Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 318: Bookworm (Part 1)

"Alice, look, Brother Salomon is going to Oxford, so hurry up to study after dinner!" Wu Guiyue rolled her eyes at her daughter, turned her head and smiled at Salomon, and continued to fill his bowl with soup. Alice sighed softly and looked at the mystic with helpless eyes. Salomon shrugged, indicating that he had nothing to do with this situation.

Mr. Gulliver, who had been hiding his face behind the newspaper before, quietly poked his head out from the other side of the newspaper. He shook his head at his daughter first, and then blinked again. Although he didn't speak, Alice still understood her father's meaning very tacitly.

"Be patient for now. I'll take you to play baseball later. Can you ask Salomon if you want to go?"

Alice looked at the mystic, and Salomon nodded in agreement, she was very satisfied.

All the communication was done in silence. When Wu Guiyue put the soup bowl in front of Salomon, the other three people at the dinner table returned to their dignified appearance. Especially Alice, she was pretending to be obedient at the moment, but her feet under the table were already dangling excitedly.

Wu Guiyue cast suspicious glances at the three of them.

"Drink more soup before eating. You can't eat these things in Asgard. It is said that there are barbecues there, which is very unhealthy!" Wu Guiyue gave up exploring. As the person who took care of Salomon until he was able to take care of himself, Wu Guiyue's words were still very effective for him. Salomon obediently buried his face in the exaggeratedly large soup bowl, scooped up the ribs with a spoon and ate them.

Familiar taste, salt is added again.

But it's delicious.

"Casilios and Modu don't know what you want to eat at all. You are still growing, and foreign food is not nutritious at all... Your girlfriend can't cook! Really, why don't you ask them to come to me to learn? Do you want you to cook after you get married?"

Even though everyone obediently buried their heads in eating, Wu Guiyue still didn't give up nagging. Even if you are the guardian of the Hong Kong Temple, you will be entangled in the trivial matters of daily life. Wu Guiyue was always worried that the gap between Alice's not-so-excellent academic performance and Salomon's was too great. As someone who took care of Salomon, she always unconsciously compared him with Alice.

In fact, Alice has the talent to learn magic, and this talent is not bad among Karma Taj. Wu Guiyue has her own family magic. This special power only exists in the oldest person in the blood line. The external feature is dark pink hair. In other words, sooner or later, Alice will inherit that special magical power and Wu Guiyue's magic weapon, the Wantai Staff.

But the price of learning magic is too great. Wu Guiyue thought to herself, I must never let Alice step into another world recklessly, she must not give her soul and internal organs for magic, I will not allow abscesses and deformities to appear on her body.

Fortunately, Alice herself did not have much interest in magic (Wu Guiyue used magic to take care of children, Salomon experienced it herself), so she did not object to this decision. The old mystics at Karma Taj headquarters who do nothing every day, are too old to move, and can only fart in the sun every day are almost two hundred years old. Wu Guiyue feels that she can live for at least another hundred years, and she has time to teach Alice slowly.

Salomon has gone through the process of submitting predicted grades, personal statements, and the most important exams and school written exams. After he receives the interview invitation from Oxford University, he is very likely to become the one with the highest education among all the minors in Karma Taj. The quietest university college has become his first choice, followed by Magdalen College with the best scenery.

There is the only deer park in Oxford.

The third college he chose was Merton College. Quietness, beautiful scenery and professionalism became Salomon's consideration criteria. All his choices were made with the help of a professional, that is, Jane Foster. Athena didn't know anything about those schools, and the witches didn't even have any diplomas.

Maybe Joan has a diploma, but that diploma was issued by the Ragnar Order on Sun Island, and the gold content is not too high.

After he has received the education of the queen Frigga, he will also have a diploma in court education of the Asa protoss. In terms of magic, he is the direct disciple of the supreme mage Kama Taj, plus the magic education of Frigga, the queen of the Asa protoss. In terms of secular courses, he is about to enter a world-renowned school. It can be said that Athena's expectations of him have been basically fulfilled, and the next step is the path that ancient heroes should take.

At least that's what Athena intended, and she also hoped that Salomon would have a happy ending.

Salomon sipped his soup while sniffing. Stewed pork ribs is a delicacy that he will never be able to resist. He often drank pork rib soup with tea tree mushrooms when he was a child. Aunt Wu Guiyue would make this soup every time. This taste was often relished even after he lived in New York.

Bayonetta also likes his soup because it is his home-cooked taste.


After Heimdall sent them to Asgard, it was Snotra, the goddess of wisdom, who came out to meet Salomon and Casilios. She is the maid of the Queen of Heaven, Frigg. The level of Salomon and Casilios is not enough for Frigg to greet her in person, so the daily life of Casilios and Salomon must be arranged by the maid of the Queen of Heaven.

Prior to this, none of Kama Taj's mystics had ever stayed in Asgard, and they all came here just to submit documents. Since the apprentices have to train every day, Casilios will stay here for a day to ensure that Salomon can meet the queen Frigga, and then he will return to Earth to continue working.

However, the atmosphere in Asgard was not good. The reason is also very simple. The impact of the previous Rainbow Bridge break has not yet ended. As an old enemy of the Asa Protoss, Vanaheim rebelled again. After the Rainbow Bridge was repaired and Asgard resumed material supplies, Thor was ordered to lead troops to quell the chaos, and also took away a large number of soldiers in the Golden Palace.

Casilios noticed the abnormal atmosphere in Asgard, and raised his eyebrows at Salomon.

Kama Taj has known the news of the Warner Protoss' rebellion for a long time. Although the Asir Protoss concealed the news and did not want Asgard's prestige to be hit, it is impossible for such a large-scale military mobilization to escape the eyes of the Supreme Mage. What's more, when Loki and Sol got into trouble, Asgard's prestige had already plummeted. Among the Nine Realms, except for a few half-dead kingdoms, Alfheim and Atrium have long been waiting to see Asgard's jokes.

Of course, now that Odin is still alive, except for the supreme mage who can laugh twice, other countries don't have the guts to laugh out loud, or they will be the next target of Asgard's prestige.

"Here is your room." Snotra, the Goddess of Wisdom, opened the heavy door, "There are Asgardian costumes prepared for you inside. There is a welcome banquet in Asgard tonight, please attend on time."

"She is really indifferent." After Snotra left, Casilios said with a smile, "Because of time constraints, you arrived in Asgard ahead of time, and the Supreme Mage asked me to tell you not to be fooled by the Asgardians. That is to say, you can't drink alcohol tonight. To be precise, you can't drink alcohol during your studies in Asgard."

"I'm not a drunkard, Casilios. It's you, don't let the Asgardians force you down."

"Then don't you hurry up and give me the panacea? I know how useful your alchemy potion is. Last time I drank Count Kooz (see Chapter 82 for details) at the Wumen Bar!"

Salomon pouted, and he picked up the parchment in his hand and showed it in front of Casilios. This is what Snotra, the goddess of wisdom, gave him. It has the wax seal of the queen Frigg and a pair of heron's wings on it.

"I'm going to the library. I have a proof of borrowing." He handed the potion to Cassilios. "This document will allow me to take the book out of the library."

"What about the banquet, won't you attend?"

"The people who go to the banquet are nobles who have nothing to do. Learning is the most important thing."

Ah, I don't want to go to work~


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