Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 323 Seiko Power Long Sword (Second Update!)

Although the credibility of this story is extremely low, it reveals a lot of key information. Today's "shaky road to heaven" in Asgard was not created by the Asgar protoss. Asgard is just a carrier of this great magic, and Simeon Yog of Heimdall carries the formula to control this magic.

Odin can do it, and so can Sol who holds the Storm Axe. This kind of authority has been integrated into the blood of the Aesir by Odin.

When Frigga invited Salomon to lunch that day, he saw Sol who had just returned to Asgard from Vanaheim at the table. He originally wanted to come up and give Salomon a sweaty hug, but Frigg stopped this impolite behavior with his eyes. Odin did not come to lunch, Sol was not in a hurry to find his father, and Frigga was accustomed to the absence of the father of the gods.

"How is Jane?" Saul sniffed, and asked with some embarrassment, "Does she know you're coming... Did she say anything?"

Salomon hastened to make sure that Saul had absolutely no idea that Jane Foster was his physics tutor, because Heimdall couldn't see who was wrapped in the shrine. In Sol's eyes, all people on Earth should have known each other before, and everyone would communicate with each other through "electronics or something", so he believed that Salomon knew Jane Foster, Stark also knew Jane Foster, and the whole earth knew her.

The mystic didn't correct Sol's straightforward thinking, he dismissed the question with a few perfunctory words. Sol learned at the dinner table that Salomon would be staying in Asgard for a while, and immediately welcomed him—he stretched out his arms to assure the mystic that he would train Salomon to be strong in the training ground. However, as the lunch progressed, Sol felt more and more that something was wrong.

Since the lunch is controlled by the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, drinking alcohol is prohibited, but the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, did not care too much about the rules. She persuaded Salomon to pick up the unknown steak on the table and take a few bites instead of using a knife. Sol did so, and Salomon, after some hesitation, decided to do as the Romans do.

Sol originally wanted to see how much a human being Salomon could eat, but unexpectedly, after he finished eating a rib, Salomon also picked up the next steak. His eyes widened, he finished the steak at a faster pace, and stretched out his greasy hand to take another piece. The maids served clear and sour sweet juice to ease the greasy feeling of the barbecue. Sol raised his head and drank the juice. He squinted and stared at Salomon, who seemed to be moving slowly but was actually eating extremely fast.

Odin's beard, how can this human being be so edible?

Why does he eat so fast without getting his face covered in grease?

So Sol also speeded up his eating speed, and Frigga ate food slowly. She always had the simplest wish of all mothers, and thought that it was a good thing for children to eat. She looked at the small competition at the table with a smile on her face, and had no intention of stopping Sol and Salomon from competing in terms of food intake (although this was Sol's unilateral behavior)-in the past, only Loki would compare this kind of thing with Thor when they were young, and they still believed that the one who can eat the most can be the king. But when Rocky started to learn, he stopped playing such stupid games.

Thinking of Loki, the queen Frigga felt sad again.

Loki, who was locked in the dungeon now, was unwilling to admit his mistake no matter what, and she couldn't deny the authority of the father of the gods, and released Loki privately. Because of Loki's behavior last time, Asgard paid a huge sum of money to Karma Taj, and Salomon knew about it. The money was exchanged by Karma Taj into local currency on Earth after being converted into gold on an alien planet, and sent to the accounts of each victim's family. Many accountants hired by Karma Taj did this.

Now Loki has become her most troublesome child, which reminds her of what the Supreme Mage told her many years ago about the rebellious psychology of adolescent boys. The Supreme Mage fully expressed his concern about Salomon's imminent puberty, but Salomon's performance was not like that of ordinary boys, he didn't even show signs of rebellion—this became the reason for His Holiness to show off in front of the Asa Protoss.

Queen Frigg decided that if she had the opportunity, she must read the educational books on Earth, and then discuss this issue with the Supreme Master. She wanted to know how the people on Earth solved this problem.

"You will definitely become a powerful fighter." Sol wiped the oil stains on his mouth casually with his arm, which aroused the angry eyes of Queen Frigg. He then obediently took the wet towel from the maid's hand and wiped his face clean. Tianhou shook his head dissatisfied, so he had to wipe it again with a smirk. In Sol's perception, Salomon is so edible = Salomon can become a warrior = Salomon is a good man = Salomon will definitely become a good friend. The past behavior was nothing more than a misunderstanding. At that time, everyone had different positions, and it was normal to have some friction.

Salomon hiccupped a little, and Thor laughed and patted the mystic on the back. He gave Sol a hard look because the guy nearly slapped something out of his stomach. Sol has no such self-awareness at all. He even invites Salomon to participate in after-dinner sports and conduct sword training with the three warriors of Asgard.

Then he was slapped on the head by the diva Frigga and kicked out. The bodies of people on earth are different from those of Asgardians. People on earth cannot exercise immediately after eating. People on earth have a cecum. However, although he was unable to participate in the training immediately, after learning that Salomon came to Asgard without a weapon, Thor took a fine gold long sword from the arsenal to Salomon - this sword has a very strong Asgardian style.

The reason why Asgard uses cold weapons as the main weapon is because Asgard's fighters often use gang jump tactics when fighting between the stars-Asgard's spaceships are fast and small in size. Once a war breaks out, many Asgard's small ships can carry a large group of Asgard soldiers to swarm the enemy's ships. Holding weapons, they jumped from their own ship to the enemy's ship, then cut open the enemy's hull with the weapons in their hands, and entered the spaceship for a surprise attack.

It is because there are such a group of strong men who can perform physical interstellar jumps that Asgardians are so full of martial arts and choose melee weapons as their main combat weapons. The long sword that Thor gave Salomon was a fine gold sword that only a centurion could use. He believed that Salomon's force could be directly worthy of the name of a centurion.

The mystic accepted Sol's kindness and promised that he would definitely go to training in the evening.

Ask for a ticket!

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