Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 308: International Students (Part 1)

Salomon slept through the night in an apartment without electricity. It was tough, but with the company of the Cheshire cat and the android, candles and books, it wasn't that hard an evening. In the early morning, after waking up, he washed in cold water and put on clean clothes, then he opened the portal and returned to Positano Town - Maya Hansen's vacation balance was insufficient, and the library of the Immortal City needed her to tidy up. Salomon gave her the viewing rights of all the books, and only when she opened those magic books would she not be burned to ashes by the protective spells on the books.

In addition, Mr. Finch also needed Samun Shaw's help, because this time two unrelated numbers appeared at the same time, and Mr. Reaser couldn't do it alone. Samun Xiao was a little depressed after hearing the news, because she really liked Salomon's employment tasks. After all, not every task was like this one, where she could drink red wine and count money to complete it. She also likes the two witches very much. After excluding Salomon, the only male, they chatted very happily.

When the mystic came to the hotel room, he saw her lying on the sofa in a daze, with the ice pack on her forehead, as if she had drunk too much. "You need to sober up, Ms. Xiao." Salomon put Samun Xiao on the balcony, allowing the breeze to blow away the smell of alcohol on her body. Only Maya Hansen helped. The witches set off early. They were going to visit the former site of Sun Island, which is still in ruins, and the pious followers of the Ragnar Order still live on the island. Only after confirming that the number of angels has nothing to do with Sun Island, can the witches rest assured and continue to live. The mystic gave Samn Xiao a bottle of alchemy potion, allowing the ethanol receptors in her body to temporarily combine with the special ingredients in the alchemy potion, thereby alleviating the drunk reaction.

"Oh my god, how much did I drink?" The alchemy potion took effect very quickly, Samun Xiao clutched his forehead and sat up from the balcony chair with a groan.

"I can't answer this question." The mystic looked at the wine bottles rolling around in the room, thinking it would be better not to tell the truth. "Your work here is over, Ms. Xiao." He said, "Mr. Finch needs you there. Keep the cash, and I will hire you next time. I think Ms. Hansen should not object to your protection."

"Do more tasks like this." Samun Xiao stood up staggeringly, "I will definitely not drink so much next time! Humph! I promise!"

"Ms. Hansen, help Ms. Shaw, we should leave. Oh, put up a sign, no room service, I will let the invisible servant clean this place. Get up, Samun Shaw, don't lean against the wall, Jesus still needs you!" [John Reaser's actor is also an actor in "The Passion of the Christ\

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