Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 326: Sword Fighting Practice (Part 1)

"That's not okay, Sol, I haven't seen Asgard's sincerity." Salomon shook off Sol's arm on his shoulder. The stars gradually sank, and the flowers and plants near the training ground cast thick black shadows, and Sol couldn't see the expression on Salomon's face clearly. The next words of the mystic made him a little embarrassed, but luckily the shadow covered his embarrassment in time.

"Kama Taj has not received a plan about Loki." The mystic said, "Although Kama Taj was founded not as old as you, Kama Taj is still a lord recognized by Asgard, and we have more autonomy than Vanaheim. He never had the right to be a guest. We also agreed to Asgard's request and did not cut off his head. Let us know—the reason why I didn’t ask Tianhou directly is because I am worried that Tianhou will worry about it again. So I hope you can make a request to the father of the gods, at least send a clear official letter, this is your job as the future monarch..."

Thor reached out and scratched his head.

Before that, he had little contact with this kind of business that came and went. The only thing the father of the gods entrusted to him was fighting, and this kind of matter was usually handled by Loki. Loki, on the other hand, is obsessed with power on paper. He believes that he has the right to sort out the affairs of Asgard. The most powerful empire in the universe, countless resources flow in his hands, and the fate of the nine countries and countless small countries are on the tip of his pen.

It wasn't until the moment Thor ascended the throne that he suddenly realized what the source of power was.

is violence. Without matching violence, all power will be empty talk. The foundation of power is iron and blood, an invincible army, which is what the father of the gods generously bestowed to Thor but stingyly gave him. From the beginning to the end, the throne of Asgard only belongs to Thor and not him. He bears the name of the god of mischief and has been fooled by the father of the gods from beginning to end.

Loki felt that there was nothing more ridiculous in the world than this, and he felt that he was a jester in the eyes of the All-Father.

Now that Loki is locked up in a dungeon full of resentment, Sol can only bear this part of the responsibility. But the fact is that Sol has no idea how Loki handled such public affairs before, and now that he is in prison, Loki is even more displeased with his brother and the entire Asgard.

This is something that Sol can't understand, and Salomon doesn't even bother to understand it. He doesn't even want to fight for the title of "Supreme Mage", so don't expect him, a low-desire creature, to understand each other with Loki.

Seeing that Sol hesitated and couldn't explain why, Salomon gave up pursuing this issue here. He intends to communicate this matter with the father of the gods in advance through Heimdall, so that Odin can come up with a suitable solution when the meeting of the gods is held. This not only solves Asgard's attitude towards other countries, but also prevents the father of the gods from being caught off guard and making a hasty decision that damages Asgard's prestige.

The only person who can help Sol is Sif - as the next queen, Queen Frigga and the father of the gods, she must receive political education. It's just that, as a woman of the Asa Protoss, she naturally does not allow herself to fall behind Sol in some aspects. It is precisely because of this that she chooses to take up weapons and fight on the battlefield.

Salomon is not that kind of noble proton, he came to negotiate with Asgard, and he also used a very safe diplomatic strategy. He has never learned this kind of thing specially. He only learned the rules of communication between nobles through the influence of Athena and the Supreme Mage. Of course, some things that are too convoluted are purely his concerns. In fact, those officialdom novels that contain eighteen turning points in one sentence do not exist in real life, and the game of power will not be so complicated. It’s just that Salomon thinks it is true, so he will be very cautious when it comes to this aspect.

If no one told him the truth, I'm afraid he would have been misled forever.

When Salomon asked Sol, Sif wanted to come out from the shadow of the bushes. She had thought that Saul would ask Salomon about Jane Foster, but she did not expect Saul to be questioned. She hesitated for a moment, wanting to see how Thor would respond to the challenge from other countries, but the result disappointed her.

It's okay, there's still time, I'll do what Sol can't. She thought, silently adding her own study burden. The mission entrusted to her by Frigga and the Father of the Gods is to assist Sol so that he does not make stupid decisions at critical moments. Before that, this task belonged to Loki.

"Let's talk about something else... Like, how is Jane? I heard something from Heimdall..."

Sif rolled her eyes. This question was expected by her. To be honest, she has never thought about how to face the woman in the atrium, because this time Saul is not playing casually, he looks like he really likes that Jane Foster. The All-Father and Queen of Gods, Frigga, promised that she would be Thor's wife, but that didn't resolve her concerns.


"Maybe you can consider using a hammer, like me." Sol wiped the sweat from the tip of his nose, and there was still a red mark on his cheek that was slowly disappearing. Thor's Hammer circled in his hand, and then raised it again, "I have never met an enemy who likes to fight close to the body with a long sword like you. Why don't you like to use the blade of the sword, but the hilt to fight? You should know that this way can't break the enemy's armor, right? Wait, we agreed not to use magic..."

"I'm just a human on Earth. How can I defeat you if I don't use magic to strengthen myself." Salomon put on the Italian Fiore-True Cross pose, which is Vera Croce. This is armored swordsmanship. When holding a sword, you need to hold the hilt and the blade with both hands separately, and face the enemy with the tip of the sword.

The reason why he didn't activate the energy on the sword was to use this posture. As one of Salomon's majors in swordsmanship, he is very familiar with the Germanic moves recorded in "Battle Flower". But if he could, he didn't want to use this kind of sword technique that might hurt himself when he didn't wear armor. As long as his hand slipped, his fingers would be cut off by the blade.

Before that, he had tried to raise the long sword high and use the downward-sloping blade to wink away Thor's hammer, but he didn't expect Thor to push the hammer to his face with his own strength and excellent armor. As a last resort, he had no choice but to step forward halfway sideways, passing Thor's straight attack, and at the same time, using the blade as the axis, he slapped the hilt on Sol's face.

He also patched Thor's knee, a small vengeance for the Asgardian's tyrannical nature.

In order to win with one blow, Salomon gave up continuing to use Richard Nall's swordsmanship, but switched to Fiore's swordsmanship. He was targeting Thor's armor. The Asgardians, who were used to crushing with their physical advantages, would not care about the change of Salomon's posture. Thor didn't know what it meant.

It was still an extremely fierce hammer blow, Thor jumped up on the spot and smashed towards Salomon. But the mystic didn't block it, he just relied on the reaction time given to him by the magic, let the attack go sideways, put the sword on Sol's arm, and then the tip of the sword stabbed directly at the place where Sol's shoulder was not covered by the leather armor.

But Sol, who had rough skin and thick flesh, didn't even break his skin. He grabbed the blade of the sword with a second hand, and raised the sword with him.


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