Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 319 Asgardian Goat (Second)

The visit to Asgard was very hasty. Originally, Salomon could have a good time with Beunita after dealing with school chores. However, the Supreme Mage threw him to Asgard in a hurry, which made people wonder what happened in Asgard.

But certainly not for a party. Salomon stuck out his tongue quietly. He couldn't understand why the Asgardians didn't feel tired after eating those heavy oil and salt every day?

Salomon walked briskly to the library of Asgard. He didn't change into Asgard's court costumes - the nobles of Asgard love gold, so there are a lot of patterns sewn with gold thread on the clothes. Compared with their clothes, Salomon's holy relic robe looks a bit plain. But he still likes the artistic style of the Asa Protoss. The full-line hollow gold decoration with cool color filling, as well as the ubiquitous exquisite dark gold reliefs, make the whole Asgard look completely free from the pomp of nouveau riche.

Asgard's enthusiasm for gold is reflected in every corner of Asgard - the reliefs in the corridors are golden, the patterns on the floor tiles are golden, the decorative flowers placed on the side are also golden, even Heimdall's eyeballs... Wait, don't you need to guard the Rainbow Bridge?

"I'll be your guide." Heimdall stood in the corridor, still looking serious.

He knew the particularity of Salomon, so he did not usually face the indifference of Karma Taj diplomats—although it could not be called enthusiasm now. The mystic blinked, and he had already guessed the meaning of Heimdall's coming here: Odin was too familiar with the pissing nature of Kama Taj and other spellcasters. The conditions he reached with the Supreme Mage were one thing, and Salomon's spontaneous behavior was another.

Although Asgard welcomes Salomon, he must not run around, let alone go to the secret place of Asgard. The Asa protoss held back Casilios with banquets and Salomon with library vouchers, one of the purposes of which was to prevent them from inquiring around. But the magic that the Supreme Mage kept on the holy relics was not so easy to see through. For this reason, Odin did not hesitate to send Heimdall as a surveillance officer, and Salomon was his key surveillance target. Heimdall discovered the fact that Salomon did not attend the banquet through observing Casilios, so he immediately reported this situation to Odin, the father of the gods.

"Give him what pleases him," said the All-Father. "Keep him as close as your own fingers."

Then the previous scene happened. It was Heimdall's job to keep the dirty pink paws of Salomon, a little mouse, away from the secrets of Asgard, but Heimdall didn't think so. Confident in his abilities, even under the cover of magic, he believes his work has another purpose.

"Young people are very stupid, especially human beings. Excessive hormones and adrenaline will make people stupid." In his eyes, Salomon is completely different. Heimdall thought, "Stupid to pry into secrets, reckless to attack an enemy he knows is invincible, no plan, no foresight. I don't care if he finds something, my job is to keep this human from running into the forest to fight the goat when I blink-and he doesn't seem to be able to beat the goat. Maybe it will be easier to take him to the dungeon. Magicians always have a long discussion on the philosophical meaning of the same thing. Maybe Loki can attract his attention. Or take him to the training ground for training, my lord The Mage and All-Father will surely approve of this."

If Salomon had read Heimdall's mind, he would have only laughed hard. Goat, is there anyone in this world who can't beat a goat? When he came out of the Rainbow Bridge and set foot on the ground of Asgard, he saw many merchants and civilians driving carts with goats. This was completely different from the depression he saw in Asgard last time.

The only thing that made him curious was why the Asgardians didn't put a dung bag under the goat's butt.

Why don't these goats poop? Are these goats bionic electric sheep?

Of course, Salomon had no idea that Heimdall had speculated on Thor and Loki's childhood behavior patterns, and he didn't know that the so-called "goats" in Asgard were something else entirely. It was a huge even-toed ungulate that also had horns. Sol had wrestled with that so-called "goat" when he was a child. Heimdall had no doubt that being crushed into a meatloaf was the most likely thing to happen given the physical strength of a human being.

"Very good." Salomon did not object to Heimdall's surveillance, nor did he intend to grope around in Asgard. He stepped over the shadows and dark gold reliefs in the corridor, and continued walking towards the library. The elementary textbook of rune magic he owned was obtained from this library. There are not many confidential books here, and the more powerful rune magic is in Odin's study room. Those books were compiled and written by the father of the gods.

"I believe you are familiar with the library, so let's go to the dusty library to hunt for treasure. Here... it smells like book dust, and I can still smell the gloomy smell even before the door is opened. I don't understand why the nobles of Asgard hate studying so much." Before he could show the parchment to the soldiers guarding the library, they opened the door that was sealed with magic. Salomon looked back and found that Heimelda was quietly following him, and he was getting closer and closer, as if he wanted to pin his eyes on Salomon.

"Because they have already read those books." Heimelda replied flatly.

"Ugh (disgusting voice)! Don't look at me like that, don't get too close, you smell like goats and sea water, my horned head friend. What is this... Alfheim Elf Jokes? My God, there's such a thing in Asgard's library!"

After Heimdall came down from the ladder, he dusted off his hands. He found the book from the top shelf of the library. Give him what pleases him—this was the order of the All-Father, and so Heimulda thrust the most interesting books in the library into the hands of the mystic. He has also read this book, and no one knows what this book was included in. It is said that this book has existed since the establishment of this library, and every Asgardian nobleman has read this book when they were young.

He believed that this thing could attract Salomon's attention and make him spend a lot of time on it.

In addition, as the head of intelligence who has read all the documents in Asgard, Heimdall always feels that the handwriting on this book is somewhat similar to that of the father of the gods. It's just that this kind of blasphemous thought has long been excluded from his mind, and he doesn't intend to tell anyone about this discovery.

If not, he would apply to the All-Father for permission to invite Salomon to visit Loki. They must have many topics to talk about, such as satirical literature. Heimdall could even imagine the nerdy atmosphere in the dungeon. He believed that the meeting between Salomon and Loki would be very pleasant.

Ask for a ticket!

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