Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 325: The Magic of Spending Money (Second Change)

"It is very difficult to use runes for divination. The commonly used tools are divination sticks and runes." Diva Frigga showed Salomon a smooth black pebble engraved with runes. All Salomon had to do was to dismantle these compound runes on the parchment. This is an advanced application of runes. Even though he has been able to use runes to write daily conversations, he seems a bit stumbling at the beginning of learning.

The combinations of runes are endless, and the meanings of those pebbles are also different. Queen Frigga tried to get Salomon to interpret these symbols.

Knowing the language cannot decipher the hidden meanings in the runes, this magic can only read the literal meaning. But when Salomon cast a spell, these three groups of runes that have been combined with variants express another meaning, which is equivalent to garbled characters in a certain magic system.

This study took Salomon a considerable amount of time.

In the potion class before this, his performance was much better than now. No matter what kind of potion he could make, even if it was a potion he hadn't touched, after hearing the description and usage, he could find the corresponding material—even if there was no certain material, he could find a corresponding substitute. Queen Frigga even applauded his talent in potions, but when it came to divination, his talent seemed to be lost in the potions class.

"Not everyone can achieve success in divination." Queen Frigga advised, "The Eye of Agamotto is an intuitive way to spy on fate. If you are used to using that magic weapon, you will inevitably encounter obstacles when facing rather vague rune divination. Rune divination is not even a very accurate method of divination. It is normal for you to have obstacles in the process of learning. Don't worry, your research on gems is very good. You can learn by engraving runes on gems."

As a spellcaster, Salomon has come into contact with many gemstones. The ink he uses the most - the cheapest ruby ​​ink is enough to buy a calf, while the best quality ruby ​​ink can buy an adult cattle [about 8000 RMB]. This is still a consumable. With Salomon's writing frequency, such a bottle of ink can be used for at most three days.

[An aside: Salomon has always wanted to buy a mule as a combat partner. Not only because mules are cheap, but also because mules are large and can block attacks. 】

Spell casters make money quickly and spend money quickly, and the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, knows this very well. In order to prevent Salomon from going to the street to sell the potion he made to the common people, the queen Frigg generously contracted the gem consumables for Salomon during his studies in Asgard. In order to repay the Queen of Heaven, Salomon suggested that he assist the goldsmith of Asgard to create a pair of gold jewelry for Queen Frigg, which will carry his unique spell.

The queen was very happy, she sent Salomon out of the greenhouse, and gave him the long sword. "It's time to train martial arts." Tianhou said, "If you perform well in the martial arts training ground, I will ask Fulla (the goddess of fertility, in charge of the jewelry box) to find you, and she will teach you about the art of Asgard by the way."


"I'm not saying this as the father of the gods, but as a father." The father of the gods turned his head and patted his son on the shoulder, "You are ready, it's time to ascend to the throne. Celebrate your victory with your warriors, drink and eat meat, and enjoy the joy of carnival. You are the king, and you must at least act like you are enjoying it, so that your companions can enjoy what they have won."

"Oh, that's right." The Father of the Gods said, "Remember to invite our guest, you have to put him by your side. Atrium is Asgard's vassal, and you must treat him with caution. I don't care what you and him have experienced in the past, but the moment you ascend the throne, you will have to re-examine this relationship."

Saul nodded, indicating that he had listened. He saw Salomon staggering out of the backyard of Asgard with a long sword in his hand, and a stack of parchment full of rune characters in his hand. Saul intends to take practical actions to build a good relationship with Salomon-he thinks that Salomon must be eager to exercise after sitting in the greenhouse for so long.

The All-Father applauded his decision. As the future king of Asgard and the father of the gods, Thor must show his status to the kings and princes of other countries, and it is perfect to swear his authority through a peaceful martial arts performance. But Odin wasn't sure if Thor was thinking so much, or if he just wanted to fight, or if he just wanted to know about Jane Foster from Salomon.

In any case, Thor's progress was visible to the naked eye, and the All-Father decided not to demand Thor any more.

"You must like this long sword." Sol hooked Salomon's neck familiarly. The mystic wanted to break free but was powerless, because his hands were already full of parchment and long sword. If he wanted to push this reckless man away, he could only pierce him with a sword.

Seeing Saul and Salomon hooking up, Sif couldn't help frowning. She didn't know what Saul was talking to Salomon, and she was most worried about the woman in the atrium. However, the facts were far more absurd than she had imagined. Sol didn't have the nerve to make a request. He just promised Salomon that as long as he worked out with him, Salomon would have the same muscles as him.

Let's look at this from an objective perspective.

Salomon was already seventeen years old, and he was tall and straight, comparable to a witch. And as he grows older, coupled with the rigorous physical training in Karma Taj, the sword training required by the supreme mage, and the spear training of Athena, Salomon, who is close to adulthood, is full of muscles, and his mixed-race face of Middle Eastern descent can attract a lot of attention on the road.

It's not something that hasn't happened, and several of them are still wearing their wedding rings. Salomon can only say that Wall Street is really a place like a wolf and a tiger.

But in any case, Salomon's body still belongs to the body of the earthlings, and there is still some gap with Sol who has Asgardian royal blood. Coupled with the relationship with eating habits, Salomon is not as enthusiastic about high-salt and high-fat food as the Asgardians, so both of them are superior in height and muscle mass.

Unless Salomon desperately took the risk of high blood pressure and high blood fat to become a fat man, otherwise he would never be able to achieve the strong figure of Sol. But if Salomon stays in Asgard all year round, in order to digest the calories of the bad food in Asgard, he must participate in exercise every day-he was a "slightly fat" child when he was a child, and a body with positive energy enhancement has the risk of gaining weight.

Sif saw that Sol smiled and took the parchment from Salomon's hand, handed those things to a soldier, and then continued to pull Salomon into the depths of the training ground. She knocked her opponent down with her spear, and followed slowly.

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