The sooner this problem is solved, the sooner I will be relieved."

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