Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 321: Longevity Species' Concept of Life and Death (Part 1)

Salomon bowed his head respectfully.

He is now in a room with gorgeous dark gold reliefs from Asgard, and the wool carpet under his feet is extremely delicate. He is facing the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, and a large group of laughing ladies and maids from the palace. This is a formal invitation after dinner. Compared with the winding noble etiquette on Earth, Asgard has simplified this aspect a lot, but Salomon still followed the cumbersome etiquette and did not dare to make the slightest mistake.

"Get up, and sit next to me." The Queen of Heaven, Frigga, was wearing dark blue Asgardian court costumes, and these court costumes had some armor - the Asir Protoss would never forget to fight even in their own palaces, even if they were noble ladies, they would wear daggers around their waists.

Don't think that these ladies are weak women with no power to restrain their chickens. With their strong blood, they can even defeat heavily armed Asgardian soldiers and their husbands' cheating objects-this is also the most common drama in Asgard, women fighting. Tian Hou said with a smile, "I've asked the kitchen to bring some desserts. I know people in the atrium don't like Asgard's food very much."

Dessert, this is an extremely rare item in Asgard. Athena once told Salomon that he must encounter some challenges in Asgard, but these challenges are not necessarily intentional, but the collision of living habits. For example, now, sweets are the food of children in Asgard, but when a boy can hold a spear, he will give up sweet food and drink from a horn cup instead. Queen Frigga undoubtedly treats Salomon as a child, and most human beings are no different from children in front of longevity species like the Asa Protoss.

"Kama Taj purifies the soul with penance, and dare not indulge in gorgeous materials." Salomon stood up. He did not deny that the queen Frigga treated him as a child, because he was indeed too young, but he also refused to eat desserts, so as not to be seen as weak. What he represents now is Kama Taj, and every word and deed represents the will of the supreme mage, so he cannot express his position at will, let alone show weakness at will.

The queen was dumbfounded, she didn't know that Salomon was so serious.

"Don't be too nervous." In an instant, Tian Hou figured out why Salomon did this, and she burst out laughing after being dazed. This also caused the group of ladies beside her to burst into laughter, they hadn't seen such a serious person for a long time. Asgard has been at peace for a long time, and most noble men are addicted to fine wine and banquets, and they don't know much about seriousness. The Empress said, "I had a great conversation with the Venerable Master, and the Venerable Master asked me to tell you to enjoy life here to the fullest until your mission comes."

Mission, what mission? Salomon chewed the word over and over again. Does His Holiness want him to change something? Or does His Holiness think that inserting the variable Salomon into certain things can lead the event to the desired result? After thinking about it, the only thing he can affect in Asgard is the life and death of Queen Frigga. He also affirmed that Frigga, the queen of magic, must have foreseen his own death. Does His Holiness need him to pry fate? What role will Frigga play in the future?

"Don't stand there stupidly." The Empress patted the seat beside her, interrupting Salomon's thinking, "Come sit down, enjoy tea or drink, it's just a common thing in Asgard. You are not even twenty years old, so don't pretend to be an adult. Hurry up, kid, or the cake will be cold."

Tianhou's words pierced his defensive mentality, and Salomon blushed and sat on the seat covered with animal fur.

"If you want to prove that you are an adult, then go to the training ground and defeat the soldiers. But before that, you still need to study hard." The Queen of Heaven delivered the cake to the mystic. She looked into Salomon's eyes and said in a voice that other people couldn't hear, "You are still too young, so don't worry too much. Fate cannot be changed by one person. Fate will come eventually. All means to change is just the way it unfolds."

Asgard has been prophesied, or cursed, by Ragnarok since its birth. Therefore, the Asa Protoss has a strong sense of fate. The Asa Protoss believe that fate is unchangeable, and the end will come eventually, but destruction will also leave vitality. Life will be reborn in death and darkness, and a new world will be born.

This is the unique view of life and death of the Asa Protoss, which does not apply to human beings. Human life is too short, so short that everyone must try their best to live and live with enthusiasm. This is also the concept instilled in Salomon by the supreme mage, to dedicate a short life to a great cause.

Salomon nodded and did not refute Tianhou's words. His birth has broken fate, who knows what else will happen in the future?


Casilios was going to return to Earth via the Rainbow Bridge early in the morning, and Salomon went to see him off.

He didn't know where Cassilios went last night, but he cut his hair short after he came back, and asked Salomon for a little magic to shape his hair. "I went to the hospital." Casilios' face was a bit grim. "I thought your potion could digest alcohol, so I drank a lot of wine... Fortunately, the doctors here repaired my liver, otherwise I would say goodbye to cold beer."

Salomon sniffed and cast him a suspicious look. He smelled perfume.

He gave Casilios several bottles of elixir, and logically speaking, it was impossible for him to have such a situation, unless Casilios did something shameful last night-such as spending a good night with a certain Asgardian lady. Salomon looked him up and down, and Casilios was indeed very charming as an old man, so it was no wonder that a certain noble lady would choose him as her lover.

"You didn't eat breakfast," Salomon said, not intending to expose Casilios' clumsy lie, lest he be hunted down by some nobleman, "you didn't eat breakfast, it's very unhealthy."

"If you're referring to grilled lamb chops, I did eat them, otherwise I'd be throwing up stomach acid right now." Casilios patted his stomach, inadvertently revealing his itinerary and the person he got along with last night. Salomon rolled his eyes, very angry at Casilios' attitude of abandoning himself last night. And the position they are in now is not Karma Taj, messing around will not lead to good results.

After hearing Salomon's thoughts, Casilios just shrugged with a smile. "Life is about taking risks," he said, "otherwise you're not life, but a random mass of molecules drifting through the universe."

"Wise Visandi, when did you watch "Rick and Morty"?"

"At No Door," Cascilios said. "Everyone loves to watch cartoons while drinking."

"The time has come." At the end of the Rainbow Bridge, Heimdall was waiting there. He remained expressionless, watching Casilios bid farewell to Salomon.

"Relax," he said, "His Holiness has arranged everything, you can enjoy life here to the fullest."

Ask for a ticket!

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