Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 327: Licking the Dog (Second Change)

At the beginning of the banquet, Frigga pulled Salomon to officially show his face in front of all the nobles, and announced that he would study in Asgard. Tianhou symbolically drank a glass of wine to celebrate Sol's victory, and she left after asking Salomon and Sol to enjoy the banquet.

After leaving that day, the atmosphere of the banquet suddenly became active. This group of nobles is not exactly the same group of people as the group of nobles at the previous welcome banquet. Most of this group of nobles are military nobles, and they have a certain proportion of Protoss blood. They first gave Salomon the wine glasses in their hands, and after a few words of greeting, they didn't care whether Salomon drank or not, so they drank first.

For example, the "slender" Vostagg whom Salomon had met before, who seemed very happy after meeting Salomon. So he was more enthusiastic than others - he stuffed a whole uncut roast leg of lamb into Salomon's hand, regardless of whether the mystic was willing or not. He pulled Salomon to sit at the table, and began to brag to the nobles around that after Thor arrived on Earth, Salomon appeared to confront the Destroyer armor head-on. Of course, in his mouth, he was the one who played the biggest role, never mentioning how much he ate.

However, after such bragging, some nobles suddenly became enthusiastic about Salomon.

Salomon looked again, and saw that these people were wearing armor. These were military nobles, and they belonged to the group of high-ranking and powerful people. The mystic immediately understood that these people belonged to the Grand Prince's party. When Sol was exiled to Earth, the situation of these people was not easy. At that time, everyone thought that Sol would never come back again, and the forces who had taken refuge in Loki made countless difficulties for them. The mystic doesn't know if Thor is aware of the existence of this group of people, or if he just thinks that these soldiers are just his good comrades-these people gathered around Thor is also the acquiescence of the father of the gods. If it wasn't for Sol to unite the strength of the army, Odin would not have thrown him into the army so directly.

Maybe the father of the gods has regretted it now, and the life in the army made Sol lack the political sense he should have. Sol is not stupid, his grades in royal education courses are not bad, he is just too lazy to use his brain - problems in the army can be solved with a hammer, so he is also used to using a hammer to solve other problems.

Compared to Salomon, who proved to be racking his brains to avoid excessive drinking, Saul participated in the banquet with less enthusiasm. If it was him in the past, he was the one who kept prolonging the banquet because no one could drink or eat without him. Sol, who is now out of the blind carnival, can be considered to have grown in some aspects.

He is no longer irritable, reckless, freewheeling, venting his anger wantonly, like a child who hasn't grown up. Odin was already satisfied with this, the Supreme Mage refused to teach any more, and the father of the gods planned to wait until Sol sat on the throne, and then teach other things by hand.

The most important thing is about Hela. After Sol sat on the throne and showed his power, Odin planned to teach Sol how to use this power. That is the real power hidden in Asgard, and it is the talent that Odin bestowed on the royal family of Asgard. The closer the relationship with Asgard, the stronger it will be. It is the first step to become a real god.

One day, the Asa Protoss will hold high the divine fire, bid farewell to the curse of Ragnarok forever, and live forever to the end of this universe.

The atmosphere at the banquet became more and more enthusiastic. Several beautiful ladies and young girls sat beside the handsome blond-haired Fandral, and Verstagg even started drinking honey wine, which drew cheers from the surrounding people. Even Salomon was surrounded by a few unmarried girls, all of whom had the tall stature and thick long hair of Asir women. These girls who could hold long swords were able to listen to Salomon's anecdotes about the magical world at this time.

However, only Salomon found those things interesting, and what those girls admired was his powerful force against the Destroyer. The bookishness of this scene is about to overflow!

Sol couldn't stand it anymore. He interrupted Salomon's bad conversation in time, and instead mentioned a few words about the sword fight between Salomon and him. After the evening sword fighting practice, both of them entered the asylum. Unsurprisingly, they were both scolded by the goddess of medicine Al. Half of Salomon's palm was cut open, and the wound was as deep as the bone. Thor's injury was less serious, his shoulder was just bleeding a little, and there was a red mark on his face. Although practice will definitely hurt, but this time it was a bit too heavy (referring to Salomon).

They must not be able to attend the banquet in this state. The goddess of medicine, El Yitong, was busy and cured them before the banquet started.

The girls of the Asir Protoss are obviously more interested in this topic. Sol is a warrior among the younger generation of Asgard. Since Salomon can be on par with Thor, he must also be a warrior. So they clamored to hear the details of the sword fight.

Saul patted Salomon on the shoulder with a smile, and then walked to the balcony alone. Although he doesn't hate this atmosphere, he wants to be quiet now. Not getting news about Jane Foster from Salomon made him a little worried. Just getting news from Heimdall was not enough, he had many countries to see. Sol felt that he couldn't ask him to take too much time to pay attention to a mortal, even if it was the lover of the eldest prince.

"You used to have a carnival for weeks." Sif had already been waiting on the balcony. She dressed up deliberately, replacing her armor with a skirt and a tailored fur cape over her shoulders. However, Sol didn't pay much attention to her attire, he just thought it was a banquet attire.

"I still remember when you celebrated the battle of Harold, you were so excited that you almost wanted to jump into the next battle immediately." Thor mentioned the past, and Sif couldn't help laughing. Harojin is an enclave of Asgard outside the Nine Realms, and the victorious battle ended with Odin's treasury adding an additional treasure, the "Sorcerer's Eye". Because Sol and his companions suppressed the rebellion last time, when the Rainbow Bridge broke, that world did not initiate any rebellion out of fear of Asgard, which saved Sol a lot of energy.

"It's really fun to win for the first time." Sif said with a smile. She looked at Saul who was silent, trying to prolong the topic. She took Sol's hand, "Come and have a drink with me. The father of the gods will definitely not give you any more tasks tonight."

"No, this is my own task."

"You disappear every night, so it's really hard for people not to notice." Sif said empathetically, "There are nine kingdoms in total, and the future king of Asgard can't just pay attention to one."

"Thank you for your bravery and advice, dear Miss Sif." Sol smiled, turned and left.

The smile on Sif's face pulled a few times reluctantly, and then disappeared completely.

"Vorstagg!" She tore off the fur cape from her shoulders, then turned her head and yelled, "Bring the wine!"

Ask for a ticket! !

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