Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 322 The Legend of the Rainbow Bridge (First update! Don't keep books!)

Today will be the day Thor returns. Asgard's small enclave of Asgard in the Nine Realms except the Nine Kingdoms has suppressed the rebellion, and the Rainbow Bridge cast Sol to Vanaheim. Today, it is only a day away from the suppression of the rebellion in Vanaheim.

According to the battle report from the front—that is, Heimdall’s description, the three warriors of Asgard and the goddess Sif have taken control of the situation. Sol has defeated the group of interstellar mercenaries recruited by the nobles of the Vanaheim countryside. Soon, Thor will return to Asgard. [The high-ranking nobles of the Vana Protoss are all in Asgard, and there are only small nobles left in Vanaheim. This is a manifestation of the Vanir Protoss' submission. Of course, not all the Vanir Protoss are willing to be ruled by Odin. 】

At that time, a grand banquet celebrating the return of the Nine Realms to peace will be held soon.

This is not the same as Salomon's welcome dinner. In such a formal banquet, as long as one person is not drunk, the banquet will continue, and all kinds of meat will be served non-stop. As long as there is one person who is not drunk, the person who wakes up after drunkenness needs to continue to drink until there are no more sober people at the banquet, so that the banquet can be considered as over.

This is Asgard's special banquet. The person who can eat and drink the most is also the man who can beat the most. Of course, not all nobles love this kind of banquet. The Vanir Protoss doesn’t like the roughness of Asgardians very much, and those so-called court etiquettes are actually the rules brought over from the Vanir Protoss by the Queen of Heaven.

At such a formal banquet, the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, would announce the news that Salomon was studying in Asgard before everyone was drunk. Although some Asirs knew about it, it was different to raise it at the banquet. This was equivalent to an official announcement and was effective.

Prior to this, the teaching of Salomon by the queen Frigg had already begun. After Salomon bid farewell to Casilios, he returned to his bedroom in the Asgard. He saw Gaina, the goddess of wind, Frigga's maid, waiting there. She ignored the messy fur blanket on Salomon's bed. The purpose of this goddess who also rode an eight-legged war horse here is to send Salomon to the queen of heaven, and she told the mystic that from now on, Salomon will have meals with Odin, the father of the gods, and Frigg, the queen of heaven, just like the prince.

This matter was decided last night, but if it wasn't for my reminder, Tianhou might have forgotten about it. Gaina, the Goddess of Wind, didn't tell Salomon the whole story, it was just an insignificant matter, and she would never tell anyone about the diva Frigga's confusion sometimes.

However, Gaina told him what Salomon must know, that is, he must know the many maids of Frigga and their powers. For example, if you are not feeling well, you can go to the goddess of medicine El, who is the female doctor who manages the treatment center; If you want to meet Queen Frigg after the meeting time, you need to go through Lynn, the goddess of truth, who takes care of Queen Frigg's bedroom and living room.

If you fancy a noble girl, Luofen, the goddess of love, can also help you. The reason why Gaina said this is because the queen Frigga inadvertently revealed the special situation of Salomon, and the life span of Salomon is much longer than that of ordinary humans.

He listened to Gaina, the Goddess of Wind with a bit of a broken mouth, babbling all the way, and roughly remembered the power structure in Asgard. Following the light-footed Goddess of Wind, Salomon walked across a bridge across the sea to the second half of Asgard. The next place he is going to is the conservatory of Asgard, where he will receive education from Queen Frigg—according to the degree of intimacy, the nobles will choose to meet in the main hall, reception room, conservatory, balcony and other places. The main hall and the living room are more formal meeting places, and the conservatory, a relatively intimate place, is a place with better relations with nobles. The Queen of Heaven, Frigga, directly chose the classroom there.

There is magic in the glass conservatory to maintain the temperature, otherwise the sea breeze in the morning is still a bit cold. Many plants and herbs are planted here. In addition to common ornamental flowers, there are also many plants that can be used as potion materials. From the most common wood chamomile to verbena, from celandine to sage, there are most of them here, and even some magic plants that can be used to make hallucinogens are planted here. Salomon can also see many rare plants here that he can only see in Vandazar Fu.

This place is not so much a garden as it is the private potion garden of Queen Frigg. Thanks to the superb gardening planning, the air here does not have the terrible bitter medicine smell of the accumulated magic plants.

After saluting, Salomon was greeted by the queen and sat on the chair opposite the dark golden round table. The glass canopy of the conservatory reflects the light, and the potted plants hanging on the vine-like metal bracket block the too direct light, casting mottled and blurred images on the ground. The temperature and moderateness here are just right for dozing off.

"You have learned a lot." Tianhou opened the heavy book with exquisite binding on the table, and brushed off the petals that fell on the pages. She turned the book in the other direction and pushed it in front of Salomon, "My magical attainments are not comparable to the Supreme Mage. I can only tell some secrets about the magical world—thanks to the long lifespan, we can know things that humans cannot know."

Salomon looked at the page with the golden runes written on it, and there was also a slowly changing delicate handicraft painting on the page. The vibrant colors on the screen illustrate the subject of the painting, which is the Rainbow Bridge. The mystic raised his head and asked a long-standing question—the relationship between the Nine Realms and the Rainbow Bridge.

"You should have studied plane science, right?" Queen Frigg said with a smile, "You also know that there is a barrier between our material plane and the outer dimension. We call that barrier the Bronze Barrier. It is an invisible barrier. Only capable spellcasters can cross the bronze barrier.

What I'm going to say next is just a legend, and it's very romantic, you can listen to it as a story. I told Saul the story too, and he cried stupidly when he heard it.

Regardless of his current appearance, Saul was very cute when he was a child. "

The queen paused for a moment, but did not mention Loki. She continued: "It is said that a long time ago, a powerful spellcaster from the material plane fell in love with an outer-dimensional creature. Due to the blocking of the bronze barrier, they could only meet through the spirit body. But the effect of magic has a limit after all. Whenever the magic fails, they will be forced to separate. The soul of the material plane caster returns to the body, and the outer-dimensional creature stays alone in that plane. Later, the wizard vowed that no matter what the price is, he will stay with his lover forever. Relying on the world tree, I began to write an extremely powerful magic, the most powerful portal in the world, and a big magic that can freely cross barriers.

It took him a lot of time to create this magic, and the long years even exhausted the lifespan of the extradimensional lover. It wasn't until the extradimensional creature died of old age for many years that the magic was finally written, and by then, the wizard was also very old.

Then, dragging his withered body, he activated the magic that he had spent his entire life writing. In an instant, his body was torn apart by the huge energy of Uktrasir, and the magic that was as bright as a galaxy uncontrollably penetrated through the Nine Realms, penetrated the inner and outer planes, and illuminated the entire night sky.

And that magic is the Rainbow Bridge. It is said that the souls of the lovers who have never met until their death are in the Rainbow Bridge. The wizard kept his oath, and they stayed together forever, and not even death could separate them. "

Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! ! ! ! It took too much time to research, this is the legend of the 616 universe, and I moved it here for use.

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