Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 320: Political Significance (Part 1)

What do elves and insects have in common?


Salomon thought about it, and gave this entry a thumbs up, because this sentence simply and clearly explained the characteristics of the light elves in Alfheim. He also saw a line of slender and childish small words next to the joke, which mentioned the legend of the dark elves, and pointed out the detailed location of the book that wrote the relevant knowledge, but the book was not here.

The person who wrote this passage is very serious. Salomon refers to the seriousness in writing, because every letter here is almost the same size, and even the strokes are exactly the same. He believes that this line of writing may have been written by a nobleman who is currently engaged in clerical or management work when he was a child.

Possibly it was the court steward he had met, who seemed to be suffering from severe OCD.

He turned over the pages of the book, and his profound knowledge made him feel no hindrance when reading this book written in runes. The only thing that hindered his reading was the fine dust raised from time to time. It had been fifteen hundred years since the last time someone had opened the book, and even though the magic of preserving books in the library was still in effect, there was always dust passing through time and settling on the book. Every time he turned a page, he could smell this gloomy smell, like moldy parchment mixed with ink weathered into residue in unattended corners.

Salomon knew that Heimdall was using some worthless books to perfuse him. As mentioned before, Asgardians love gold. All the valuable books in Asgard are written in golden ink, just like the ink that Salomon often uses, adding various gems, herbs and blood. They are all used to copy serious content. What is even more exaggerated is that the Asgardians will draw patterns in some books and give them magic to increase viewing. Such books are very, very expensive. He has seen Asgardian spellcasters sell such books several times in Vandazar Fu. At that time, he had not yet started the alchemy business, and his savings did not support him to buy those books.

The content of this book is not worth doing at all, and the ink used for writing is just common ink, and there is a bottle on the table he is using. And the binding of this book did not use leather, wood and metal, just ordinary hard paper.

It's just that he's not in a hurry, the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, will give him magic education, and the time is probably the official invitation after the dinner.

Although he said he would not participate, he still needed to show his face so that the nobles of Asgard and him could recognize each other. This is to avoid some offensive and embarrassing situations, such as negotiating with the other party as a low-level noble without knowing the status and insignia of the other party.

Asgard is a feudal society. It is the basic etiquette for nobles to inquire about the status of strangers through polite socializing. Even the Asgardian nobles who like banquets and drinking can be regarded as proficient in all kinds of twists and turns after the baptism of time. As a guest, Salomon had to do as the Romans did, and live here with the court etiquette he had learned in the past—these things were taught to him by the Supreme Master. Even if Salomon had only heard about how to unite the local lords and how to avoid the conspiracy and tricks used by the nobles in order to fight for the right of inheritance, he could still keep it in mind.

It's just that after the Supreme Mage learned these things back then, he never used them once. Under the magic of the holy sword and Merlin, any conspiracy was useless.


"Of course, of course, rune magic is naturally omnipotent, just like the father of the gods sitting on the throne. We are just courtiers, and we can only see the tip of the iceberg of great magic." Casilios is obviously also a social veteran. After taking the elixir, he poured mead into his mouth carelessly. In the social arena of Asgard, only those who can drink are eligible to speak, and those who drink two horn cups first are eligible to start the conversation. Casilios is completely unaffected by alcohol for an hour, and no one can drink him before the potion expires.

Now he's wrangling with a group of Asgardian nobles, talking a bunch of unhealthy nonsense.

These nobles are high-ranking nobles who have the right to stay in the Asgard, similar to the ministers who can stay in the Palace of Versailles. The women in their family are the maids of the queen Frigga. Through gossip in the palace, they can also know the status of Kama Taj. Even if not, there are spellcasters in their family who understand the transcendent status of the Sorcerer Supreme.

They knew that Karma Taj's mystic master must have a purpose in coming to Asgard, so they didn't make it too difficult for Casilios at the banquet.

Salomon, who was supposed to attract attention, stepped aside with drunken curiosity and harsh scrutiny after Casilios' brief introduction, and did not communicate with other people. Casilios only intends to make Salomon familiar today, and the social occasion where he will appear is not here—the formal dinner hosted by the queen Frigga tomorrow is the time for him to appear. Some important things can only be announced on formal occasions. For example, the queen Frigg will give Salomon a magic education.

It is a very serious matter for a nobleman to hand over his heir to another nobleman for education, and it is worth announcing on a formal occasion. Generally speaking, handing over the heir to another nobleman (usually a higher-ranking nobleman, a few courtiers or different branches) represents submission. This situation is not represented by Salomon now, because although Odin, the father of the gods, and the Supreme Mage are in a vassal relationship on the surface, it is because the Supreme Mage does not care about the title of the main material plane, and the atrium has independent sovereignty, and only submits to Asgard in name.

Another situation represents the union of two nobles. In some cases, this union is even higher than marriage. It is the cooperation of two lords in various fields including military, economy, culture and even belief. This kind of cooperative relationship can even extend to the heirs of the lords of both parties, or even the heirs of the heirs-both parties can influence the heirs of the other party. This is a very rare relationship of trust, so this situation is relatively rare.

But in fact, it was Asgard who took the first step.

That's right, that's why Odin chose Earth as the place to exile Sol, that is, to send Sol to the Supreme Master for education. It's just that Salomon, the Supreme Mage who shot at that time, was just behind the scenes, which Odin didn't expect. But even so, the Supreme Mage has completed Sol's education, and it is reasonable for Salomon to come to Asgard to receive education now, and the queen Frigga will ensure that he can receive the full set of education Sol received back then.

This is also the reason why the Supreme Mage threw Salomon to Asgard in a hurry, and the Supreme Master did not expect that the guys with abundant martial arts in Asgard were serious. No matter how stupid Sol was, what he learned back then was not something Salomon could learn in a short period of time - reading and writing, arithmetic, politics, riding, swordsmanship, bow and court etiquette, all things Salomon had to learn again.

hell! I was actually the last to know. Salomon gloomily took a sip of the sweet wine, which he ordered the maid to bring over. This glass of wine was also the liquid with the lowest alcohol concentration in the whole banquet. But even so, the wine cup commonly used by Asgardians is a bit exaggerated. Although this cup is not as big as the horn cup, he still has to hold this silver cup inlaid with gemstones and with exquisite reliefs in both hands, and sip the cold and sweet wine in small sips.

At least Asgard's brewing technology is still number one in the universe.

Oh, I just realized that today is my birthday after I finished writing. I originally wanted to ask for leave to go out and watch a movie by myself, but after thinking about it, I decided to forget it... Remember to vote!

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