Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 309 Athena's Countermeasures (Second Change)

Certain times of the year are testing for the mystics of Karma Taj. For example, on the four solstices every year, whenever those days come, the magic level of the entire planet will increase. The druid calendar is based on various natural phenomena caused by the earth's magic tide.

For example, the day of the winter solstice, which is the day with the highest level of natural magic power on earth, and the day when the main material plane is the closest to all outer dimensions. Newborns born on this day are likely to have extremely high magical talents.

For example, May Day, which is the first Monday in May, is a day when bonfires are lit to signify the end of the long winter and the arrival of summer. At the same time, this day is also a day to praise spring and celebrate the fertile soil in spring. In the past, countless boys and girls would dance around the bonfire on this day, find their ideal, and then breed new life in the grass.

For example, the Samhain Festival on October 31, which later developed into the Christian Halloween (it became November 1 after Christianization), is both a New Year and a time for the spirits of the dead to return to their original homes. According to Professor Karma Taj's theory of planes, October 31st is the time when the main material plane and the lower plane approach, and some souls will briefly appear on the main material plane, which is the so-called "feast for the dead" phenomenon. Every Halloween, the mystics of Karma Taj are busy strengthening the planetary defense system and driving back the souls belonging to hell and the abyss.

And some challenges are more severe for Karma Taj, Salomon has already guessed the purpose of His Holiness to let him go to Asgard. The Jiuxing Lianzhu once every five thousand years will come this year, and Uktra Hill, as a whole, will unite the Nine Realms on this day. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for the planetary defense system. It is a test that Karma Taj has never experienced since its establishment. If the planetary defense system is damaged, other creatures from outer dimensions will be able to freely enter and exit the earth, and the efforts of generations of supreme mages will come to naught.

This is a very, very serious problem, so the Supreme Mage asked Salomon to go to Asgard to learn rune magic. It may be just an excuse, in order to keep Asgard in touch with the Atrium.

Salomon didn't mind His Holiness's arrangement. In his mind, Asgard's court education would not have any red tape, and magic education took up most of the content. The Vanir Protoss had secrets that even Odin had never mastered. What Loki learned was the magic system that combined rune magic and the mysterious spells of the Vanir Protoss. However, he only wanted to know one thing, and that was whether there was a diploma in Asgard's court education?

If not, Athena would lose her temper!

"I won't lose my temper over such a trivial matter, Salomon." Athena played with the white one-eyed skull in her hand, which was the trophy after Salomon purified the devil's skull. If it wasn't for this thing being used as a spiritual possession, he would be extremely unwilling to destroy such good materials. Now this skull is useless, it can't even make undead creatures - the spell of Celestial Illuminated Light is too powerful in Salomon's hands, and this skull also carries a little positive energy.

Simply put, it emits a faint white light in the dark, which is perfect as a decoration.

Athena planned to turn this thing into beads, carve runes, and wear it to the children in the orphanage. There is no better amulet material than this thing, and it is precisely because of this that Salomon brought this unused material to Athena.

"My lord told me about your study plan." Athena looked a little gloating, "I have contacted the Asgardians, just when the gods were fighting against the gods of the universe. Asgard's ethos is the most annoying, they don't respect women at all, and a fool wanted to touch me, but I got stabbed - this time you go to Asgard, remember to help me see if the fool is still alive, if he is still alive, then kill him - well, don't show this surprised idiot look, I'm joking, then The guy is already dead."

Athena threw the one-eyed skeleton aside, and the owl, which was walking up and down on the floor with its head held high, immediately pounced on it, but the skeleton rolled into a ball on the ground. "You will definitely be challenged when you go to Asgard, Salomon." The bright and charming Goddess of Wisdom said, "I don't know if His Majesty will allow you to bring the Holy Sword and Holy Spear, so I will assume that you are not allowed to carry them. Then, in addition to swords and lances, you can only use spears to fight. Do you remember how to use spears?"

"Mother, you taught me the skill of throwing spears since I was a child..."

"I'm talking about using spears and shields to fight, silly boy. Thor's hammer is not something you can resist. You'd better take the shield I gave you. The Supreme Mage will not let you go to Asgard for no reason. If you wear armor, it will be regarded as distrust of Asgard. If you wear a shield, no one can say anything about you, and the Asa pantheon will also know who is standing behind you." "But the other two challenges you have to face are not so simple - one is drinking, Asgardians drink too much, and you, as the representative of Kama Taj, will inevitably attend the banquet. I know that you once brought back the poetry mead from Asgard, but their banquet can't be over in one night, which means you have to start practicing drinking, drinking a lot of spirits, and you are not allowed to use potions. You can start practicing this from today.

As for the second challenge, it was a bit worse. As the father of the gods, Odin's methods are vicious and cunning. Although he will abide by the agreement between Asgard and Kama Taj, it does not mean that he will not do tricks. He will try to keep you in Asgard, or at least favor Asgard in future affairs. And there is only one way to achieve this goal, Odin may let a certain goddess tempt you—but I don’t think you will be fooled, I know your self-control ability, and I often train you to resist beauty. But with a challenge like this, failing once is always failing—so I've entrusted Beunita to help you figure it out. "


"To put it simply, after your secular lessons are over, Bayonetta will spend a wonderful night with you." Athena smiled and said it openly, not caring at all about Salomon's flushed face and the possible threat to his life.

"I have to admit that the sex skills of the witch family are very superb, and both witches are. With them, you will not be tempted by the goddesses of the Warner and Asa gods, and even Aphrodite can't disturb your thoughts." Athena looked at the owl playing with the skull on the ground, and said to herself, "If it doesn't work, I will find Hecate and ask her to make a potion. The potion can make you lose your masculinity temporarily, but it doesn't It doesn't matter, just drink another dose and you will recover..."

Ask for a ticket! !

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