Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 324: The Worries of the Father of the Gods (Part 1)

Asgard's long sword can be held with one hand or with both hands. Salomon has practiced in both one-handed and two-handed swords. It is not difficult to master this sword. What made him feel more difficult was the energy on the sword.

The one-handed swordsmanship he learned requires holding a shield, while some methods in two-handed swordsmanship require holding the sword body and attacking the enemy with the hilt—for example, he blocks the opponent's long sword with a long sword horizontally in a defensive posture, and the two sides enter the stage of wrestling.

The energy in the sword wouldn't be much of an issue if he was wearing armor. But now, his magic gloves couldn't withstand the impact of this energy.

"Black magic." The Queen of Heaven took a closer look at the pair of vampire gloves made by Salomon, especially the red stitches like long nails on this pair of pale and simple white leather gloves, which caused the Queen of Heaven to frown. "Did you make this yourself?" The queen shook her head, "Your black magic is excellent, but these extra stitches... Oh, I have to say, your needlework is really terrible."

Salomon blushed. He lowered his head and raised his toes uneasily.

When my own work is judged by others, there is always a sense of shame that keeps jumping in my heart, especially when Frigg pointed out his poor needlework later that day. He did not dare to say that he had given the leather to be tanned by an Italian shoemaker who was one of Athena's regular craftsmen. The shoemaker also asked him what animal the leather was from and what kind of shoes he wanted.

According to the ethos of Asgard, apart from ancestral equipment, the materials used to make magic equipment should be obtained by oneself. Salomon is the fur purchased in Vandazar Fu, which is tanned by artisans and then made by yourself. This is the most time-saving and labor-saving method. Fortunately, the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, is not so rigid. She knows that it is unrealistic for Salomon to master so many skills at this age.

"I'm not proficient in this kind of blood magic, but my research on potions is much better." Queen Frigga smiled and returned the gloves to the mystic. "Come with me to the greenhouse. I will teach you how to grow magic plants and process semi-finished potions. The Warner Protoss is much stronger than Kama Taj in drug research. You will learn to make hallucinogens, aphrodisiac ointments, and healing potions. Don't worry, I know what boys are thinking, and I will leave you time to play in the martial arts field."

The raven landed on Odin's arm, and the All-Father listened to the raven's whisper. Then he nodded, and the raven named Wuni flapped its black wings again, and got into the distant stars and the magnificent twilight. The eyes and ears of the father of the gods are not limited to Heimdall. The ravens named Fokkin and Wuni will tell Odin what they have seen. They flap their black wings, and they are present on the Nine Realms and even on all the planets.

The All-Father looked worriedly into the distance.

The plutocrats and warlords of the Kerry Empire are still fighting endlessly before the planet, earning dividends. Since the Skrulls had their own guardians, they began to show signs. More than one war broke out between them and the natives of various planets, as well as the Cree who hunted them down. Interstellar pirates and vagabonds wandered outside the Nine Realms as usual, trying to find a little leftovers to eat. The last rebellion in Vanaheim can illustrate the rampantness of these shameless guys. The emotionless immortals are still their own observers, they are no different from machines, and the All-Father doesn't care about the gang of synthetics and what they want to do.

The one that most worries the All-Father is the Legion of Darkness.

The desire of this interstellar warlord has no end. The father of the gods knows what Thanos is looking for, and Asgard must become the target of this overlord. The All-Father knew that as long as he and the Sorcerer Supreme were alive, Thanos would not have the guts to invade the Nine Realms and enforce his foolish philosophy. But after the death of him and the supreme mage, whether his son and the heir of the supreme mage can resist this pressure, and the Ragnarok caused by his eldest daughter, this is what the father of the gods is most worried about.

As long as there is a failure, it is a complete failure, and there is no chance of recovery.

Hela's so-called dangerous thoughts were not the real reason he had imprisoned this daughter. He was haunted by the doom he had foreseen in the Fountain of Wisdom. And Hela's idea happened to be a good excuse. The thoughts she developed during the war were no longer suitable for the stable Nine Realms. As the key to triggering Ragnarok, the Father of the Gods logically imprisoned her—but as time passed, the Father of the Gods discovered that everything he did was exactly what fate wanted him to do, and what he did was the source of Ragnarok.

He had discussed this matter with the supreme mage, because no matter it was the dusk of the gods or the fall of Camelot, chess players named fate were manipulating their fate, and the eye of Agamotto was the best tool to spy on fate, and the father of the gods wanted to inquire about the future of Asgard. At that time, the Supreme Sorcerer refused the request of the All-Father. His Holiness said that the most terrifying thing about fate is that when you want to escape from fate, you don't know whether your thoughts come from yourself or fate.

However, after adopting an heir, the Supreme Mage changed his tune. The successor of the supreme mage, Salomon Damonet, is not only deeply trapped in the quagmire of fate, but at the same time he is also the one who breaks fate. His choice determines the different directions of the fate of the Nine Realms and even the entire universe.

The father of the gods sighed. Sol looked at him and asked with a puzzled face, "Father, do you have any other worries?"

"No, no." Odin shook his head, not intending to tell Thor about the obstacles in the future. Thor has grown, but not enough, and Odin doesn't want to put those burdens on him now. The All-Father said, "I'd like to hear about you. What's up with Vanaheim? I've noticed that some people haven't returned."

"There will be no more rebellion in Vanaheim. I asked Hogan to stay. That is his home." Sol leaned on the railing and looked at the soldiers on the training ground below. He said, "If you would have led your troops there in person, the war would have ended sooner."

The All-Father didn't take Thor's compliment very much. "This is the first time the Nine Realms have returned to peace since the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed." Odin paused, deciding not to teach Sol's overly complicated political philosophy here, he still had time to learn. "It is to your credit, Thor," said the Allfather, "that they will remember our strength...and you have earned their respect, and my gratitude."

"Everything is in order, except for your restless heart."

"This has nothing to do with Jane Foster, Father," Saul retorted shyly.

"The life of a mortal is fleeting, and it is not worth mentioning at all. You should cherish the person in front of you." The father of the gods pointed to Sif who was sweating profusely in the training ground. She is the daughter-in-law identified by Odin and the queen Frigga, and in his eyes, Jane Foster can't stand on the stage at all.

"And what about Salomon? He is also a mortal!"

The All-Father sneered at Thor's gaze, he waved his hand in disdain, and left with his glass

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